
Saturday 5 December 2020

DCA : PAPER - 1 INFORMATICS -Previous Year(2017 - June) Solved Questions.


                                                                        Paper - 1


                                                  Previous Year( June 2017) Solved Questions

                                                                   Section -1

1. ------------------------ introduced the concept of stored program.

  Ans.  Computer

2. USB stands for

     Ans. Universal Serial Bus.

3. -------------------- is an example for a company that manufacture microprocessor.

    Ans. Intel

4. Cache memory is placed between the processor and ---------------

    Ans. Primary memory

5. ------------ is an example of 4GL(4th Generation Programming Language).

   Ans. Database Query Language  eg. SQL

    others are Metafont,  Focus, Postscript etc

6. -------------------- is an example of volatile memory

   Ans. RAM(Random Access Memory)                                                               (6*1 =6 marks)

                                                       Section 11

7. Which of the following is an example for primary memory.

  a. RAM

  b. Optical Disk

   c. Hard disk

  d. Punched card 

   Ans. a

8. Which of the following is an example for sequential access drive.

  a. Floppy disk

 b.   Hard disk 

  c.  Zip disk

  d.  Pen drive

   Ans. all options are wrong

9. -------------------- is an example for an input device.

   a. Monitor

    b. Printer

     c. Plotter

      d. Touch Screen

Ans. d.

10. --------------- is an example for a system software.

  a. Excel

   b. GNU/Linux

   c. Microsoft office

    d. Open office

 Ans. b

11. In a single bit how many bits will be there?

   a. 8

   b. 16

    c. 4

    d. 32

  Ans. a                                                                                                  (5*1=5 marks)

                                                               Section 111

                                                           Answer all questions

12. List the features of 4th generation of computer?

      1. The fourth generation of computers have microprocessor - based system. It uses VLSI (Very                     Large Scale Integrated) circuits.

       2. Very reliable

        3. Heat generated is negligible.

         4. No air conditioner is required.

          5. Operation speed is pico seconds.

           6. Easy portable.

13. Why a microprocessor is needed in a computer?

           Microprocessor is the most important component in a computer. It is used to build a system which can perform multiple tasks. It is a programmable device that takes in input perform some arithmetic and logical operations over it and produce desired output.

14. What do you understand the term Hyper threading?

          Hyper threading is a technology used by some Intel microprocessors that allows a single microprocessor to act like two separate processors to the operating system and the application programs that use it.

15. Write about EEPROM?

      Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 

              The stored information can be altered by using electrical signal at register level rather than erasing all the information.

16. List the different magnetic storage devices?

         Hard disks, Floppy disks,  Magnetic tape

17. Write the characteristics of a monitor?



Refresh rate.

Interlaced or non – interlaced.

Dot pitch.

18. What do you understand by the term  Kernal  of an operating system?
           The kernel is a computer program at the core of a computer's operating system that has complete control over everything in the system.

19. Write examples of virus(any two)

   Ans. File virus ,Boot sector virus, Macro virus.

20. write about software piracy?

       When you are copying a software product without the legal permission of its creator this act is known as software piracy.

21. What is a computer?

       Computer is an electronic programmable data processing machine. It can store ,process and retrieve data as and when desired.
                                                                                                                                     (10*2= 20 marks)

                                                  Section 1V
                                             Answer any 9 questions

22. Explain the different classification of computer based on size.

              Computers can be classified by their size ,speed , storage capacity and application domain. They are
     Micro computers ,Mini computers ,Main frame computers and Super computers.

 (Ref text and study Brief description about all)

 23.List the different types of Micro computers.
    Different types of Micro computers are Desktop computers, Laptops ,Palm tops.

Desktop Computers:  The desktop computers are also known as PCs are the most common type of micro computers intended for personal and office use of an individual.

Laptops : A laptop is a portable micro computer that a user can carry around. They are small computers including all the features of a normal personal computer. The advantages are light weight and flat.

Palm tops : The palm top computers are essentially small portable computers and its weight and size are suitable to handle it on our palm.
24. Write the function of motherboard?

         Motherboard holds many of the crucial electronic components of the system such as CPU ,memory and provides connectors for other peripherals .It also includes sound card ,video cards network cards etc.  It can be considered as the backbone of a computer.

25. How can we differentiate two microprocessors? 
             Question is not correct
26. Write down the characteristics of Secondary Memory.

           Overcome the limitations of primary memory ,the secondary storage devices are introduced.
Secondary storage devices are low cost ,large storage capacity and data stored are permanent in nature. 
 27. List and explain the different types of RAM?

      SRAM and DRAM are two different types of RAM.
   SRAM (Static RAM) : Binary bits are stored using traditional transistor flip flop.Here the bits are represented by voltages. They are fast but costly.

DRAM(Dynamic RAM) : information is stored in the form of charges on a capacitor. Because capacitors have a natural tendency to discharge, its contents must be periodically refreshed. they are small in size ,less cost ,slow and consumes less power than SRAM. Available variations of DRAMs
Synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM), Double Data Rate - SDRAM(DDRAM)
and RDRAM (Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory)

28. Explain the different pointing devices?

            Mouse ,Optical mouse ,Trackball, Track pad ,Track point and Joystick are the different types of pointing devices.

Mouse : Mouse is the most popular pointing devices. It is a small hand held device that fits comfortably in user's palm.

Optical mouse : An optical mouse is an advanced computer pointing device that uses a light -emitting   diode(LED) and optical sensor.

Trackball : A trackball is a cursor control device used in many notebook and laptop computers. The trackball is usually located in front of the keyboard towards the user.

Track Pad : It is one of the latest pointing devices. It looks like a small ,gray window about two inches wide.

Track point : This device is also called an eraser pointer because it resembles the shape of a pencil eraser.

Joystick : It is used to move the cursor position on screen. Its function is similar to that of a mouse.
 29. What do you understand by language translator? List and explain different types of translators?

            The software which translate programs written in one language to another language is generally known as Language processors.

                  Assembler ,Compiler and Interpreter are types of translators.
Assembler : Assembler is a language processor ,that converts assembly language programs into            equivalent machine language programs.

Compiler : Compiler is a language processor ,that translates programs written in High level language    into Machine language.

Interpreter : An interpreter is an another type of language translator used to translate high level            language program into machine language program.

30. List the different freedom offered by free software?

        1. The freedom to use the program ,for any purpose and any where.

         2. The freedom to study how the program works ,and modify it as you wish.
          3. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your friends.

           4. The freedom to distribute  copies of your modified versions to others.

31. Explain the different application of IT?

     Business ,Medicine and Healthcare ,Entertainment, E- Governance ,Education, Engineering Manufacturing ,Science and IT policy.
(Ref text book and Brief study about  the topics)                                   (9*5= 45marks)

                                                                 Section v

                                                     Answer any 3 questions

32. List and explain  the different characteristics of a computer

33.  With a neat block diagram explain the organization of a computer.

34. Explain the different types of operating system.

35. List and explain the different types of E- commerce.                         (3*8 =24)