
Monday 27 July 2020

+1] 1 - The Discipline of Computing Solved Questions Chapter wise

                                     PLUS ONE COMPUTER SCIENCE

                           First Year Computer Science Solved Questions Chapter wise ..

                                               Chapter  1  The Discipline of Computing

1.  What is the base of Mayan number system ? 

        The Mayan number system was a base twenty positional number system.It was called vigesimal           system. 

 2. Greek Number System is known as ......... 

      Ans. non-positional number system

 3.Which was the first computer for basic arithmetic calculations ? 

       Ans. Difference engine 

4. Who invented logarithm ?

 Ans. John Napier 

5.The first electronic computer was ............. 


6. What does EDVAC stands for ?

     Ans. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer 

7.Who was the first programmer in the world ?

     Ans. Ada Lovelace

8. What is the name of the machine developed by the Blaise Pascal?


9.Computing machine recognizes and operates in ............ language.

   Ans. Machine(binary based language that is in the form of 0 and 1).

10. Give the name for a simple kind of theoretical computing machine.

       Ans. Turing Machine

Short Questions and Answers 

1. Discuss the development of the number system from the egyptian to chinese era?

         The Number System is a method to represent numbers.Egyptian number system emerged around 3000BC.It used 10 as radix(base).It used the symbols 1 to 9,10 to 90,100 to 900 and 1000 to 9000.Later Sumerian/Babylonian number system began.It used 60 as its base.It was also known as sexagesimal system.Numbers were written from left to right.They did not use any symbol for zero,but they used the idea of zero.They used a blank space instead of zero.The Chinese number system emerged in 2500 BC.It used numbers from 1 to 9.

2. Discuss the impact of Hindu- Arabic numeral system in the world?

The Hindu-Arab number system orginated in India around 1500 years ago.It was a positional number system and had a symbol for zero.It was the India’s greatest contribution to the world.Later many countries adopted this number system.

3. Compare the Roman and Mayan's number system?

     The Romans started using numbers for practical purpose such as construction of roads and bridges etc.They used 7 letters(I,V,X,L,C,D and M).The Mayan number system was base 20.It could make accurate astronomical measurements.

4. Discuss the features of Abacus?

        The word Abacus means calculating board.It is also known as counting frame.It works on the basis of place value system.Arithmetic operations are carried out by manipulating the beads on the wires.The frame has two parts upper and lower.The upper part is called Heaven and the lower part is called Earth.It works on place value system.

5. Compare the Analytical engine and Difference engine of Charles Babbage?

     Analytical Engine was a proposed mechanical general purpose computer designed by Charles Babbage.It was the successor to difference engine.It was more versatile than difference engine and could perform any mathematical calculations.The difference engine was the first step towars the development of computer.It was designed by Charles Babbage.It was an automatic mechanical calculator designed to calculate polynomial functions. The name derives from the method of divided difference used for calculation.

6. Bring out the significance of  Hollerith's machine?

      Hollerith designed first electromechanical punched card.These cards can be used for input and output.This marked the beginning of automatic data processing systems.Hollerith is regarded as the father of modern data processing. Mark-1 Mark-1 is regarded as the earliest stored program computer.It was an electro-mechanical computer.It could perform the four basic operations(addition,sunstraction,multiplication and division).It was controlled by punched paper tape.
Mark-1 is regarded as the earliest stored program computer.It was an electro-mechanical computer.It could perform the four basic operations(addition,sunstraction,multiplication and division).It was controlled by punched paper tape.

7. Discuss the evolution of computer language?

       The first programming language developed for use in computers was called machine language. Machine language consisted of strings of the binary digits 0 and 1. To make programming easier, a new language with instructions consisting of English-like words instead of 0’s and 1’s, was developed. This language was called assembly language. Later new languages called high level languages were developed which are machine independent and which used simple English-like words and statements.

