
Tuesday 10 November 2020

DCA-UNIT -1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY(Chapter 1- Introduction to IT)


                                                                      UNIT -1

                                                  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

                                                                     CHAPTER -1

                                                          INTRODUCTION TO IT 

1. Define Computer.

Computer is an electronic programmable data processing machine. It can store ,process and retrieve data as and when desired.

2. Distinguish between Data, Information and Knowledge.

Data is any fact connected with any object. For example, name of person(Tom),a number (it may be age, identification code or rank) etc.

Information is arranged and meaningful form of data. Example Mark list of a student, rank list for plus two etc.

Knowledge is the application of information in a given context.For example Speak a language, Play a musical instrument etc.

3. Explain the concept of data processing with a neat diagram.

     Data processing is a series of operations that convert raw data into use full information.

    Data processing consists of 4 sub activities 

1. Receive data as input

2. Manipulating data as per the instructions.

3. Provide the result(information) as output.

4. Keep the data and the information for future in storage location.


4. Explain the characteristics of a computer.

         Speed - Computer is very fast device. Computers work at a very high speed and are much faster than humans.

        Accuracy - Since computer is programmed so what ever input we give it gives result with accurately.

       Versatality - We can use to perform completely different type of work at the same time.

       Diligence -Computer can work can work for hours or days continously without creating any errors and any break.

     Storage capacity (Power of remembering) - Every piece of information that a user stores on a computer can be retained as long as needed.

   No intelligence - Computer is an electronic machine and it has no intelligence. A computer can not take its own decision.

    No feeling/No emotion - Computer have no feelings or emotions.They have no feelings because they are machines.

5. How many computer generations are there till now.?List out them.




6. Differentiate between SSI,MSI and LSI.

        The number of components fitted into a standard size integrated circuits(IC) represents its integration scale in other words density of components

       SSI - Small scale integration(This chip was introduced in third generation of computer.
It have contained only 10 to 20 components.

     MSI - Medium scale integration 
   It become possible to integrate upto 100 components on a single chip.

    LSI - Large scale integration
  It was possible to integrate over 3000 components i to a single chip.

7. Write a short note on Super computers.

                  A supercomputer is a computer with great speed and memory. This kind of computer can do jobs faster than any other computer of its generation. They are usually thousands of times faster than ordinary personal computers made at that time. Supercomputers can do arithmetic jobs very fast, so they are used for weather forecasting, code-breaking, genetic analysis and other jobs that need many calculations.

8. Define Word length

     Word length  of a processor means the maximum number of bits that can be handled by the processor at a time, during execution.

                              Long Answer Type Questions

1. Generations of computers and list out their merits and demerits.(Ref Textbook)

       Some objective type questions  and answers given below.

1.  One byte= 8 bits

 2. The arranged meaningful form of data is called ----------------

    Ans. Information

3. Pick the odd one out.

   a. Micro computer

    b. Laptop

    c. mini computer

     d. Super computer

Ans. b

4. Who is known as the father of modern computers?

    Ans. Alan Turing


  ENIAC -Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

  EDVAC -Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator

  EDSAC - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator.

  UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer

6.Which is the  first Indian super computer.

   Ans. Param Padma