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Tuesday, 23 November 2021

UGC (computer application) net based questions from computer networks


                                               UGC net solved questions

                                                   Computer networks

1. The number of bits that can be transmitted over a network in a certain period of time 

   ans. Bandwidth

2. A network topology that combines features of linear bus and star topology

Ans. Tree

3.  The local area network technology used in ethernet

   Ans. CSMA/CD

4. A point to point link that supports data flowing in only one direction at a time

 Ans. Half duplex link

5. A networking device used to connect similar type of LANs

 Ans. bridge

6. Binary search algorithm employs the strategy of

  Ans. Divide and conquer technique

7. The worst case time complexity of merge sort algorithm for input size n.

   Ans. theeta(nlogn)

8. Time complexity of Prim's minimum spanning tree algorithm is

   Ans. theeta(nlogn)

9. Hidden terminals in a wireless network may cause 

 Ans. Collisions

10. DHCP stands for

  Ans. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

11. In a BST the traversal type which would print the values in the nodes in sorted order is

    Ans. Inorder

12. Which among the following searching technique takes O(1) time to locate  a data

    Ans. Hashing

13. Given a linked list with n elements. Then the time taken to insert an elementafter an element pointed to by some pointer is

  Ans. O(1)

14. Which one is used to connect two systems, specifically if the system use different protocols

   Ans. Gateways

15.  Which one of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring email messages from one machine to another

  a)RPC b)FTP c)SMTP d)RTP

  Ans. SMTP

16. The device that is used to forward data packets from one network to another is called a -------------

     Ans. Switch

17. In order to sort a list L consisting of a sorted list followed by a few random elements, which one of the following sorting methods would be suitable?

     Ans. Insertion sort

18. Merging 4 sorted files containing 50,10,25 and 15 records respectively takes ------------- time.

   Ans. O(100)

19. Using bubble sort the no. of interchanges required to sort 5,1,6,2 and 4 in ascending order is 

    Ans. 5

20. The maximum length (in bytes) of an IP packet.

    Ans. 65535

21. Which among the following is not an HTTP request


22. An RPC uses ------- to execute a routine on a remote system

   Ans. UDP

23. IPV6 uses ----- bit addresses.

   Ans. 128

24. Which of the following protocols is used to share the same IP address among different computers(as long as they are not simultaneously active

 Ans. DHCP

25. The port number used by SMTP

   Ans. 25

26. Which is not a comparison based sort?

     Ans. Radix sort

27. which of the following is the fastest sorting method?

     Ans. Heap sort

28. Which of the following is not an e-mail protocol?

      Ans. SNMP

29. Which of the following is not  valid IPv4 addresses 

     a) b) c) d)

    Ans. b

30. Address resource records are associated with

     Ans. DNS server

31. The sorting method which is used for external sort is

    Ans. Merge sort

32. The complexity of merge sort algorithm

    Ans. O(nlogn)

33. Worst case efficiency of binary search is

    Ans. log n

34. The time taken by NP-class sorting algorithm is

       Ans. O(n)

35. What is the type of algorithm used in solving the 8 Queens problem

      Ans. Backtracking

36. Prims algorithm is based on ------------- method

      Ans. Greedy method

37. How many nodes are there in a full state space tree with n=6

     Ans.  63

38. Graph coloring is which type of algorithm design strategy

  Ans. Backtracking

39. Recursive algorithm are based on

   Ans. Divide and conquer approach

40. The asymptotic notation for defining the average time complexity

   Ans. Equivalence

41. ------------ is a process to process protocol that adds only port addresses, checksum, error control and length information to the data from the upper layer.

  Ans. UDP

42. Full binary tree with n leaves contain 

    Ans. 2n-1 nodes

43. Which device translates between data formats

    Ans. Gateways

44. The IP address is names as

    Ans. Loop back address

45. Error correction in the data link layer is achieved by

    Ans. Hamming codes

46. File transfer protocol that uses UDP is

    Ans. TFTP

47. The complexity of linear search algorithm of an array of n elements

     Ans. O(n)

48. What is the worst case complexity of quick sort?

     Ans. O(n^2)

49. How many distinct binary trees are possible with n nodes?

      Ans. 2^n-n

50. Average case complexity of quick sort algorithm?

     Ans. O(n logn)

51. A binary tree with 20 nodes can have ---------- null branches

  Ans. 21

52. A common property of the selection sort and quick sort algorithm is

   Ans. An in place sorting method

53. Which algorithm has running time O(n^2) in the worst case but O(n log n)on average

     Ans. Quick sort

54. Minimum cost of spanning tree algorithm uses a technique of

   Ans. Greedy method

55. A binary tree with 8 nodes produced 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 as in the order reverse. What is the root node of the tree

   Ans. Can not determined

 56. Which among the devices interconnects networks and operate at the application layer

   Ans. Gateway

57. Port no assigned to FTP protocol is

   Ans. 21

58. Protocol of Wireless LAN

    Ans.  802.11

59. There is a diskless workstation on a TCP/IP LAN. Which will be the first protocol it will use?

   Ans. RARP

60. The protocol used in TCP/IP for dynamic address assignment is

    Ans. DHCP

61. Flow control in TCP/IP is handled using

   Ans. Checksum

62. The IP address of a node on a LAN based on TCP/IP is which class does this address belong?

  Ans. Class B

63. The default payload among the following that is used for translating from physical address to Internet address


64. Which property among the ones given below is not possessed by the HTTP protocol?

   Ans. Non-cached

65. The protocol used in TCP/IP for dynamic address assignment is

  Ans. DHCP

66. The depth of a complete  binary tree with n nodes is

   Ans. log(n+1)-1

67. Packets of the same session may be routed through different paths in

   Ans. UDP but not TCP

68. The standards for packet switched communication

     Ans. CCIT X.25 and X.21

69. A standard Rs-232C signal is


70. Which port is used by a TELNET communication session

    Ans. 23

71. -----------networking device is an example of network layer device(layer-3)

   Ans. Router

72. -------------application allows a user to access and change remote files without actual file transfer

   Ans. TELNET

73. Honeypot is 

   Ans. Intrusion detection technology

74. A sniffer is 

   Ans. A computer that configured to capture all traffic on a network

75. GPRS is

Ans. General packet radio service

76. --------------is the jacket  used in UTP cables.