8. Discuss the working of Turing machine?

      Alan Turing made made significant contributions to the development of computer science,by presenting the concepts of algorithm and computing with the help of Turing Machine.He is regarded as the father of modern computer science. A turing machine is a theoretical computing device that manipulate symbols according to a table of rules.It can be adapted to simulate the logic of any computer algorithm.The action of a Turing machine is determined by (a) thecurrent state of the machine(b) the symbol in the cell currently being scanned by the head and (c) a table of transition rules.

    Long answer type questions

1. List and explain various generations of computers

    Generation of Computers 

Based on hardware technology computers are classified into different generations.Each generation represents different stages of development in technology used. 

First Generation(1940-56) 

The first generation computers used vacuum tubes.They used stored program concept.Input was based on punched cards and paper tapes. A vacuum tube is made up of glass and contains a filament. ENIAC, UNIVAC,EDVAC are some examples of first generation computers.

 Second Generation(1956-63) 

Second generation computers used transistors instead of vacuum tubes.They were less expensive and consumed less power than first generation computers.PDP-8,IBM1401 are examples of second generation computers.They use magnetic core memory for primary memory and magnetic tape and disk for secondary memory. 

Third Generation(1964-71) 

 Third generation computers were smaller in size and used integrated circuits(IC) instead of transistors.The keyboard and mouse were used instead of punched cards and printouts.Highlevel languages were used instead of machine language.IBM370,PDP-11 are examples of second generation computers. 

Fourth Generation(1971 onwards) 

Fourth generation computers used microprocessors instead of IC,hence they are also called microcomputers.They use Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) technology.A microprocessor consists of millions of transistors and components.Semiconductors were used as main memory.This generation saw the development of pointing devices like mouse and handheld devices.Fourth computers were more portable and reliable.

 Fifth Generation(Future) 

The present day computers belongs to this generation.They are based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).They are used in speech recognition,face recognition,robotics etc.This generation computers uses parallel processing and has faster execution speed.

2. Discuss the various computing machines emerged till 1900's.

      During early periods humans communicated with each other using symbols and later letters.Introduction of numbers led to the invention of Abacus ,the first computing machine.Today computers are used in every aspect of our life.The evolution of computers started with the invention of Abacus.Some important milestones in its evolution are examined below, 


The word Abacus means calculating board.It is also known as counting frame.It works on the basis of place value system.Arithmetic operations are carried out by manipulating the beads on the wires.The frame has two parts upper and lower.The upper part is called Heaven and the lower part is called Earth.It works on place value system. 

2 Napier's Bones 

Napier’s bones is a manually operated calculating device created by John Napier.It is also called Napier’s rods.A set of rods were used for calculation.These rods were carved from bones,hence it was called Napier’s bones. 


 Pascaline also called Arithmetic machine was the first adding machine to give accurate results.It was designed by a French mathematician Blaise Pascal.It could only do addition and substraction.It operated by using a series of wheels and cylinders. 

 Leibniz’s calculator

 Lebiniz’s calculating machine was also called step Reckoner.It performed multiplication by repeated addition and shifting.It used rotating gears to represent numbers. Jacquard’s loom In 1801 Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a power loom that could base its weave upon a pattern automatically read from punched wooden cards.This invention reduced human b labour and allowed to store pattern on punched cards.

 Difference engine

 The difference engine was the first step towars the development of computer.It was designed by Charles Babbage.It was an automatic mechanical calculator designed to calculate polynomial functions. The name derives from the method of divided difference used for calculation. 

Analytical Engine 

 Analytical Engine was a proposed mechanical general purpose computer designed by Charles Babbage.It was the successor to difference engine.It was more versatile than difference engine and could perform any mathematical calculations. 

Hollerith’s machine

 Hollerith designed first electromechanical punched card.These cards can be used for input and output.This marked the beginning of automatic data processing systems.Hollerith is regarded as the father of modern data processing. 
Mark-1 is regarded as the earliest stored program computer.It was an electro-mechanical computer.It could perform the four basic operations(addition,sunstraction,multiplication and division).It was controlled by punched paper tape..