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Friday, 18 December 2020

DCA : UNIT-2 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM ( Chapter-3 Windows 7 Operating System)



                                          COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM


                                               WINDOWS 7 OPERATING SYSTEM


1.Windows 7 is a _______operating system .

Ans: Graphical User Interface.

2. Windows 7 is a proprietary software of _________.

Ans: Microsoft.

3.------------------------ stories deleted files temporarily.

   Ans. Recycle Bin

4. Basic text editing program comes with Windows 7 is -------------.

  Ans. Word pad.

 5. Software comes with Windows 7 for simple calculation is ------------.

  Ans.  Calculator

6. Explain the different component of Windows 7 interface.

     1. The desktop

     2. The taskbar

      3. The start menu

      4. My computer

       5. Recycle Bin

       6. Windows Explorer

       Briefly explain the above topics in your own sentence.


Tuesday, 15 December 2020



                                                                     UNIT -2 

                                   COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM

                                                           CHAPTER- 2

                                              DISC OPERATING SYSTEM


1. MS DOS is a ------------------ operating system.

   Ans. Single user

2. Interface of MS DOS is ------------------ 

    Ans. Character user interface(CUI)

3. ----------------- command is used to display content of a file.

   Ans. TYPE.

4. ------------- command is used to create a directory.

   Ans. MKDIR/MD

5. ------------------ command is used to display a directory.

   Ans. DIR

6. -------------- command is used to display and set system time.

    Ans. TIME.

7. Explain the use of wildcard characters?

    A wildcard characters is a special symbol that stands for one or more characters. Many operating systems and applications support wildcard. In DOS, The asterisk(*) is a wild card stands for any combination of letters. The question mark(?) is a wild card characters that stands for any single character.

For example -c*.doc refers to all files that start with letter 'C' and having extension '.doc'.

F?C.txt refers to all files that starts with F, second letter may be any character and third character must be C with extension txt.

8. How can you execute MS DOS Command in Windows 7?

     We can execute DOS command in windows using cmd.exe

a. Click on start menu

b. type cmd.exe o  search programs and files.

c. press enter key.




Monday, 14 December 2020

DCA: UNIT - 2 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM (Chapter-1 Components Of A Personal Computer)



                                    COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEM


                                          COMPONENTS OF A PERSONAL COMPUTER


1. What is the normal size of the hard disk available today?

    a. 1KB

    b. 1MB

    c. 1024 bytes

    d. 1TB

Ans. d

2. The device which supplies controlled voltage to various components in CPU is ------------------

   Ans. SMPS(Switched Mode Power Supply)

3. ------------ is a PCB that is used to connect all main components together inside CPU cabinet.

  Ans. Mother Board

4. Expand USB

    Ans. Universal serial Bus

5. System date is stored using memory?

     a. RAM

    b. Secondary Memory

    c. CMOS memory

    d. ROM

Ans. c

6. BIOS means

    Ans. Basic Input Output System .The routine instructions present in ROM which is executed at the initial stage of booting are generally called BIOS.

7. What is booting?

     When we switch on the computer a series of activity take place and operating system is loaded into memory (RAM).This process is called booting.

8. Explain any three types of expansion slots?

   1. Industry Standard Architecture(ISA) - Slowest type of bus.

   2. Personal Computer Interface(PCI) - Faster than ISA, supports  plug and play.

   3. Accelerated Graphics Plot (AGP) - Designed for video adapters.

9. Explain various components present inside CPU cabinet?


Brief description about above components. Ref Text.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

DCA: PAPER -1 INFORMATICS - Previous Year (2018 -May) Solved Questions

                                                                    PAPER -1


                                                    Previous Year (2018 - May) Solved Questions


                                                                   Section- 1

1. The arranged and meaningful form of data is known as -----------------

    Ans. Information.

2. One byte is -----------

  Ans. 8 bits.

3. ENIAC stands for  -------------

  Ans. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.

4. The most common layout of a keyboard is ------------


5. MICR stands for ----------------

    Ans. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

6. In a ----------- operating system ,two or more users can use a computer at a time.

  Ans. Multi- user                                                                                                 (6*1=6 marks)


7. what was the main component of third generation computer?

   a. Integrated Circuit Chips

   b. Vacuum tubes

   c. Transistors

    d. None of the above

    Ans. a

8. --------------------- is an example of output device.

  a. MICR

  b. Light pen

  c. Joystick 

   d. Monitor

Ans. d

9. Pick the odd one out

a. Windows

b. MS Office


d. DOS

Ans. b

10. which one of the following is an example of secondary device?

  a. RAM

   b. ROM

  c. Hard disk

   d. register

Ans. c

11. -------------- is an example of single user operating system 

  a. Windows2012b

  b. UNIX

  c. GUI/Linux

  d. MS- Dos

  Ans. d                                                                                             (5*1=5 )


                                                             Section 111

12. What a register?

        Registers are temporary storage locations inside the CPU. The data and instruction fetched from the memory is to be stored in registers for the ongoing process.