  Ans. RJ 45

77. Packet f the same session may be routed through different paths in 

Ans. TCP and UDP

78. The address resolution protocol(ARP) is used for

   Ans. Finding the MAC address that corresponds to an IP address

79. The maximum Window size for data transmission used selective reject protocol with n-bit frame sequence is

 Ans. 2^n-1

80. An organisation has a class B network and wishes to form subnets for 64 departments. The subnet mask would be




Wednesday, 20 October 2021

DCA VIDEOS - Complete

Chapter 1 

Chapter Name : Introduction to IT
Video Part : 1

Chapter 1 
Chapter Name : Introduction to IT
Video Part : 2

Chapter 1 
Chapter Name : Introduction to IT
Video Part : 3

Chapter 1 
Chapter Name : Introduction to IT
Video Part : 4


Chapter 2 

Chapter Name : Computer organization
Video Part : 1

Chapter 2 
Chapter Name : Computer organization
Video Part : 2

Chapter 2 
Chapter Name : Computer organization
Video Part : 3

Chapter 2 
Chapter Name : Computer organization
Video Part : 4


Chapter 3 

Chapter Name : Computer Memory
Video Part : 1

Chapter 3 
Chapter Name : Computer Memory
Video Part : 2


Chapter 3 
Chapter Name : Computer Memory
Video Part : 3

Chapter 3 
Chapter Name : Computer Memory
Video Part : 4


Chapter 4 

Chapter Name : 
Video Part : 1

Monday, 11 October 2021




                                         UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NET BUREAU NET SYLLABUS

 Subject : COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS                                          Code No.:(87)

Unit - 1 : Discrete Structures and Optimization Mathematical Logic: 

Propositional and Predicate Logic, Propositional Equivalences, Normal Forms, Predicates and Quantifiers, Nested Quantifiers, Rules of Inference. 

Sets and Relations: Set Operations, Representation and Properties of Relations, Equivalence Relations, Partially Ordering. Counting, 

Mathematical Induction and Discrete Probability: Basics of Counting, Pigeonhole Principle, Permutations and Combinations, Inclusion- Exclusion Principle, Mathematical Induction, Probability, Bayes’ Theorem.

 Group Theory: Groups, Subgroups, Semi Groups, Product and Quotients of Algebraic Structures, Isomorphism, Homomorphism, Automorphism, Rings, Integral Domains, Fields, Applications of Group Theory.

 Graph Theory: Simple Graph, Multigraph, Weighted Graph, Paths and Circuits, Shortest Paths in Weighted Graphs, Eulerian Paths and Circuits, Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits, Planner graph, Graph Coloring, Bipartite Graphs, Trees and Rooted Trees, Prefix Codes, Tree Traversals, Spanning Trees and Cut-Sets. 

Boolean Algebra: Boolean Functions and its Representation, Simplifications of Boolean Functions.

 Optimization: Linear Programming - Mathematical Model, Graphical Solution, Simplex and Dual Simplex Method, Sensitive Analysis; Integer Programming, Transportation and Assignment Models, PERT-CPM: Diagram Representation, Critical Path Calculations, Resource Levelling, Cost Consideration in Project Scheduling.

                                           Unit - 2 : Computer System Architecture

Digital Logic Circuits and Components: Digital Computers, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Map Simplifications, Combinational Circuits, Flip-Flops, Sequential Circuits, Integrated Circuits, Decoders, Multiplexers, Registers and Counters, Memory Unit. 

Data Representation: Data Types, Number Systems and Conversion, Complements, Fixed Point Representation, Floating Point Representation, Error Detection Codes, Computer Arithmetic - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Algorithms.

 Register Transfer and Microoperations: Register Transfer Language, Bus and Memory Transfers, Arithmetic, Logic and Shift Microoperations. 

Basic Computer Organization and Design: Stored Program Organization and Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory-Reference Instructions, Input-Output, Interrupt. 

Programming the Basic Computer: Machine Language, Assembly Language, Assembler, Program Loops, Subroutines, Input-Output Programming. Microprogrammed Control: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Design of Control Unit. 

Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, RISC Computer, CISC Computer. Pipeline and Vector Processing: Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline, Vector Processing Array Processors.

 Input-Output Organization: Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt, DMA, Serial Communication. 

Memory Hierarchy: Main Memory, Auxillary Memory, Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory, Memory Management Hardware. 

Multiprocessors: Characteristics of Multiprocessors, Interconnection Structures, Interprocessor Arbitration, Interprocessor Communication and Synchronization, Cache Coherence, Multicore Processors.

                                   Unit - 3 : Programming Languages and Computer Graphics

Language Design and Translation Issues: Programming Language Concepts, Paradigms and Models, Programming Environments, Virtual Computers and Binding Times, Programming Language Syntax, Stages in Translation, Formal Transition Models. 

 Elementary Data Types: Properties of Types and Objects; Scalar and Composite Data Types.

 Programming in C: Tokens, Identifiers, Data Types, Sequence Control, Subprogram Control, Arrays, Structures, Union, String, Pointers, Functions, File Handling, Command Line Argumaents, Preprocessors.

Object Oriented Programming: Class, Object, Instantiation, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstract Class, Polymorphism. 

Programming in C++: Tokens, Identifiers, Variables and Constants; Data types, Operators, Control statements, Functions Parameter Passing, Virtual Functions, Class and Objects; Constructors and Destructors; Overloading, Inheritance, Templates, Exception and Event Handling; Streams and Files; Multifile Programs. 

Web Programming: HTML, DHTML, XML, Scripting, Java, Servlets, Applets. Computer Graphics: Video-Display Devices, Raster-Scan and Random-Scan Systems; Graphics Monitors, Input Devices, Points and Lines; Line Drawing Algorithms, Mid-Point Circle and Ellipse Algorithms; Scan Line Polygon Fill Algorithm, Boundary-Fill and FloodFill.

 2-D Geometrical Transforms and Viewing: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection and Shear Transformations; Matrix Representations and Homogeneous Coordinates; Composite Transforms, Transformations Between Coordinate Systems, Viewing Pipeline, Viewing Coordinate Reference Frame, Window to View-Port Coordinate Transformation, Viewing Functions, Line and Polygon Clipping Algorithms. 3-D Object Representation, 

Geometric Transformations and Viewing: Polygon Surfaces, Quadric Surfaces, Spline Representation, Bezier and B-Spline Curves; Bezier and B-Spline Surfaces; Illumination Models, Polygon Rendering Methods, Viewing Pipeline and Coordinates; General Projection Transforms and Cipping. 

                          Unit – 4 : Database Management Systems

 Database System Concepts and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas, and Instances; Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence; Database Languages and Interfaces; Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMS.

 Data Modeling: Entity-Relationship Diagram, Relational Model - Constraints, Languages, Design, and Programming, Relational Database Schemas, Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations; Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus; Codd Rules. 

