
Tuesday 24 November 2020

DCA : UNIT -1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Chapter -5 Computer Software)


                                                           UNIT -1

                                               INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

                                                       CHAPTER -5

                                               COMPUTER SOFTWARE


1. Define Computer program?

        A sequence of instructions to perform a specific task, written in a programming language is called a computer program.

2. Name the three different categories of programming languages?

       Machine language, Assembly language, High level language.

3. Distinguish between System software and application software?

      System software is a set of programs ,designed to control ,manage and support a computer system an its data processing activities.

     Application software makes the computer useful for specific application for the user. For example banking, hospital management, reservation etc.

4. Give the advantages and disadvantages of machine language?

    Advantages:  Fastest execution .Direct control on hardware components. No need of a language                                    translator.

 Disadvantages: Machine dependent. Difficult to write program. Error pron. Difficult to detect error                                   and  modify. 

5. Why does an operating system become necessary for a computer system?

     It is a system software package to control and utilize all the hardware resources of a computer. An operating  system acts as an interface between computer hardware and user. Also we should  provide some software assistance to all the hardware components for their proper functioning.

6. List out the functions of an operating system 

   Processor management - The processor time slot is assigned to different tasks executed by computer.

Memory management - Allocation of main memory to various programs

Input/output management - The coordination and assignment of different input and output devices among various programs being executed.

File management - All computer systems are store, retrieve and share information. 

Such information units are called files.

Security - Provide provision to protect computer resources from unauthorized access.

Device control - All the peripheral devices are controlled and coordinated by corresponding driver modules of operating system.

7. Differentiate between Single User operating system and Multi user operating system ?

     This type of OS permits only one user to operate the computer at a time. Here the CPU connects with an output unit like a monitor and an input unit like keyboard  and mouse .

 Multi user operating system is two or more users can use a computer at a time. This architecture contains a central CPU.  A number of dumb terminals are connected to the CPU. 

8. What do you mean by the term language processors? Name the three types of language processors available?

    The software which translate programs written in one language to another language is generally known as Language processors or language translators.

Assembler Compiler and Interpreter are the three types of language processors.

9. Explain the use of an assembler

    Assembler is a language processor, that converts assembly language program into equivalent machine language program.

10. Explain the working of compiler and interpreter .How they differ?

      Compiler is a language processor ,that translates programs written in High level language into Machine language.

    Interpreter is another type of language translator used to translate high level language program into machine language program.

   Compiler will take the entire source program file as input then translate it into machine language program and save it as 'Object file' . Interpreter will take one statement at a time as input ,translate it into machine code which is immediately executed.

11. What are the  advantages and limitations of high level languages?

       Advantages : Easy to understand, program, error detection and correction. machine independent.

    Limitations : Slow execution. A language translator is needed.

12. What do you understand by Utility programs? Give examples.

     Utilities are those programs which are designed to assist day to day smooth functioning and maintenance of a computer system. Some of them are available as part of operating system and some others are available as third party software.

Examples are Antivirus software, backup utilities ,disc defragmenter , compression utilities etc.

13. Write a short note on Malicious Software?

     Malicious software ( Malware) includes computer viruses, worms trojan horses ,spyware, cookies and other malicious programs.

A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto our computer without our knowledge and damage routine and normal working of our computer system. A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate itself and use memory. Trojan horse is a non-self- replicating type of malware program containing malicious code. A spyware is a software that monitors user activity on the internet and transmits that information in the background to someone else.

14. What is software piracy?

           When you are copying a software product without the legal permission of its creator this act is known as software piracy.

15. Discuss the different aspects of the term "Free software"?

    Free software means software that respects users freedom on means that the users have the freedom to use ,copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software.

                             Objective type questions and answers

1. pick the odd one out

 a. windows

 b. MS office

 c. Unix

 d. DOS

Ans. MS office

2. A set of programs, designed to control and manage a computer system is called --------------

   Ans. System software

3. The software which translate programs written in one language to another language is known as -----------------

Ans. Language processors