13.  What is the function of input unit?

      1. Accept data and instruction from outside world.

     2. Convert human readable from of data to machine readable (digital) form .

      3. Supplies digital form of data to processor(CPU) for further processing.

14. Define data?

       Data is any fact connected with any object. For example, name of person(Tom),a number (it may be age, identification code or rank) etc.

15. Define computer program?

      Computer programming is a set of instructions to facilitate specific actions. Computer programmers create instructions for a computer to execute by writing and testing the code.

16. What is EEPROM's?

         Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 

              The stored information can be altered by using electrical signal at register level rather than erasing all the information.

17. What is 4GL?

       Fourth generation of programming language(4GL). It can be used business application development. Examples of 4GL is SQL, Metafont, FOCUS etc.

18. What is an assembler?

         Assembler is a language processor ,that converts assembly language programs into            equivalent machine language programs.

19. List any four graphical input devices.

      Mouse, Joystick, Trackball, Track pad, Light pen

20. what is e-Governance?

     E-Governance is the delivery of government services and information to the public using electronic devices. For example www.kerala.gov in site act as e-governance website  Akshaya centres are promoting e-Governance.

21. Define m-Commerce?

     m-Commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless hand held devices such as cellular phone and personal digital assistants(PDA).                                    


                                                                   Section IV

                                                            ( Answer any 9 questions)

22. Explain the characteristics of a computer?

     Speed - Computer is very fast device. Computers work at a very high speed and are much faster than humans.

        Accuracy - Since computer is programmed so what ever input we give it gives result with accurately.

       Versatality - We can use to perform completely different type of work at the same time.

       Diligence -Computer can work can work for hours or days continously without creating any errors and any break.

     Storage capacity (Power of remembering) - Every piece of information that a user stores on a computer can be retained as long as needed.

   No intelligence - Computer is an electronic machine and it has no intelligence. A computer can not take its own decision.

    No feeling/No emotion - Computer have no feelings or emotions. They have no feelings because they are machines.

23. How data is represented inside a computer?

       All the data and instructions are internally processed and stored in the form of 0 and 1 digits. These digits are called binary digits. (bits). The computer has switches to represent data and switches have only two states: ON and OFF. In binary digit ON is 1 and OFF is 0. In other words low voltage represented by the digit 0 and high voltage represented by the digit is 1.

24. Distinguish between sequential access devices and direct access devices?

           Sequential access devices : A magnetic tape is an example. Here the storage surface is organised into units of data called blocks. Data blocks are stored one after another in sequential manner on the tape ribbon.

Direct access devices : A magnetic disk is an example.We can access  any addressed storage block directly. The computer can  access any storage location on the surface of the disc directly using Read/Write Head.

25. Distinguish between RAM and ROM?


       26. What are the advantages and limitations of high level languages?


27. Differentiate between compiler and Interpreter?

       Compiler : Compiler is a language processor ,that translates programs written in High level language    into Machine language. A compiler will take the entire source program file as input then translate it into machine language program and save it as object file.

Interpreter : An interpreter is an another type of language translator used to translate high level            language program into machine language program. It takes  one statement at a time as input ,translate it into machine code, which is immediately executed.

28. Explain different types of e- Commerce model?

       There are four traditional types of ecommerce, including B2C (Business-to-Consumer), B2B (Business-to-Business), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) and P2P(Peer -to Peer)

Business -to- Consumer : When commerce taking place between business and a consumer, it is called B2C. For example purchasing a book through internet.

Business -to -Business: When commerce taking place between business it is called B2B. For Example  companies doing business with each other such as manufacturers selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers.

Consumer- to- Consumer : When commerce taking place between consumer and a consumer, it is called C2C.This model consists of person -to- person transaction  which enables customers to directly deal with each other.

Peer - to - Peer: This type of e-commerce when computer users share files online.

29. Write a short notes on malicious software?

        Malicious software ( Malware) includes computer viruses, worms trojan horses ,spyware, cookies and other malicious programs.

A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto our computer without our knowledge and damage routine and normal working of our computer system. A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate itself and use memory. Trojan horse is a non-self- replicating type of malware program containing malicious code. A spyware is a software that monitors user activity on the internet and transmits that information in the background to someone else.

30. What are the application of computer in education?

          Now a days conventional classrooms of schools are totally  changed by modern smart classroom. A new category of teaching tools are emerged by using computers for learning CAVI(Computer Aided Video Instruction),Multimedia, CD ROMs, CAI, Presentation aids, internet ,distance education ,online education are some methods used by the computers in education.

    1. e- Learning: e-Learning or learning through computer technology helps the students to provide good and standardized education. Students can interact with the e-learning software, enjoy exiting colourful presentation etc.