SQL: Data Definition and Data Types; Constraints, Queries, Insert, Delete, and Update Statements; Views, Stored Procedures and Functions; Database Triggers, SQL Injection.

 Normalization for Relational Databases: Functional Dependencies and Normalization; Algorithms for Query Processing and Optimization; Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control Techniques, Database Recovery Techniques, Object and Object-Relational Databases; Database Security and Authorization. 

Enhanced Data Models: Temporal Database Concepts, Multimedia Databases, Deductive Databases, XML and Internet Databases; Mobile Databases, Geographic Information Systems, Genome Data Management, Distributed Databases and Client-Server Architectures. 

Data Warehousing and Data Mining: Data Modeling for Data Warehouses, Concept Hierarchy, OLAP and OLTP; Association Rules, Classification, Clustering, Regression,Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbour, Hidden Markov Model, Summarization, Dependency Modeling, Link Analysis, Sequencing Analysis, Social Network Analysis.

 Big Data Systems: Big Data Characteristics, Types of Big Data, Big Data Architecture, Introduction to Map-Reduce and Hadoop; Distributed File System, HDFS.

 NOSQL: NOSQL and Query Optimization; Different NOSQL Products, Querying and Managing NOSQL; Indexing and Ordering Data Sets; NOSQL in Cloud.

                             Unit – 5 : System Software and Operating System 

System Software: Machine, Assembly and High-Level Languages; Compilers and Interpreters; Loading, Linking and Relocation; Macros, Debuggers. 

Basics of Operating Systems: Operating System Structure, Operations and Services; System Calls, Operating-System Design and Implementation; System Boot.

 Process Management: Process Scheduling and Operations; Interprocess Communication, Communication in Client–Server Systems, Process Synchronization, Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Semaphores, Synchronization. 

Threads: Multicore Programming, Multithreading Models, Thread Libraries, Implicit Threading, Threading Issues. CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria and Algorithms; Thread Scheduling, MultipleProcessor Scheduling, Real-Time CPU Scheduling. 

Deadlocks: Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Avoidance and Detection; Recovery from Deadlock. 

Memory Management: Contiguous Memory Allocation, Swapping, Paging, Segmentation, Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Memory-Mapped Files. Storage Management: Mass-Storage Structure, Disk Structure, Scheduling and Management, RAID Structure.

 File and Input/Output Systems: Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure; FileSystem Mounting, File Sharing, File-System 

Structure and Implementation; Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and Performance; Recovery, I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O Requests to Hardware Operations.

 Security: Protection, Access Matrix, Access Control, Revocation of Access Rights, Program Threats, System and Network Threats; Cryptography as a Security Tool, User Authentication, Implementing Security Defenses. 

Virtual Machines: Types of Virtual Machines and Implementations; Virtualization. Linux Operating Systems: Design Principles, Kernel Modules, Process Management, Scheduling, Memory Management, File Systems, Input and Output; Interprocess Communication, Network Structure. 5 Windows

 Operating Systems: Design Principles, System Components, Terminal Services and Fast User Switching; File System, Networking.

 Distributed Systems: Types of Network based Operating Systems, Network Structure, Communication Structure and Protocols; Robustness, Design Issues, Distributed File Systems.

                                              Unit – 6 : Software Engineering 

Software Process Models: Software Process, Generic Process Model – Framework Activity, Task Set and Process Patterns; Process Lifecycle, Prescriptive Process Models, Project Management, Component Based Development, Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Formal Methods, Agile Process Models – Extreme Programming (XP), Adptive Software Development, Scrum, Dynamic System Development Model, Feature Driven Development, Crystal, Web Engineering.

 Software Requirements: Functional and Non-Functional Requirements; Eliciting Requirements, Developing Use Cases, Requirement Analysis and Modelling; Requirements Review, Software Requirment and Specification (SRS) Document.

 Software Design: Abstraction, Architecture, Patterns, Separation of Concerns, Modularity, Information Hiding, Functional Independence, Cohesion and Coupling; Object-Oriented Design, Data Design, Architectural Design, User Interface Design, Component Level Design. 

Software Quality: McCall’s Quality Factors, ISO 9126 Quality Factors, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management (RMMM); Software Reliability. 

Estimation and Scheduling of Software Projects: Software Sizing, LOC and FP based Estimations; Estimating Cost and Effort; Estimation Models, Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO), Project Scheduling and Staffing; Time-line Charts. 

Software Testing: Verification and Validation; Error, Fault, Bug and Failure; Unit and Integration Tesing; White-box and Black-box Testing; Basis Path Testing, Control Structure Testing, Deriving Test Cases, Alpha and Beta Testing; Regression Testing, Performance Testing, Stress Testing. Software

 Configuration Management: Change Control and Version Control; Software Reuse, Software Re-engineering, Reverse Engineering.

                                Unit – 7 : Data Structures and Algorithms 

Data Structures: Arrays and their Applications; Sparse Matrix, Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Forest, Binary Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree, B Tree, B+ Tree, B* Tree, Data Structure for Sets, Graphs, Sorting and Searching Algorithms; Hashing. 6 Performance 

Analysis of Algorithms and Recurrences:Time and Space Complexities; Asymptotic Notation, Recurrence Relations. Design Techniques: Divide and Conquer; Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms, Backtracking, Branch and Bound. 

Lower Bound Theory: Comparison Trees, Lower Bounds through Reductions.

 Graph Algorithms: Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Shortest Paths, Maximum Flow, Minimum Spanning Trees. 

Complexity Theory: P and NP Class Problems; NP-completeness and Reducibility.

 Selected Topics: Number Theoretic Algorithms, Polynomial Arithmetic, Fast Fourier Transform, String Matching Algorithms. 

Advanced Algorithms: Parallel Algorithms for Sorting, Searching and Merging, Approximation Algorithms, Randomized Algorithms.

                              Unit – 8 : Theory of Computation and Compilers

 Theory of Computation: Formal Language, Non-Computational Problems, Diagonal Argument, Russels’s Paradox. 

Regular Language Models: Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA), Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton (NDFA), Equivalence of DFA and NDFA, Regular Languages, Regular Grammars, Regular Expressions, Properties of Regular Language, Pumping Lemma, NonRegular Languages, Lexical Analysis.

 Context Free Language: Pushdown Automaton (PDA), Non-Deterministic Pushdown Automaton (NPDA), Context Free Grammar, Chomsky Normal Form, Greibach Normal Form, Ambiguity, Parse Tree Representation of Derivation Trees, Equivalence of PDA’s and Context Free Grammars; Properties of Context Free Language. Turing Machines (TM): Standard Turing Machine and its Variations; Universal Turing Machines, Models of Computation and Church-Turing Thesis; Recursive and RecursivelyEnumerable Languages; Context-Sensitive Languages, Unrestricted Grammars, Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages, Construction of TM for Simple Problems. 

