
Thursday 10 February 2022

UGC (Computer application) net based solved multiple questions from UNIX


                                 UGC net based solved multiple questions


1. The Unix incode contains ---------------pointers to data blocks and ------------- pointers to indirect blocks.

Ans. 12,3

2. The BSD version of UNIX was developed by

   Ans. University of Berkeley

3. An example of a file system whose contents are not actually stored anywhere, but are computed on demand is

 Ans. proc

4.  The UNIX shell 

     Ans. forms the interface between the user and the Kernal

5. The invalid file in UNIX from among the ones given below is

   Ans. /bin/unix

6. The very first process created by the Kernal in UNIX is

   Ans. init

7. Which of the following commands can be executed by a user for knowing the number of users logged in a UNIX system

Ans. who