2.  Virtual classrooms:  A virtual classroom is an online learning environment. It helps the students to get online education from  remote places. Just like a real world classroom, a student in a virtual classroom participates in synchronous instruction.

31. Briefly explain laser printer?

      Laser printers are non-impact type printers. They print one page at a time. These printers use laser beam to produce an image on a photosensitive drum. The image is  transfered  from drum to paper using toner. Toner is an electrically charged ink.
                                                             Section V
                                                   ( Answer any 3 questions)

32. Explain computer generations?
33. Explain classification of computers according to their size and speed?

34. What is an output device? Explain any 3 output devices?

35. Distinguish between  system software and application software?




Saturday, 5 December 2020

DCA : PAPER - 1 INFORMATICS -Previous Year(2017 - June) Solved Questions.


                                                                        Paper - 1


                                                  Previous Year( June 2017) Solved Questions

                                                                   Section -1

1. ------------------------ introduced the concept of stored program.

  Ans.  Computer

2. USB stands for

     Ans. Universal Serial Bus.

3. -------------------- is an example for a company that manufacture microprocessor.

    Ans. Intel

4. Cache memory is placed between the processor and ---------------

    Ans. Primary memory

5. ------------ is an example of 4GL(4th Generation Programming Language).

   Ans. Database Query Language  eg. SQL

    others are Metafont,  Focus, Postscript etc

6. -------------------- is an example of volatile memory

   Ans. RAM(Random Access Memory)                                                               (6*1 =6 marks)

                                                       Section 11

7. Which of the following is an example for primary memory.

  a. RAM

  b. Optical Disk

   c. Hard disk

  d. Punched card 

   Ans. a

8. Which of the following is an example for sequential access drive.

  a. Floppy disk

 b.   Hard disk 

  c.  Zip disk

  d.  Pen drive

   Ans. all options are wrong

9. -------------------- is an example for an input device.

   a. Monitor

    b. Printer

     c. Plotter

      d. Touch Screen

Ans. d.

10. --------------- is an example for a system software.

  a. Excel

   b. GNU/Linux

   c. Microsoft office

    d. Open office

 Ans. b

11. In a single bit how many bits will be there?

   a. 8

   b. 16

    c. 4

    d. 32

  Ans. a                                                                                                  (5*1=5 marks)

                                                               Section 111

                                                           Answer all questions

12. List the features of 4th generation of computer?

      1. The fourth generation of computers have microprocessor - based system. It uses VLSI (Very                     Large Scale Integrated) circuits.

       2. Very reliable

        3. Heat generated is negligible.

         4. No air conditioner is required.

          5. Operation speed is pico seconds.

           6. Easy portable.

13. Why a microprocessor is needed in a computer?

           Microprocessor is the most important component in a computer. It is used to build a system which can perform multiple tasks. It is a programmable device that takes in input perform some arithmetic and logical operations over it and produce desired output.

14. What do you understand the term Hyper threading?

          Hyper threading is a technology used by some Intel microprocessors that allows a single microprocessor to act like two separate processors to the operating system and the application programs that use it.

15. Write about EEPROM?

      Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 

              The stored information can be altered by using electrical signal at register level rather than erasing all the information.

16. List the different magnetic storage devices?

         Hard disks, Floppy disks,  Magnetic tape

17. Write the characteristics of a monitor?



Refresh rate.

Interlaced or non – interlaced.

Dot pitch.

18. What do you understand by the term  Kernal  of an operating system?
           The kernel is a computer program at the core of a computer's operating system that has complete control over everything in the system.

19. Write examples of virus(any two)

   Ans. File virus ,Boot sector virus, Macro virus.

20. write about software piracy?

       When you are copying a software product without the legal permission of its creator this act is known as software piracy.

21. What is a computer?

       Computer is an electronic programmable data processing machine. It can store ,process and retrieve data as and when desired.
                                                                                                                                     (10*2= 20 marks)

                                                  Section 1V
                                             Answer any 9 questions

22. Explain the different classification of computer based on size.

              Computers can be classified by their size ,speed , storage capacity and application domain. They are
     Micro computers ,Mini computers ,Main frame computers and Super computers.

 (Ref text and study Brief description about all)

 23.List the different types of Micro computers.
    Different types of Micro computers are Desktop computers, Laptops ,Palm tops.

Desktop Computers:  The desktop computers are also known as PCs are the most common type of micro computers intended for personal and office use of an individual.

Laptops : A laptop is a portable micro computer that a user can carry around. They are small computers including all the features of a normal personal computer. The advantages are light weight and flat.

Palm tops : The palm top computers are essentially small portable computers and its weight and size are suitable to handle it on our palm.
24. Write the function of motherboard?

         Motherboard holds many of the crucial electronic components of the system such as CPU ,memory and provides connectors for other peripherals .It also includes sound card ,video cards network cards etc.  It can be considered as the backbone of a computer.

