
Friday 21 January 2022

UGC (Computer application)net based solved multiple questions from DBMS


                       UGC net Computer Application solved  multiple questions

                                                DBMS(Database Management System)

1. Data abstraction means

   Ans. Putting together essential features without including background details.

2. A famous technique used in data warehousing

    Ans. OLAP

3. With QBE, inserting records from one or more source tables into a single target table can be achieved        by 

  Ans. Append action query

4. An attribute or set of attributes within one relation that matches the candidate key of some relation

  Ans. Foreign key

5. A subset of data in a data warehouse in the form of summary data related to  a particular department or business function 

Ans. Data  Marts

6. The normalization of  1NF relations to 2NF involves

Ans. Removal of partial dependencies

7. Tuple in relational algebra refers to

   Ans. Row

8. In relational algebra the query that finds customers who have a balance of over 800 is

 Ans. Pi customer_name(sigma balance>800(deposit)

9. The language component of DBMS which can be embedded in a program is

  Ans. The data manipulation language

10. A subschema expresses

   Ans. The external view

11. The language that has recently become the defacto standard for interacting application programs with relational database system is

   Ans. SQL

12. The view of total database content is

   Ans. Conceptual view

13. A foreign key imposes a specific kind of integrity to related tables. What is the name of the integrity?

  Ans. Referential

14. The -----------consists of individual user views of portions of the database.

  Ans. External level schema

15. An attribute that is used as a linkage from records in one table to a record in another table is specified as the---------

Ans. Foreign key

16. Data is stored on computer systems in files. The two basic file types are

  Ans. Master and Transaction

17. Which of the following cannot be blank(Null)

  Ans. Primary key

18. Third normal form is a term used to describe

   Ans. A database that is well structured

19. Select the option that matches the order of the languages to the order of the functions.

Querying, creating, modifying the database.


20. Which SQL command is a projection operation?


21. The ------------ clause is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query?

    Ans. SELECT

22. We express queries in QBE by

     Ans. Skeleton table. 

23. ------------is a set of permitted values for each attribute

     Ans. Domain. 

24. Minimal super keys are called

     Ans. Candidate key

25. A relation is in ----------------every non-key attribute is irreducibly dependent on the primary key.

     Ans. 2NF

26. A statement that the system executes automatically when a database related event occurs

     Ans. Trigger

27. If a relation is in BCNF then it is in

      Ans. 3NF

28. The margin of a word document can be displayed on the horizontal or vertical ruler with the mouse        and the

   Ans.  Alt Key

29. E-R modelling technique is

    Ans. Top-Down structure

30. Data items stored as grouped items is

    Ans. Record

31. data items are fragmented,  replicated and propagated in 

    Ans. DDBMS

32. In data manipulation the first element of T[5] is

    Ans. T[0]

33. Processed data is called

     Ans. Information

34. Which of the among the following DMLs given below is a domain calculus language

     Ans. QBE

35. A relation in BCNF with no multivalued dependencies is in 

    Ans. 4NF

36. From a table STUDENT with the fields ROLL NO.,NAME,MARK1,MARK2 and MARK3 which of the following SQL command list student with highest mark in mark1 field


37. Which of the following data structure is widely used in a network model RDBMS?

    Ans. Graph

38. Tables derived from the ER diagram are

    Ans. Are always in 1NF

39. Spurious tuple may occur due to

     1.Bad normalization

      2. Theta join

       3. Updating tables from join

     Ans. 1 and 3

40. If A---->BC,B---->E,CD----->EF hold in a relation scheme R(A,B,C,D,E,F).Which of the following functional dependencies also hold?

    Ans. AD---->CD

41.In a relation scheme R with attribute A,B,C which of the following defines the augmentation property?

   Ans.  If A---->B holds then AC----->BC where C is a subset of R

42. Discovery of hidden patterns in a very large database is called

    Ans. Data mining

43. SQL is 

    Ans. Data definition language and Data manipulation language

44. The way an application views the data from the database that the application uses is a 

     Ans. Sub schema

45. Which of the following is not characteristic of a relational database model

     Ans. Tree like structure

46. Which of the following SQL statement is not a DML statement


Ans. a

47. Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design

   Ans. 3NF

48. In write locks all distributed database concurrency control strategy

     Ans. A transaction is said to have write-lock on item A whenever it has  write lock on any copy of A

49.  A ---------- is responsible for the design and control of a company's database

    Ans. DBA