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Wednesday, 9 June 2021


                                      PLUS TWO COMMERCE COMPUTER APPLICATION 

                                              SOLVED QUESTIONS APRIL-2021


                  Answer the following questions from 1 to 44 upto a maximum score of 60.

      Questions from (a) to (e) carries 1 score each.                                                  (5 * 1 = 5) 

1. (a) Write the keyword from the following : 

 (i) area 

 (ii) total 

 (iii) break 

 (iv) start

    Ans. break

 (b) Name the built-in function used to copy one string into another.

    Ans. Strcpy()

 (c) Expand DNS.

    Ans. Domain Name System

 (d) A candidate key, that is not the primary key is called _____.

     Ans. Alternate key

 (e) SIM is 

 (i) Subscriber Identity Module 

 (ii) Subscriber Identity Mobile 

 (iii) Subscription Identification Module

 (iv) Subscription Identification Mobile.

   Ans. Subscriber Identity Module

               Questions from 2 to 21 carries 2 scores each.                                                      (20 * 2 = 40) 

2. Name any four tokens.

Ans. Keywords, Identifiers, Literals , Operators, Punctuators 

3. Write the syntax of for loop.

   for (initialization ; test expression ; updation ) 


 loop body ; 


 4. Write any two rules for naming identifiers in C++. 

Ans. User defined word . Sequence of letters, digits, underscore. . Keywords cannot be used . White space and special characters are not allowed, The first character - a letter or an underscore . Case sensitive

5. What is an array ? Write the syntax to declare an array. 

     (i) Collection of elements of the same type or any one relevant point to an array . 

         data_type array_name [size];

6.  Consider the following array :

 int a[5] = {4, 0, 7, 6, 1};

 write the output of

 (i) cout <<a [2];

 (ii) cout <<a[4];

Ans.  (i) 7

         (ii) 1

7.  Write the names of C++ built-in functions to : 

 (i) Find the length of a string. 

 (ii) Combine two strings.

Ans. (i) strlen( ) or strlen 

       (ii) strcat( ) or strcat

 8. Name the header files needed for the functions pow() and isdigit().

     Ans. (i) cmath or math.h 

             (ii) cctype or ctype.h

 9. What is a container tag ? Write an example.

     Ans. Tags with opening and closing tag.Example <HTML>,<BODY> etc

 10. Classify the following into tags and attributes : 

 (a) BR 

 (b) WIDTH

 (c) LINK

 (d) IMG

Ans. Tags – BR , IMG 

         Attributes – WIDTH, LINK

11. Write the purpose of <B> Tag and <U> Tag.

  Ans. <B> Tag - To make  the text bold

           <U> - To underline the text

12. Name any two attributes of <FONT> Tag.

   Ans. Color, Face, Size

13. What is a hyperlink ? Which is the tag used to create a hyperlink in HTML document ?

     Ans. A content which is linked to some other web page or some other section of same web page

    <a> tag

14. Write the names of any two attributes of <TR> tag.

  Ans.  Align, valign, bgcolor , background

15. Write the names of tags used to create an ordered and un-ordered list.

    Ans. <OL>,<UL>,<LI>

16. Write the names of any two datatypes in JavaScript.

   Ans. Number, String ,Boolean           (any two of them write) 

17. What is the importance of <SCRIPT> tag in JavaScript. Write its main attribute.

  Ans. Used to include scripting code in HTML

           Language/Src/Type  attributes

18. Distinguish between CHAR and VARCHAR datatypes in SQL.

      Ans. CHAR - fixed length, No. of characters 0 - 255. Memory Wastage . 

             VARCHAR - variable length . No. of characters 0 – 65535. No memory wastage

19. Name any two constraints in SQL. 

     Ans. NOT NULL, Primary key, Default, unique, Auto-increment.