25. How can we differentiate two microprocessors? 
             Question is not correct
26. Write down the characteristics of Secondary Memory.

           Overcome the limitations of primary memory ,the secondary storage devices are introduced.
Secondary storage devices are low cost ,large storage capacity and data stored are permanent in nature. 
 27. List and explain the different types of RAM?

      SRAM and DRAM are two different types of RAM.
   SRAM (Static RAM) : Binary bits are stored using traditional transistor flip flop.Here the bits are represented by voltages. They are fast but costly.

DRAM(Dynamic RAM) : information is stored in the form of charges on a capacitor. Because capacitors have a natural tendency to discharge, its contents must be periodically refreshed. they are small in size ,less cost ,slow and consumes less power than SRAM. Available variations of DRAMs
Synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM), Double Data Rate - SDRAM(DDRAM)
and RDRAM (Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory)

28. Explain the different pointing devices?

            Mouse ,Optical mouse ,Trackball, Track pad ,Track point and Joystick are the different types of pointing devices.

Mouse : Mouse is the most popular pointing devices. It is a small hand held device that fits comfortably in user's palm.

Optical mouse : An optical mouse is an advanced computer pointing device that uses a light -emitting   diode(LED) and optical sensor.

Trackball : A trackball is a cursor control device used in many notebook and laptop computers. The trackball is usually located in front of the keyboard towards the user.

Track Pad : It is one of the latest pointing devices. It looks like a small ,gray window about two inches wide.

Track point : This device is also called an eraser pointer because it resembles the shape of a pencil eraser.

Joystick : It is used to move the cursor position on screen. Its function is similar to that of a mouse.
 29. What do you understand by language translator? List and explain different types of translators?

            The software which translate programs written in one language to another language is generally known as Language processors.

                  Assembler ,Compiler and Interpreter are types of translators.
Assembler : Assembler is a language processor ,that converts assembly language programs into            equivalent machine language programs.

Compiler : Compiler is a language processor ,that translates programs written in High level language    into Machine language.

Interpreter : An interpreter is an another type of language translator used to translate high level            language program into machine language program.

30. List the different freedom offered by free software?

        1. The freedom to use the program ,for any purpose and any where.

         2. The freedom to study how the program works ,and modify it as you wish.
          3. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your friends.

           4. The freedom to distribute  copies of your modified versions to others.

31. Explain the different application of IT?

     Business ,Medicine and Healthcare ,Entertainment, E- Governance ,Education, Engineering Manufacturing ,Science and IT policy.
(Ref text book and Brief study about  the topics)                                   (9*5= 45marks)

                                                                 Section v

                                                     Answer any 3 questions

32. List and explain  the different characteristics of a computer

33.  With a neat block diagram explain the organization of a computer.

34. Explain the different types of operating system.

35. List and explain the different types of E- commerce.                         (3*8 =24)               








Saturday, 28 November 2020

DCA : UNIT-1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Chapter -6 Application of Information Technology)


                                                                           UNIT -1

                                                    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

                                                                     CHAPTER -6

                                         APPLICATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

1. Define m-Commerce?

      m-Commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless hand held devices such as cellular phone and personal digital assistants(PDA). 

2. What do you mean by online trading?

     Online trading is the buying and selling of stocks and shares through computer. Stock exchanges and stock broking firms are using computers for getting various information like foreign securities ,share index etc.

3. Give an example of e-Commerce website?

       www.amazon.com,www.flipkart.com,www.myntra.com etc

4. what is virtual classroom?

     A virtual classroom is an online learning environment. It helps the students to get online education from remote places. Many schools and businesses have rolled out virtual classrooms to provide synchronous distance education.

5. What is e-Governance?

    E-Governance is the delivery of government services and information to the public using electronic devices. For example www.kerala.gov in site act as e-governance website  Akshaya centres are promoting e-Governance.

6. What do you understand the term 'Telemedicine'?

      Telemedicine is used to examine patients in remote location. Telemedicine is implemented with the help of telephone line and a computer network. For example a doctor is sitting in England can consult a patient is sitting in Kerala.


                               Objective type questions and answers

1. IT stands for ------------- .

  Ans. Information Technology

2. Selling ,Purchasing of goods and services over the internet is called ----------------------- .

   Ans. e-Commerce

3. B2C stands for ---------------- .

Ans. Business- to - Consumer

4. Performance of all banking activities through internet is called -------------- .

    Ans. m-Commerce

                                        Essay type questions

1. What are the applications of computer in communication?

2. List out the IT policy in Kerala state?

3. Explain different types of e- Commerce model ? 

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

DCA : UNIT -1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Chapter -5 Computer Software)


                                                           UNIT -1

                                               INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

                                                       CHAPTER -5

                                               COMPUTER SOFTWARE


1. Define Computer program?

        A sequence of instructions to perform a specific task, written in a programming language is called a computer program.