Unsolvable Problems and Computational Complexity: Unsolvable Problem, Halting Problem, Post Correspondence Problem, Unsolvable Problems for Context-Free Languages, Measuring and Classifying Complexity, Tractable and Intractable Problems. 

Syntax Analysis: Associativity, Precedence, Grammar Transformations, Top Down Parsing, Recursive Descent Predictive Parsing, LL(1) Parsing, Bottom up Parsing, LR Parser, LALR(1) Parser.

 Semantic Analysis: Attribute Grammar, Syntax Directed Definitions, Inherited and Synthesized Attributes; Dependency Graph, Evaluation Order, S-attributed and L-attributed Definitions; Type-Checking. 7 Run

 Time System: Storage Organization, Activation Tree, Activation Record, Stack Allocation of Activation Records, Parameter Passing Mechanisms, Symbol Table. Intermediate Code Generation: Intermediate Representations, Translation of Declarations, Assignments, Control Flow, Boolean Expressions and Procedure Calls.

 Code Generation and Code Optimization: Control-flow, Data-flow Analysis, Local Optimization, Global Optimization, Loop Optimization, Peep-Hole Optimization, Instruction Scheduling.

                               Unit – 9 : Data Communication and Computer Networks

 Data Communication: Components of a Data Communication System, Simplex, HalfDuplex and Duplex Modes of Communication; Analog and Digital Signals; Noiseless and Noisy Channels; Bandwidth, Throughput and Latency; Digital and Analog Transmission; Data Encoding and Modulation Techniques; Broadband and Baseband Transmission; Multiplexing, Transmission Media, Transmission Errors, Error Handling Mechanisms.

 Computer Networks: Network Topologies, Local Area Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Wide Area Network, Wireless Networks, Internet. 

Network Models: Layered Architecture, OSI Reference Model and its Protocols; TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Physical, Logical, Port and Specific Addresses; Switching Techniques. 

Functions of OSI and TCP/IP Layers: Framing, Error Detection and Correction; Flow and Error Control; Sliding Window Protocol, HDLC, Multiple Access – CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, Reservation, Polling, Token Passing, FDMA, CDMA, TDMA, Network Devices, Backbone Networks, Virtual LANs. IPv4 Structure and Address Space; Classful and Classless Addressing; Datagram, Fragmentation and Checksum; IPv6 Packet Format, Mapping Logical to Physical Address (ARP), Direct and Indirect Network Layer Delivery; Routing Algorithms, TCP, UDP and SCTP Protocols; Flow Control, Error Control and Congestion Control in TCP and SCTP.

 World Wide Web (WWW): Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Domain Name Service (DNS), Resolution - Mapping Names to Addresses and Addresses to Names; Electronic Mail Architecture, SMTP, POP and IMAP; TELNET and FTP. Network Security: Malwares, Cryptography and Steganography; Secret-Key Algorithms, Public-Key Algorithms, Digital Signature, Virtual Private Networks, Firewalls. 

Mobile Technology: GSM and CDMA; Services and Architecture of GSM and Mobile Computing; Middleware and Gateway for Mobile Computing; Mobile IP and Mobile Communication Protocol; Communication Satellites, Wireless Networks and Topologies; Cellular Topology, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Wireless Transmission and Wireless LANs; Wireless Geolocation Systems, GPRS and SMS.

 Cloud Computing and IoT: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Public and Private Cloud; Virtualization, Virtual Server, Cloud Storage, Database Storage, Resource Management, Service Level Agreement, Basics of IoT

                                             Unit – 10 : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 Approaches to AI: Turing Test and Rational Agent Approaches; State Space Representation of Problems, Heuristic Search Techniques, Game Playing, Min-Max Search, Alpha Beta Cutoff Procedures.

 Knowledge Representation: Logic, Semantic Networks, Frames, Rules, Scripts, Conceptual Dependency and Ontologies; Expert Systems, Handling Uncertainty in Knowledge. Planning: Components of a Planning System, Linear and Non Linear Planning; Goal Stack Planning, Hierarchical Planning, STRIPS, Partial Order Planning.

 Natural Language Processing: Grammar and Language; Parsing Techniques, Semantic Analysis and Prgamatics. 

Multi Agent Systems: Agents and Objects; Agents and Expert Systems; Generic Structure of Multiagent System, Semantic Web, Agent Communication, Knowledge Sharing using Ontologies, Agent Development Tools. 

Fuzzy Sets: Notion of Fuzziness, Membership Functions, Fuzzification and Defuzzification; Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Functions and Linguistic Variables; Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Inference; Fuzzy Control System and Fuzzy Rule Based Systems.

 Genetic Algorithms (GA): Encoding Strategies, Genetic Operators, Fitness Functions and GA Cycle; Problem Solving using GA. 

 Artificial Neural Networks (ANN): Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning; Single Perceptron, Multi Layer Perceptron, Self Organizing Maps, Hopfield Network.





 The main objective is to assess the teaching and research capabilities of the candidates. The test aims at assessing the teaching and research aptitude as well. Candidates are expected to possess and exhibit cognitive abilities, which include comprehension, analysis, evaluation, understanding the structure of arguments, deductive and inductive reasoning. The candidates are also expected to have a general awareness about teaching and learning processes in higher education system. Further, they should be aware of interaction between people, environment, natural resources and their impact on the quality of life. 

          The details of syllabi are as follows:


Teaching Aptitude  Teaching: Concept, Objectives, Levels of teaching (Memory, Understanding and Reflective), Characteristics and basic requirements. 

 Learner’s characteristics: Characteristics of adolescent and adult learners (Academic, Social, Emotional and Cognitive), Individual differences.  Factors affecting teaching related to: Teacher, Learner, Support material, Instructional facilities, Learning environment and Institution. 

 Methods of teaching in Institutions of higher learning: Teacher centred vs. Learner centred methods; Off-line vs. On-line methods (Swayam, Swayamprabha, MOOCs etc.).

 2  Teaching Support System: Traditional, Modern and ICT based.  Evaluation Systems: Elements and Types of evaluation, Evaluation in Choice Based Credit System in Higher education, Computer based testing, Innovations in evaluation systems. 


Research Aptitude 

  Research: Meaning, Types, and Characteristics, Positivism and Postpositivistic approach to research. 