20. Write any two benefits of using ERP.

     Ans.  ERP is Enterprise resource planning .Provides accurate information, Improved resource utilization, Better customer satisfaction, Decision making capability, increased flexibility, information integrity

21. Explain any one cyber crime against individuals. 

      Ans. Identity Theft , Harassment , Impersonation , Violation of Privacy , Dissemination of Obscene Material:

            Questions from 22 to 41 carries 3 scores each.                                    (20 * 3 = 60)

 22. Write a C++ program to add two numbers. 

Ans. #include <iostream>

        Using Namespace std;

       int main()


       int sum,a,b;

       cout<"Enter the name:;


      sum = a+b;



23. What is the merit of using gets() function in C++ ? Which is the necessary header file to use it ? 

  Ans. The gets() allows the user to enter the space separated strings.

          Header file <cstdio> or <stdio.h>

24. Differentiate call by value and call by reference method of function calling.

      Ans. Call by Value :Ordinary variables are used . Actual parameters can be constants, variables or expressions. Only a copy of the argument is passed to the function . Changes made to formal arguments do not reflect actual arguments. Actual arguments and formal arguments are stored in different memory locations.

Call by reference - Reference variables are used as formal variables. Actual parameters will be variables. Actual parameter is passed. Changes made in the formal arguments do reflect in actual arguments, Actual arguments and formal arguments are stored in same memory locations.

 25. Compare static and dynamic webpages. 

     Ans. Static -content is fixed. does not use database, executed on browser. Easy to develop. less expensive. 

         Dynamic - content changes. use database. executed on server and displayed the result on browser. Not easy to develop . Expensive. Requires programming skills.

26. What are the differences between client side and server side scripts ? 

      Ans. Client side [ Scripts is copied to the client browser. Executed by the client browser. Validating user inputs, Create static web pages. Some browsers do not support scripts. User can block.] 

Server side [ Scripts remains in the web server. Executed by the web server. used for processing data. Used to create dynamic web pages. Does not depend on browser. User can’t block]

27. Write the names of any three attributes of tag. 

     Ans. Bgcolor, background, link, topmargin, leftmargin, text, Alink, Vlink

28. What is a Script ? Name any two server side scripting languages. 

      Ans. Definition. [ program codes written inside HTML pages] PHP, ASP, JSP , VB script

29. Which are the attributes of tag ? Write their default values.

      Ans. Type , Start 

              Default value is 1.

 30. Write any three attribute of <INPUT> tag. 

        Ans. Type, Name, Value, Size, Maxlength

31. What is a definition list ? Which are the tags used to create definition list ?

         Write the definition. <DL>,<DD>,<DT>

32. (i) Predict the value of z in the following code :

 var x, y;

 x = "20";

 y = 30;

 z = x + y; 

 (ii) What are the two uses of ‘+’ operator in JavaScript ? 

  Ans. a. 2030 

             b.  Arithmetic addition and string addition/ string concatenation operator.

33. Write JavaScript functions to perform the following :

 (a) To check whether a value is number or not. 

 (b) To return the upper case form of given string.

 (c) To return the character at a particular position.

    Ans.  (a) isNaN() (b) toUpperCase() (c) charAt()

 34. Write a short note on shared web hosting.

       Ans. Shared Hosting: Different websites are stored on one single web server. Share resources like CPU, Memory etc. Cheaper and easy to use. The bandwidth is shared. It may slow down the websites . Suitable for small organizations.

 35. (i) What is the use of FTP client software ? 

       (ii) Write the name of any one FTP client software. 

       Ans. i).  Transferring files between client and server. Upload files to server. Download files from server. Unauthorized access is denied by using user name and password.

               ii) File Zilla, Cute FTP, Smart FTP etc.

 36. Describe any three advantages of using DBMS.

      Ans. Controlling Data redundancy, Data Consistency, Efficient data access, Data Integrity , Data Security , Sharing of data , Enforcement of standards, Crash recovery [ Mention Any three advantages of DBMS. 

37. Explain the different levels of data abstraction in DBMS.

      Ans. Physical level – describes how data is stored on devices. Decision about file organization... , Logical level (conceptual level - describes what data are stored and relationships ) , View level - ( User is given only necessary information ).