2. Name the three different categories of programming languages?

       Machine language, Assembly language, High level language.

3. Distinguish between System software and application software?

      System software is a set of programs ,designed to control ,manage and support a computer system an its data processing activities.

     Application software makes the computer useful for specific application for the user. For example banking, hospital management, reservation etc.

4. Give the advantages and disadvantages of machine language?

    Advantages:  Fastest execution .Direct control on hardware components. No need of a language                                    translator.

 Disadvantages: Machine dependent. Difficult to write program. Error pron. Difficult to detect error                                   and  modify. 

5. Why does an operating system become necessary for a computer system?

     It is a system software package to control and utilize all the hardware resources of a computer. An operating  system acts as an interface between computer hardware and user. Also we should  provide some software assistance to all the hardware components for their proper functioning.

6. List out the functions of an operating system 

   Processor management - The processor time slot is assigned to different tasks executed by computer.

Memory management - Allocation of main memory to various programs

Input/output management - The coordination and assignment of different input and output devices among various programs being executed.

File management - All computer systems are store, retrieve and share information. 

Such information units are called files.

Security - Provide provision to protect computer resources from unauthorized access.

Device control - All the peripheral devices are controlled and coordinated by corresponding driver modules of operating system.

7. Differentiate between Single User operating system and Multi user operating system ?

     This type of OS permits only one user to operate the computer at a time. Here the CPU connects with an output unit like a monitor and an input unit like keyboard  and mouse .

 Multi user operating system is two or more users can use a computer at a time. This architecture contains a central CPU.  A number of dumb terminals are connected to the CPU. 

8. What do you mean by the term language processors? Name the three types of language processors available?

    The software which translate programs written in one language to another language is generally known as Language processors or language translators.

Assembler Compiler and Interpreter are the three types of language processors.

9. Explain the use of an assembler

    Assembler is a language processor, that converts assembly language program into equivalent machine language program.

10. Explain the working of compiler and interpreter .How they differ?

      Compiler is a language processor ,that translates programs written in High level language into Machine language.

    Interpreter is another type of language translator used to translate high level language program into machine language program.

   Compiler will take the entire source program file as input then translate it into machine language program and save it as 'Object file' . Interpreter will take one statement at a time as input ,translate it into machine code which is immediately executed.

11. What are the  advantages and limitations of high level languages?

       Advantages : Easy to understand, program, error detection and correction. machine independent.

    Limitations : Slow execution. A language translator is needed.

12. What do you understand by Utility programs? Give examples.

     Utilities are those programs which are designed to assist day to day smooth functioning and maintenance of a computer system. Some of them are available as part of operating system and some others are available as third party software.

Examples are Antivirus software, backup utilities ,disc defragmenter , compression utilities etc.

13. Write a short note on Malicious Software?

     Malicious software ( Malware) includes computer viruses, worms trojan horses ,spyware, cookies and other malicious programs.

A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto our computer without our knowledge and damage routine and normal working of our computer system. A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate itself and use memory. Trojan horse is a non-self- replicating type of malware program containing malicious code. A spyware is a software that monitors user activity on the internet and transmits that information in the background to someone else.

14. What is software piracy?

           When you are copying a software product without the legal permission of its creator this act is known as software piracy.

15. Discuss the different aspects of the term "Free software"?

    Free software means software that respects users freedom on software.it means that the users have the freedom to use ,copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software.

                             Objective type questions and answers

1. pick the odd one out

 a. windows

 b. MS office

 c. Unix

 d. DOS

Ans. MS office

2. A set of programs, designed to control and manage a computer system is called --------------

   Ans. System software

3. The software which translate programs written in one language to another language is known as -----------------

Ans. Language processors




Friday, 20 November 2020

DCA : UNIT -1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Chapter -4 Input/output devices)


                                                                      UNIT -1 

                                                      INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

                                                                    CHAPTER -4

                                                     INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES

1. Why are input and output devices necessary for a computer system?

      Input devices are that accepts data from outside world and translate them into a form, a computer can interpret. Main purpose of  output devices is to receive information from the computer and supply them to users. The computer sends information  to the output devices in binary forms. The output devices convert them into a form that can be understood by users.

2. What are peripheral device? Why they are so called?

         Computer peripherals, or peripheral devices, are sometimes called "I/O devices" because they provide input and output for the computer. Some peripherals, such as external hard drives, provide both input and output for the computer.

3. What are graphic input devices? List and explain  various types of graphic input devices?

     Graphical input devices permit the user to select something on the screen by pointing to it.

     a. Mouse

     b. Joystick

     c. Trackball

     d. Track pad

     e. Track point

     f. Light pen

    g. Touch screen etc..