 Methods of Research: Experimental, Descriptive, Historical, Qualitative and Quantitative methods.  Steps of Research.  Thesis and Article writing: Format and styles of referencing.  Application of ICT in research.  Research ethics.


Comprehension  A passage of text be given. Questions be asked from the passage to be answered.


Communication  Communication: Meaning, types and characteristics of communication. 

 Effective communication: Verbal and Non-verbal, Inter-Cultural and group communications, Classroom communication. 

 Barriers to effective communication. 

 Mass-Media and Society. 


Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude  Types of reasoning.  Number series, Letter series, Codes and Relationships.  Mathematical Aptitude (Fraction, Time & Distance, Ratio, Proportion and Percentage, Profit and Loss, Interest and Discounting, Averages etc.).


 Logical Reasoning  Understanding the structure of arguments: argument forms, structure of categorical propositions, Mood and Figure, Formal and Informal fallacies, Uses of language, Connotations and denotations of terms, Classical square of opposition.  Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning.  Analogies.  Venn diagram: Simple and multiple use for establishing validity of arguments.  Indian Logic: Means of knowledge.  Pramanas: Pratyaksha (Perception), Anumana (Inference), Upamana (Comparison), Shabda (Verbal testimony), Arthapatti (Implication) and Anupalabddhi (Non-apprehension).  Structure and kinds of Anumana (inference), Vyapti (invariable relation), Hetvabhasas (fallacies of inference).


Data Interpretation  Sources, acquisition and classification of Data.  Quantitative and Qualitative Data.  Graphical representation (Bar-chart, Histograms, Pie-chart, Table-chart and Line-chart) and mapping of Data.  Data Interpretation.  Data and Governance.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  ICT: General abbreviations and terminology.  Basics of Internet, Intranet, E-mail, Audio and Video-conferencing.  Digital initiatives in higher education.  ICT and Governance. 


 People, Development and Environment  Development and environment: Millennium development and Sustainable development goals.  Human and environment interaction: Anthropogenic activities and their impacts on environment.  Environmental issues: Local, Regional and Global; Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Noise pollution, Waste (solid, liquid, biomedical, hazardous, electronic), Climate change and its Socio-Economic and Political dimensions.  Impacts of pollutants on human health.  Natural and energy resources: Solar, Wind, Soil, Hydro, Geothermal, Biomass, Nuclear and Forests.  Natural hazards and disasters: Mitigation strategies.  Environmental Protection Act (1986), National Action Plan on Climate Change, International agreements/efforts -Montreal Protocol, Rio Summit, Convention on Biodiversity, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, International Solar Alliance. 


 Higher Education System  Institutions of higher learning and education in ancient India.  Evolution of higher learning and research in Post Independence India.  Oriental, Conventional and Non-conventional learning programmes in India.  Professional, Technical and Skill Based education.  Value education and environmental education.  Policies, Governance, and Administration. 

NOTE: (i) Five questions each carrying 2 marks are to be set from each Module. (ii) Whenever graphical/pictorial question(s) are set for sighted candidates, a passage followed by equal number of questions and weightage be set for visually impaired candidates.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

DCA Recorded Class

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Wednesday, 9 June 2021


                                      PLUS TWO COMMERCE COMPUTER APPLICATION 

                                              SOLVED QUESTIONS APRIL-2021


                  Answer the following questions from 1 to 44 upto a maximum score of 60.

      Questions from (a) to (e) carries 1 score each.                                                  (5 * 1 = 5) 

1. (a) Write the keyword from the following : 

 (i) area 

 (ii) total 

 (iii) break 

 (iv) start

    Ans. break

 (b) Name the built-in function used to copy one string into another.

    Ans. Strcpy()

 (c) Expand DNS.

    Ans. Domain Name System

 (d) A candidate key, that is not the primary key is called _____.

     Ans. Alternate key

 (e) SIM is 

 (i) Subscriber Identity Module 

 (ii) Subscriber Identity Mobile 

 (iii) Subscription Identification Module

 (iv) Subscription Identification Mobile.

   Ans. Subscriber Identity Module

               Questions from 2 to 21 carries 2 scores each.                                                      (20 * 2 = 40) 

2. Name any four tokens.

Ans. Keywords, Identifiers, Literals , Operators, Punctuators 

3. Write the syntax of for loop.

   for (initialization ; test expression ; updation ) 


 loop body ; 


 4. Write any two rules for naming identifiers in C++. 

Ans. User defined word . Sequence of letters, digits, underscore. . Keywords cannot be used . White space and special characters are not allowed, The first character - a letter or an underscore . Case sensitive

5. What is an array ? Write the syntax to declare an array. 

     (i) Collection of elements of the same type or any one relevant point to an array . 

         data_type array_name [size];

6.  Consider the following array :

 int a[5] = {4, 0, 7, 6, 1};

 write the output of

 (i) cout <<a [2];

 (ii) cout <<a[4];

Ans.  (i) 7

         (ii) 1

7.  Write the names of C++ built-in functions to : 

 (i) Find the length of a string. 

 (ii) Combine two strings.

Ans. (i) strlen( ) or strlen 

       (ii) strcat( ) or strcat

 8. Name the header files needed for the functions pow() and isdigit().

     Ans. (i) cmath or math.h 

             (ii) cctype or ctype.h

 9. What is a container tag ? Write an example.

     Ans. Tags with opening and closing tag.Example <HTML>,<BODY> etc

 10. Classify the following into tags and attributes : 

 (a) BR 

 (b) WIDTH

 (c) LINK

 (d) IMG

Ans. Tags – BR , IMG 

         Attributes – WIDTH, LINK

11. Write the purpose of <B> Tag and <U> Tag.

  Ans. <B> Tag - To make  the text bold

           <U> - To underline the text

12. Name any two attributes of <FONT> Tag.

   Ans. Color, Face, Size

13. What is a hyperlink ? Which is the tag used to create a hyperlink in HTML document ?

     Ans. A content which is linked to some other web page or some other section of same web page

    <a> tag

14. Write the names of any two attributes of <TR> tag.

  Ans.  Align, valign, bgcolor , background

15. Write the names of tags used to create an ordered and un-ordered list.

    Ans. <OL>,<UL>,<LI>

16. Write the names of any two datatypes in JavaScript.

   Ans. Number, String ,Boolean           (any two of them write) 

17. What is the importance of <SCRIPT> tag in JavaScript. Write its main attribute.

  Ans. Used to include scripting code in HTML

           Language/Src/Type  attributes

18. Distinguish between CHAR and VARCHAR datatypes in SQL.

      Ans. CHAR - fixed length, No. of characters 0 - 255. Memory Wastage . 