 38. Write the names of three components of SQL. 

      Ans. DDL, DML, DCL

39. Write the use of any three DML commands in SQL.

     Ans. DML commands allows user to INSERT ( insert tuples into tables), DELETE ( remove rows ) , UPDATE (modify values in columns) , SELECT (retrieving information ) data from databases

 40. Write the names of any three functional units of ERP. 

    Ans. Modules – Financial , Manufacturing, Production Planning, HR, Inventory Control, Purchasing , Marketing , Sales and Distribution, Quality Management .

41. What are the specialties of second generation networks in mobile communication ? 

    Ans. Allowed voice and data transmission. Improved audio quality. Introduced data services for mobile. MMS introduced. The 2 standards GSM (globally accepted standard for digital communication) and CDMA (several users to share a band of frequencies.) were introduced. Users can select a handset of their choices. Technologies like GPRS and EDGE are used. CDMA provides better coverage, better voice quality, and high security than GSM.

             Questions from 42 to 44 carries 5 scores each.                                                      (3 * 5 = 15)

42. Given a C++ code :

 if (n = = 'L') 

 cout <<"Turn Left"; 

 else if (n = = 'R') 

 cout <<"Turn Right";


 cout "Go Straight"; 

 What will be the output if 

 (i) Value of n is ‘R’ 

 (ii) Value of n is ‘S’ 

(iii) Rewrite the code using switch case.

    Ans.  (i) Turn Right or ‘ERROR’

           (ii) Go straight or ‘ERROR’ 

          (iii) switch (n) 


 case ‘L’ : cout<<”Turn Left” ; 


 case ‘R’ : cout<<”Turn Right “ ;

                 break ; 

       default : cout<<”Go Straight “; 


43. Write HTML program to create the following webpage :

 Name     Roll_No

 ABC           1

 PQR           3 

XYZ            4  

44. (i) What is relational algebra in DBMS ? 

    (ii) Briefly explain about any three relational algebra operations.

    Ans. Definition.



Tuesday, 1 June 2021



                                               MALAYALAM COMPUTING

1. Write four Unicode of Malayalam Fonts

    Ans. Meera, Rachana, Suruma, Raghu

2. --------------- is the practice of converting a text from one text to another in a systematic way.

 Ans. Transliteration

3.What is called ILeap

   ILeap is a multilingual word processor  for windows with all the features like inserting images and clip art  graphics. ILeap supports all Indian languages. ILeap  shows an  on  keyboard to help the user in easily typing in other languages besides English.

4. What is called Malayalam Computing?

      Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (SMC) is a free software community and non profit charitable society working on Malayalam and other Indic languages. It is the biggest language computing developer community in India.  They have created several Malayalam fonts.

5. What are the aims of the Malayalam Computing Projects?

      Malayalam Computing aims at strengthening malayalam language ,making use of ICT.It tries to create a Malyalam web portal for every Panchayath in Kerala which would include details such as local,natural,human resources,local economy,local industry and services.Govt. will facilitate with the development of these portals by providing server space and technical support.

6. Give the importance of free software in the language computing.

            Free software gives users the freedom to study how the program works by accessing the source code, writing additional code, testing, modifying and distributing it. These things are prohibited for proprietary software.

7. Compare UNICODE with ASCII code.

        The UNICODE is the Universal character encoding standard used for representation of text for computer processing. It is fully compatible with the international standard ISO/IEC. Unicode provides a consistent way of encoding multilingual plain text. It is destined to replace ASCII and other single and multi-byte characters sets which are limited in size and are multilingual environment.

8. Give details of any three types of Malayalam Fonts.


9.Write the steps to install Malayalam fonts in Windows and Linux.


Step I: Download Font from Malayalam Font Page (Look at Main Menu).

Step II: After download the zip file -> Extract it -> Now you will found .ttf file

Step III: Now go to Start -> Control Panel -> Fonts -> Paste the font file

Step IV: You done all thing now go to MS word select font from drop down and type in Malayalam font.

Click Here to download Malayalam Font . For learning Malayalam typing & English to Malayalam translation use our other tools.