   Mouse: Mouse is the popular pointing device. It is  a small hand-held device that fits comfortably in                   user's  palm.  

Optical Mouse : An optical mouse is an advanced computer pointing device that uses a light -emitting                             diode(LED). and optical sensor.

Trackball : A trackball is a cursor control device used in many notebook and laptop computers. The                           trackball is usually located in front of the keyboard towards the user. Now a days it is                              replaced by touch pad.

Track pad: It is one of the latest pointing devices.

Track point : This device is also called as eraser pointer because it resembles the shape of a pencil        


Joystick :Joystick is a pointing device used to move the cursor position on a screen.

4. What is an input device? Name some commonly  used input devices?

    An input device is a piece of hardware used to provide data to a computer used. Commonly used input devices are

       Keyboard, Mouse, Optical Mark Reader ,Bar Code Reader ,Track ball etc.

5. Briefly explain laser printer?

     Laser printers are non-impact type printers. They print one page at a time. These printers use laser beam to produce an image on a photosensitive drum. The image is  transfered  from drum to paper using toner. Toner is an electrically charged ink.

6. Briefly describe ink-jet printer.

    These are non-impact printers that form characters and images by spraying small droplets of ink on a paper. A special type of iron content ink is used. Droplets of ink are electrically charged by an electrode. Inkjet printers are used  for colour printing.

7. Differentiate between mechanical and optical mouse?

         A mechanical mouse has a ball that turns rollers inside. If friction is lost between the ball and the mouse surface, or between the ball and the rollers, the mouse fails to work.

      An optical mouse is an advanced computer pointing device that uses a light -emitting                    diode(LED). and optical sensor. An optical mouse uses light to  detect movement. They work by  emitting light from an LED or laser.

8. What is plotter?

    Plotters are pen-based output devices that are used to produce high quality and clarity output. It is mainly used to draw pictures and graphics. 

9. What is track ball? How it is different from a mouse?

       A trackball is a cursor control device used in many notebook and laptop computers. The                           trackball is usually located in front of the keyboard towards the user. 

 Mouse is the most popular pointing devices that fits comfortably under the palm of your hand. With a mouse, users control the movement of the pointer.

10. What is LCD? Differentiate between CRT and LCD monitors?

        LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) are super thin displays that are used in laptop computer screens and flat panel monitors. LCD screens are based on the principle of blocking light. Advantages are light weight, compact and clarity output.  

                         CRT                                                                             LCD

 1. Cathode Ray Tube                                                                   1. Liquid Crystal Display

2. It consumes more power.                                                          2. It consumes less power.

3. CRT is cheaper than LCD                                                        3. LCD is costlier than CRT

4. Size is large                                                                              4. Size is smaller than CRT

  5. Low resolution                                                                        5. High resolution so picture quality                                                                                                                      is good.   

11. Explain  the printing mechanism of dot matrix printer ?

             They print characters and all kinds of images as patterns of dots. It has a print head that moves horizontally across the paper The print head contains an array of pins?(called matrix).The  printer can activate each pin independent of others to extend and strike against an inked ribbon to form a dot on the paper.

12.  What is the use of computer output microfilm?

       Computer output microfilm technology is used to record computer output information as microscopic filmed images. In COM ,information are recorded on a sheet or microfilm .Data from computer into language and records it on microfilm.

13. What do you mean by hard copy and soft copy?

          A hard copy is a printed document. When a document is created on a computer , it is typically saved as a file on the computer's hard drive. This is a soft copy of document.

14. Differentiate between impact and non impact printers?

            Impact printers are printers which works by creating a direct contact between ink ribbon and paper. These printers are noisy yet popular. Impact printers have mechanical moving parts to conduct printing. Examples: Dot-matrix printers, Daisy-wheel printers, and line printers.

Non-Impact printers don't uses any direct contact between ink ribbon and paper. They use laser, xerographic, electrostatic, chemical or inkjet technology. These printers are less noisy and don't have mechanical moving parts to conduct printing. Examples: Inkjet printers and Laser printers.

                                     Objective type questions and answers

1. Mouse and light pen are examples of -------------------input devices.

    Ans. Graphical

2. MICR stands for --------------------------- .

   Ans. Magnetic Ink Character Reader

3. The most common layout of a keyboard is -------------- .

      Ans. QWERTY

4. LCD stands for ------------------

Ans. Liquid Crystal Display

5. -----------------is an input device used for playing computer  game.

  Ans. Joystick

6. Touch screen is a ----------- device .

 Ans. Input 

                                 Essay type questions   (Ref. text book)

1. What are pointing devices? Discuss some of the commonly  used pointing  devices?

2. What are scanners? list and explain various types of scanners?

3. What is an output device? List some commonly used output devices.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

DCA : UNIT 1- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Chapter 3 - The Memory )


                                                           UNIT 1

                                              INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

                                                     CHAPTER -3

                                                      THE MEMORY


1. What is the main function of memory unit in a computer?

              The function of a memory unit is to store instructions and data for processing and intermediate and final result after processing.