             VARCHAR - variable length . No. of characters 0 – 65535. No memory wastage

19. Name any two constraints in SQL. 

     Ans. NOT NULL, Primary key, Default, unique, Auto-increment.

20. Write any two benefits of using ERP.

     Ans.  ERP is Enterprise resource planning .Provides accurate information, Improved resource utilization, Better customer satisfaction, Decision making capability, increased flexibility, information integrity

21. Explain any one cyber crime against individuals. 

      Ans. Identity Theft , Harassment , Impersonation , Violation of Privacy , Dissemination of Obscene Material:

            Questions from 22 to 41 carries 3 scores each.                                    (20 * 3 = 60)

 22. Write a C++ program to add two numbers. 

Ans. #include <iostream>

        Using Namespace std;

       int main()


       int sum,a,b;

       cout<"Enter the name:;


      sum = a+b;



23. What is the merit of using gets() function in C++ ? Which is the necessary header file to use it ? 

  Ans. The gets() allows the user to enter the space separated strings.

          Header file <cstdio> or <stdio.h>

24. Differentiate call by value and call by reference method of function calling.

      Ans. Call by Value :Ordinary variables are used . Actual parameters can be constants, variables or expressions. Only a copy of the argument is passed to the function . Changes made to formal arguments do not reflect actual arguments. Actual arguments and formal arguments are stored in different memory locations.

Call by reference - Reference variables are used as formal variables. Actual parameters will be variables. Actual parameter is passed. Changes made in the formal arguments do reflect in actual arguments, Actual arguments and formal arguments are stored in same memory locations.

 25. Compare static and dynamic webpages. 

     Ans. Static -content is fixed. does not use database, executed on browser. Easy to develop. less expensive. 

         Dynamic - content changes. use database. executed on server and displayed the result on browser. Not easy to develop . Expensive. Requires programming skills.

26. What are the differences between client side and server side scripts ? 

      Ans. Client side [ Scripts is copied to the client browser. Executed by the client browser. Validating user inputs, Create static web pages. Some browsers do not support scripts. User can block.] 

Server side [ Scripts remains in the web server. Executed by the web server. used for processing data. Used to create dynamic web pages. Does not depend on browser. User can’t block]

27. Write the names of any three attributes of tag. 

     Ans. Bgcolor, background, link, topmargin, leftmargin, text, Alink, Vlink

28. What is a Script ? Name any two server side scripting languages. 

      Ans. Definition. [ program codes written inside HTML pages] PHP, ASP, JSP , VB script

29. Which are the attributes of tag ? Write their default values.

      Ans. Type , Start 

              Default value is 1.

 30. Write any three attribute of <INPUT> tag. 

        Ans. Type, Name, Value, Size, Maxlength

31. What is a definition list ? Which are the tags used to create definition list ?

         Write the definition. <DL>,<DD>,<DT>

32. (i) Predict the value of z in the following code :

 var x, y;

 x = "20";

 y = 30;

 z = x + y; 

 (ii) What are the two uses of ‘+’ operator in JavaScript ? 

  Ans. a. 2030 

             b.  Arithmetic addition and string addition/ string concatenation operator.

33. Write JavaScript functions to perform the following :

 (a) To check whether a value is number or not. 

 (b) To return the upper case form of given string.

 (c) To return the character at a particular position.

    Ans.  (a) isNaN() (b) toUpperCase() (c) charAt()

 34. Write a short note on shared web hosting.

       Ans. Shared Hosting: Different websites are stored on one single web server. Share resources like CPU, Memory etc. Cheaper and easy to use. The bandwidth is shared. It may slow down the websites . Suitable for small organizations.

 35. (i) What is the use of FTP client software ? 

       (ii) Write the name of any one FTP client software. 

       Ans. i).  Transferring files between client and server. Upload files to server. Download files from server. Unauthorized access is denied by using user name and password.

               ii) File Zilla, Cute FTP, Smart FTP etc.

 36. Describe any three advantages of using DBMS.

      Ans. Controlling Data redundancy, Data Consistency, Efficient data access, Data Integrity , Data Security , Sharing of data , Enforcement of standards, Crash recovery [ Mention Any three advantages of DBMS. 

37. Explain the different levels of data abstraction in DBMS.

      Ans. Physical level – describes how data is stored on devices. Decision about file organization... , Logical level (conceptual level - describes what data are stored and relationships ) , View level - ( User is given only necessary information ).

 38. Write the names of three components of SQL. 

      Ans. DDL, DML, DCL

39. Write the use of any three DML commands in SQL.

     Ans. DML commands allows user to INSERT ( insert tuples into tables), DELETE ( remove rows ) , UPDATE (modify values in columns) , SELECT (retrieving information ) data from databases

 40. Write the names of any three functional units of ERP. 

    Ans. Modules – Financial , Manufacturing, Production Planning, HR, Inventory Control, Purchasing , Marketing , Sales and Distribution, Quality Management .

41. What are the specialties of second generation networks in mobile communication ? 

    Ans. Allowed voice and data transmission. Improved audio quality. Introduced data services for mobile. MMS introduced. The 2 standards GSM (globally accepted standard for digital communication) and CDMA (several users to share a band of frequencies.) were introduced. Users can select a handset of their choices. Technologies like GPRS and EDGE are used. CDMA provides better coverage, better voice quality, and high security than GSM.

             Questions from 42 to 44 carries 5 scores each.                                                      (3 * 5 = 15)

42. Given a C++ code :

 if (n = = 'L') 

 cout <<"Turn Left"; 

 else if (n = = 'R') 

 cout <<"Turn Right";


 cout "Go Straight"; 

 What will be the output if 

 (i) Value of n is ‘R’ 

 (ii) Value of n is ‘S’ 

(iii) Rewrite the code using switch case.

    Ans.  (i) Turn Right or ‘ERROR’

           (ii) Go straight or ‘ERROR’ 

          (iii) switch (n) 


 case ‘L’ : cout<<”Turn Left” ; 


 case ‘R’ : cout<<”Turn Right “ ;

                 break ; 

       default : cout<<”Go Straight “; 


43. Write HTML program to create the following webpage :

 Name     Roll_No

 ABC           1

 PQR           3 

XYZ            4  

44. (i) What is relational algebra in DBMS ? 

    (ii) Briefly explain about any three relational algebra operations.

    Ans. Definition.



Tuesday, 1 June 2021



                                               MALAYALAM COMPUTING

1. Write four Unicode of Malayalam Fonts

    Ans. Meera, Rachana, Suruma, Raghu

2. --------------- is the practice of converting a text from one text to another in a systematic way.