2. Why cache memory included in computers?

              To minimize the idle time of CPU ,a special high speed memory element called cache memory and placed in between CPU registers and Primary memory. The speed of cache memory is 10 times faster than primary memory.by making active programs and data available in fast cache memory , it is possible to increase the performance rate  of the CPU.

3. Write a short note on Registers.

                  A register is a temporary storage area built into a CPU. Some registers are used internally and cannot be accessed outside the processor, while others are user-accessible. Registers vary in both number and size, depending on the CPU architecture. Some processors have 8 registers while others have 16, 32, or more. For many years, registers were 32-bit, but now many are 64-bit in size. A 64-bit register is necessary for a 64-bit processor, since it enables the CPU to access 64-bit memory addresses.

Internal registers include the instruction register (IR), memory buffer register (MBR), memory data register (MDR), and memory address register (MAR). The instruction register fetches instructions from the program counter (PC) and holds each instruction as it is executed by the processor. The memory registers are used to pass data from memory to the processor.

4. What are the  advantages of primary memory over secondary memory.

            Primary memory is the main memory of the computer system. Accessing data from primary memory is faster because it is an internal memory of the computer. Primary memory is expensive and is available in limited in size in a computer. It has an operating speed is higher than that of secondary memory.

5. What are the advantages of secondary memory over primary memory?

                            Secondary memory device are low cost, large storage capacity and data stored are permanent in nature.

6. Distinguish between RAM and ROM.

             RAM                                                                                         ROM

1.  Temporary storage                                                                      1. Permanent storage

2. Store data in Mega bits per second                                             2. Store data in Gigabits per second

3. Volatile                                                                                        3. non volatile

4. Random access memory                                                             4. Read only memory

5. Writing data is faster                                                                   5. Writing data is slower.

6. Used in normal operations                                                        6. Used for start up process of computer


7. what is Firmware?

       Firmware is a software program or set of instructions programmed on a hardware device. It provides the necessary instructions for how the device communicates with the other computer hardware. Firmware is typically stored in the flash ROM of a hardware device. While ROM is "read-only memory," flash ROM can be erased and rewritten because it is actually a type of Flash memory.

Example BIOS chip, TV Remote etc

8. What is an optical disc?

     An optical disc is an electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read from using a low-powered laser beam. Various types of optical discs  are available. The various types optical discs available now are CD ROM,CD Rewritable, DVD etc.

9. Differentiate between CD ROM and Rewritable CD.

            A Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD ROM) is read the data  at any number of times but can not delete or rewrite. Here the  data is recorded on a highly reflective coating of the disc along   a spiral track. 

        Re-Writable (CD-RW) is an erasable disc that can be reused. The data on a CD-RW disc can be erased and recorded over numerous times.

10. What are the main  differences between DVD and Blue Ray disc?

            DVD can store large volume of data. It is same as compact discs. Storage capacity  from 4.7GB TO 17 GB. The DVD technology use more tiny pits ,closer tracks and red laser for data reading .

         Blue Ray disc is an optical disc format designed high definition video and store  large amounts of data. Blue laser reads from and write to the disc  rather than the red laser of DVD.Storage capacity 50GB.

11. Explain the term pit and land?

        The lands represent 1 and the pits represent 0 in binary computing. The bits are read by the disc drive that uses a laser beam to distinguish between the lands and pits based on the amount of scattering or deflection that occurs when the beam of light hits the surface of the disc.

                          Objective type questions and answers

1. --------------------- is the fastest memory element in hierarchy

  Ans. Cache memory

2. Pick the odd one out

   a. Hard disk

    b. Floppy disc

     c. Bioschip

      d. Magnetic disc

Ans. Bioschip

3. Storage capacity of a 3.5 inch floppy disc is -------------

   Ans. 1.44 MB

4. DVD stands for ----------------------

   Ans.   Digital versatile disc

5. Name some popular secondary storage devices

     Ans. Floppy disc, Hard disc,  CD, DVD, Blue Ray

                         Essay type questions

1. Memory hierarchy in a computer system (refer text)

2. Differentiate between random access direct access and sequential access memory devices. Give example for each

Ans.   ( explain Primary and Secondary storage devices ) 



Thursday, 12 November 2020

DCA : UNIT -1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Chapter 2- Computer Organization)


                                                                       UNIT -1

                                                  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

                                                                     CHAPTER -2

                                                      COMPUTER ORGANIZATION

      1. What is motherboard?

          Mother board alternatively is known as the main board, system board, planar board, logic board, base board or main circuit board. The motherboard is a printed circuit board. It allocates power and allows communication to and between the CPU,RAM, and all other computer HARDWARE components.