 Ans. Transliteration

3.What is called ILeap

   ILeap is a multilingual word processor  for windows with all the features like inserting images and clip art  graphics. ILeap supports all Indian languages. ILeap  shows an  on  keyboard to help the user in easily typing in other languages besides English.

4. What is called Malayalam Computing?

      Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (SMC) is a free software community and non profit charitable society working on Malayalam and other Indic languages. It is the biggest language computing developer community in India.  They have created several Malayalam fonts.

5. What are the aims of the Malayalam Computing Projects?

      Malayalam Computing aims at strengthening malayalam language ,making use of ICT.It tries to create a Malyalam web portal for every Panchayath in Kerala which would include details such as local,natural,human resources,local economy,local industry and services.Govt. will facilitate with the development of these portals by providing server space and technical support.

6. Give the importance of free software in the language computing.

            Free software gives users the freedom to study how the program works by accessing the source code, writing additional code, testing, modifying and distributing it. These things are prohibited for proprietary software.

7. Compare UNICODE with ASCII code.

        The UNICODE is the Universal character encoding standard used for representation of text for computer processing. It is fully compatible with the international standard ISO/IEC. Unicode provides a consistent way of encoding multilingual plain text. It is destined to replace ASCII and other single and multi-byte characters sets which are limited in size and are multilingual environment.

8. Give details of any three types of Malayalam Fonts.


9.Write the steps to install Malayalam fonts in Windows and Linux.


Step I: Download Font from Malayalam Font Page (Look at Main Menu).

Step II: After download the zip file -> Extract it -> Now you will found .ttf file

Step III: Now go to Start -> Control Panel -> Fonts -> Paste the font file

Step IV: You done all thing now go to MS word select font from drop down and type in Malayalam font.

Click Here to download Malayalam Font . For learning Malayalam typing & English to Malayalam translation use our other tools.

Monday, 15 February 2021

DCA: PAPER -4 PC TECHNIQUES - Previous Year (2017-June) Solved Questions


                                                                  PAPER -4 

                                                      PC TECHNIQUES

                                    Previous Year(June 2017) Solved Questions

                                                                   SECTION-1                                              (6*1=6 )  

1. Expansion of BIOS.

 Ans. Basic Input /Output System

 2. Expansion of HTTP is 

Ans. Hypertext Transfer Protocol

3. A -------------- is common pathway through which information flows from one computer component to another.

Ans. bus

4. ---------------- is a computer expansion slot.

 Ans. Network card

5. Expansion of USB is

Ans. Universal Serial Bus

6. Inter connection of computer network  is called ------------

 Ans. Internet

                                                                     SECTION -II                           (8*2=16)

7. Define bootstrap.

   Ans. Bootstrap is the most popular cascading style sheets framework for developing websites.

8. List different expansion slots used in the motherboard.

   1. Industry Standard Architecture(ISA) - Slowest type of bus.

   2. Personal Computer Interface(PCI) - Faster than ISA, supports  plug and play.

   3. Accelerated Graphics Plot (AGP) - Designed for video adapters.

9. How  to create a startup disk.

10. Define application software.

     Application software makes the computer useful for specific application for the user. For example banking, hospital management, reservation etc.

 11. Define operating system.

      An operating system  is a program that acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs.

12. Define protocol.

      A protocol is a standard set of rules for formatting and processing data. Protocol enable computers with  communicate each other.

13. Note on internet.

       The internet is the global system of interconnected computer network thatuses the internet protocol suits(TCP) to communicate between networks and devices.

14. Note on driver software.

                                                                    SECTION - III                                       (6*3=18)

 15. List back panel connectors.


16. Note on different types of RAM?

     There are two types of RAM. Static and Dynamic RAM.

SRAM has lower access time. Dynamic RAM has higher access time.

SRAM is costlier than DRAM.SRAM has low packaging density.

17. Explain about control panel?


18. Use of firewall.

        Firewall is a system of computer hardware and software that provides security to the computers in an organization. It controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic and deny malicious data from entering in to the computer.

19. Note on cookies.

     Cookies are small text files created when we browse a website. It may remember our username, password etc..so hackers can use them for their malicious purpose. They use cookies as spyware to keep track our activities in system. So cookies should be frequently removed.

20. Briefly explain dial-up modem.

         Dial-up connections require users to link their phone line to a computer in order to access the Internet. This particular type of connection—also referred to as analog—does not permit users to make or receive phone calls through their home phone service while using the Internet.

21. Short note on floppy disk drive.

         Floppy disk drive is a secondary storage device. It is made up of plastic coated with magnetic material. Its capacity is 1.44 MB. A floppy drive is used to read the data from a floppy disk. Data will lose when it kept inside a magnetic field or other chemicals, because it coated with magnetic substances.


                                                                          SECTION IV                               (2*5=10)

                                                                     (Ref the textbook)

22. List and explain any 4  motherboard parts.

23. Explain different computer network.

24. Note on Repeater, Bridge and Switch.

Monday, 1 February 2021

DCA: PAPER -2 MS OFFICE & INTERNET - Previous Year (2017-June) Solved Questions


                                                                 PAPER -2 

                                                 MS OFFICE & INTERNET

                                    Previous Year(June 2017) Solved Questions

                                                                   SECTION-1                                     6*1=6                         

1. The expansion of HTML is -------------

   Ans. Hyper Text Markup Language

2. ---------- command is used for creating a new directory in MS DOS.


3. ------ is an example of web browser.

  Ans. Google chrome

4. The short cut used for selecting all the text in MS Word is --------------

  Ans. Ctrl+A

5. The intersection of rows and columns create boxes are called --------------

   Ans. Cells

6. An example of RDBMS is --------------

  Ans. MYSQL

                                                           SECTION - 2                                            8*2= 16

7. How to select multiple adjacent files or folders in windows  based computer system?

8. Write down the steps to move one or more files or folders to from one place to another?

9. What is alignment ?Name the four types of alignments?

10. List out any two mathematical functions available in MS Excel and their meaning?

11. Explain how to change the font type and font color in MS Word?

12. What is a power point presentation?

13. What is a website?

14. What is a search engine? Give example

                                                       SECTION - 3                                   6*3= 18

15. What is an Email? How to create an Email?

16. How to insert a table in an MS Word document?

17. Explain the use of sum function in MS Excel with an example?

18. What is a DBMS? List the advantages of DBMS

19. Explain how to add a worksheet in MS Excel workbook and how to rename it?

20.Explain how to insert a word art and clipart in MSWord?

21. List the advantages of power point presentation?


                                                        SECTION - IV                                   2*5 =10

22.  What is mail merging? Explain the mail merging in  MS Word with suitable example?

23. Explain how to draw a column graph in MS excel with example?

24. With the help of table define terms primary key and foreign key?

Sunday, 10 January 2021

DCA : UNIT-2 :COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM (Chapter-5 Maintaining of Computer System)


                                                                                    UNIT -2

                                               COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM


                                                  MAINTAINING OF COMPUTER  SYSTEM


1. What do you mean by term 'Burning' ?

    Copying files to writable disc.

2. What is CD-R?

     CD-R stands for " Compact Disc Recordable ".  CD-R discs are blank CDs that can record data written by a CD burner. The word recordable is used because CD- Rs are often used to record audio, which can played back  by most CD players.

3. What is DVD +RW ?

     It stands for "Digital Versatile Disk Rewritable ". A DVD+RW is like DVD+R but can be erased and rewritten. DVD+RWs must be completely erased in order for new data to be erased.

4. What is cookie?

     Small text files that websites put on your computer to store information about you and your preferences or profile information.

5. What do you mean by back up of data?

    back up is the process of copying and archiving of computer data. Back up helps to resore the original data in case of data loss.

6. How data can be transferred from computer to flash drives?

   First of all, insert USB drive into any available USB port on your computer.

   Locate the file or folder on your computer that you would like to copy to the flash drive.

  Right - click the file.

  Select the  option "send to"

 Select "Removable Disk"

7. Why do we install antivirus in our computers ?

    Step 1 : Double click on AVG "setup" file. Waiting for sometime. One window will appear.

    Step 2 : Click " next" .

    Step 3 : Click "Accept". A window will come up.

    Step 4 : Click 'Accept' again. A window  will come up.

   Step 5 : Tick  " Standard Installation" and click " next". 

   Step 6 : Click "next". A window will appear.

   Step 7 : Click "next".

   Step 8 : Click ' Finish'. Wait for some time, A window will appear.

  Step 9 : Click "OK". Your installation is  completed.

   Step 10: Click " Next". Following window will appear 

   Step 11: Click '" Next".

  Step 12: Click "Next".

 Step 13 : Click "Next" button repeatedly. 

installation completed.

8. Why do we clean temporary internet files from our computer?

   Temporary Internet Files is that they take up a lot of hard drive space and can slow down your computer. Also they are a potential privacy threat. That is why it is recommended to delete Temporary internet Files every once in a while.

9. What is the use of system information facility in windows?

     System information shows details about your computer's hardware configuration, computer components, and software , including drivers.

10. List various system tools ?

     Disk Cleanup : It removes temporary files, empties the Recycle bin and removes variety of  a system files and other items that you no longer need.

   Defragmentation : Process of keeping scattered data in continuous memory locations.

11. What is disk defragmentation?

         Defragmentation, also known as “defrag” or “defragging”, is the process of reorganizing the data stored on the hard drive so that related pieces of data are put back together, all lined up in a continuous fashion.


                                                  Defragmented disk               Fragmented disk


                                                Essay type questions (ref text book)

12. List and explain any  two system tools in detail.

13. List and explain any three guidelines for computer maintenance.

14. Explain the burning process. Explain how CD/DVD can be burned using nero8.

15. What is the use of backing up of data? How it be done in windows7 operating system?





Wednesday, 6 January 2021

DCA : UNIT-2 :COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM (Chapter-4 Installing And Managing Windows 7)


                                                                               UNIT -2

                                                COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM


                                                 INSTALLING AND MANAGING WINDOWS 7

1. Pick the odd one out.

 a. Fdisk

b. G parted

c. format

d. Partition magic

 Ans. c

2. What is partitioning?

      The process of dividing a hard disk (or any other physical disk) into one or more region is called partitioning. A partition is a portion of a physical disk that functions as a separate physical disk called drive.( eg. C drive, D drive etc) .There are two types of partitioning. -primary and extended partition.

3. Explain various steps involving in installing windows 7.

  1. Switch on your computer and insert the bootable Window 7 DVD or bootable USB pen drive.

  2, Press any key 

3. Click "install now"  

4. Click next button A window will appear.

5. When tick the "I accept the license check box" and click "next" button ,A window will appear.

6. Click "Custom advanced "

7. Click "drive option advanced" when clicking it ,A window will appear.

8. Click "new". Here we are creating a new partition. After clicking a window will appear.

9. Give size of the first partition and click and "apply"

10. Click "OK". At that instances, A window will appear.

11. Click "next". A window will  be appeared. 

12. Wait until installation is completed.

13. Give the product key obtained from licensed vendor or tick "automatically activate and click next.

14. Give password .Click "next".

15. Give time and date correctly. Click "next". Installation will be completed. Now we are ready to use window 7.

4. What is formatting?

   The process of arranging a partition to store files and folders is called formatting.

5. Explain firewall and how to turn on firewall setting in windows7

     A firewall is software or hardware that checks information coming from the internet or network and then either blocks it or allows it to pass through to our computer depending on our firewall settings. 

  To turn on windows firewall .following steps can be done

  1. Select "Control panel" .Then A window appears

23. Click windows firewall

3. Click "Turn windows firewall on or off". Then A window will be appeared.

4. Click "Turn on windows firewall" and press ok.

6. What are the different  types of  internet connection available ?

   1. Wireless : 

                  Wireless connections are made possible through the use of a modem, which picks up Internet signals and sends them to other devices.

2. Broadband :

       The term broadband is shorthand for broad bandwidth. Broadband Internet connections such as DSL and cable are considered high-bandwidth connections. Although many DSL connections can be considered broadband, not all broadband connections are DSL(Digital subscriber line). 

3. Dial-up:

           Dial-up connections require users to link their phone line to a computer in order to access the Internet. This particular type of connection—also referred to as analog—does not permit users to make or receive phone calls through their home phone service while using the Internet.

Data card:

            Choose this if we have a data card purchased from an Internet Service Provider (ISP)like BSNL, Idea etc.

7. What is trouble shooting?

     The process of identifying and correcting common computer problem is called trouble shooting.

8. How to search for  a  file in window?

    Click the Start button, type the file name or keywords with your keyboard, and press Enter. The search results will appear. Simply click a file or folder to open it.

Screenshot of Microsoft Windows

9. Raju wants to share a file with his friend in a networked lab. How is it possible?

    Step 1: Right click the required file, click "share with".

Step2 : We can give "read" permission or "read" and write" permission depending on the requirement.