2. What is register?

    Registers  are temporary storage locations inside the CPU. The data and instruction fetched from the memory is to be stored in registers for the ongoing process.

3. What is the function of input unit?

     1. Accept data and instruction from outside world.

     2. Convert human readable from of data to machine readable (digital) form .

      3. Supplies digital form of data to processor(CPU) for further processing.

4.  What is the function of output function?

  • Accept data after processing.
  • Convert these data into human readable form.
  • Gives information to outside in human readable form.   
5. What are the 5 basic functions performed by a computer system?

    1. Accepts data and instructions through input devices.

    2. Stores data and instructions

    3. Process data as instructed by the user.

    4. Controls all operations inside a computer.

     5. Gives result through output devices.

6. What is bus?

      Alternatively known as an address bus, data bus, or local bus, a bus is a connection between components or devices connected to a computer. For example, a bus carries data between a CPU and the system memory via the motherboard.

7. Mention the importance of expansion slots in motherboard

     It provides an installation point for a hardware expansion card to be connected. Various expansion slots are sound card slot, Video card ,Network card , Modem , graphic card etc. For example, if you wanted to install a new video card in the computer, you'd purchase a video expansion card and install that card into the compatible expansion slot.

                                        Long Answer type Questions.

1. Draw a Block diagram and Explain the functions of various units.(important)

(Ref. Text book)

                            Objective type Questions and Answers

1. Parallel port are used to connect --------------- device.

   Ans.  Peripheral device

2. CPU stands for -----------------

 Ans. Central Processing Unit

3. -------------------- is an example of microprocessor.

  Ans.  Intel Core i7

      Other examples Intel pentium 4 , Intel 8085, Intel 8086 AMD etc.


Tuesday, 10 November 2020

DCA-UNIT -1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY(Chapter 1- Introduction to IT)


                                                                      UNIT -1

                                                  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

                                                                     CHAPTER -1

                                                          INTRODUCTION TO IT 

1. Define Computer.

Computer is an electronic programmable data processing machine. It can store ,process and retrieve data as and when desired.

2. Distinguish between Data, Information and Knowledge.

Data is any fact connected with any object. For example, name of person(Tom),a number (it may be age, identification code or rank) etc.

Information is arranged and meaningful form of data. Example Mark list of a student, rank list for plus two etc.

Knowledge is the application of information in a given context.For example Speak a language, Play a musical instrument etc.

3. Explain the concept of data processing with a neat diagram.

     Data processing is a series of operations that convert raw data into use full information.

    Data processing consists of 4 sub activities 

1. Receive data as input

2. Manipulating data as per the instructions.

3. Provide the result(information) as output.

4. Keep the data and the information for future in storage location.


4. Explain the characteristics of a computer.

         Speed - Computer is very fast device. Computers work at a very high speed and are much faster than humans.

        Accuracy - Since computer is programmed so what ever input we give it gives result with accurately.

       Versatality - We can use to perform completely different type of work at the same time.

       Diligence -Computer can work can work for hours or days continously without creating any errors and any break.

     Storage capacity (Power of remembering) - Every piece of information that a user stores on a computer can be retained as long as needed.

   No intelligence - Computer is an electronic machine and it has no intelligence. A computer can not take its own decision.

    No feeling/No emotion - Computer have no feelings or emotions.They have no feelings because they are machines.

5. How many computer generations are there till now.?List out them.




6. Differentiate between SSI,MSI and LSI.

        The number of components fitted into a standard size integrated circuits(IC) represents its integration scale in other words density of components

       SSI - Small scale integration(This chip was introduced in third generation of computer.
It have contained only 10 to 20 components.

     MSI - Medium scale integration 
   It become possible to integrate upto 100 components on a single chip.

    LSI - Large scale integration
  It was possible to integrate over 3000 components i to a single chip.

7. Write a short note on Super computers.

                  A supercomputer is a computer with great speed and memory. This kind of computer can do jobs faster than any other computer of its generation. They are usually thousands of times faster than ordinary personal computers made at that time. Supercomputers can do arithmetic jobs very fast, so they are used for weather forecasting, code-breaking, genetic analysis and other jobs that need many calculations.

8. Define Word length

     Word length  of a processor means the maximum number of bits that can be handled by the processor at a time, during execution.

                              Long Answer Type Questions

1. Generations of computers and list out their merits and demerits.(Ref Textbook)

       Some objective type questions  and answers given below.

1.  One byte= 8 bits

 2. The arranged meaningful form of data is called ----------------

    Ans. Information

3. Pick the odd one out.

   a. Micro computer

    b. Laptop

    c. mini computer

     d. Super computer

Ans. b

4. Who is known as the father of modern computers?

    Ans. Alan Turing


  ENIAC -Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

  EDVAC -Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator

  EDSAC - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator.

  UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer

6.Which is the  first Indian super computer.

   Ans. Param Padma