
Monday 15 July 2019

+2] 4. Web Technology - Previous questions chapter wise


(Second year +2 Computer Application / Computer Science , 
Previous Questions and Answers)

Chapter  4. Web Technology

1.The default port number of http is

(a) 20

(b) 80

(c) 110

(d) 53 .      

 Ans. b

2. Write HTML tag to set the colour of hyperlink to red .

(a) <A colour=”red” >

(b) <A colour=”FF0000” >

(c) <BODY LINK=”Red” >

(c)<BODY ALINK=”Red” > 

Ans. b

3. A webpage is created to display the result of engineering entrance examination. 
(a)What type of webpage it is ? 

(b) Mention any two features of it. 

Ans. a) Dynamic web page

         b) The content and layout may change during run time.Database is used to generate dynamic                 content through queries.

4. ……….. tag is used to make the size of the text smaller than current text  in HTML. 

(a) <b>

 (b) <small>

 (c) <sub>

 (d) <sup> . 

Ans. b

5. Compare client side scripting and server side scripting.

 Client side scripting                                                               Server side scripting

Script is copied to the client browser.                                
                                                                                            Script is executed in the web server and the                                                                                               web page produced is returned to the client  Script is executed in the client browser.                                browser
                                                                                                Server side scripts are usually used to         Client side scripts are mainly used for                                   databases and return data connect to       
validation of data at the client.                                                  from the web server.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Users can block client side scripting.                                    Server side scripting cannot be blocked                                                                                                        by  a user                                                                                                  
The type and version of the web browser                               The features of the web browser does not    affects the working of a client side script.                       affect the working of server side script
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        6.  DNS stands for ………. 

    Domain name system.

9.  … …. … is a server that act as a bridge between merchant server and bank server.      

10.  Compare client side scripting and server side scripting languages. 

Client side scripting cannot be used to connect to the databases on the web server. ... Response from a client-side script is faster as compared to a server-side script because the scripts are processed on the local computer.  Examples of Server side scripting languages : PHP, JSP, ASP, ASP.Net, Ruby, Perl n many more.

11. What are the difference between static and dynamic web pages?
Static web page:

The content and layout of a web page is fixed. . Static web pages never use databases. Static web pages directly run on the browser and do not require any server side application program.  Static web pages are easy to develop.

Dynamic web page:
 The content and layout may change during run time.Database is used to generate dynamic content through queries. Dynamic web page runs on the server side application program and displays the results. Dynamic web page development  requires programming skills.  

12.   Name any two client side scripting languages.

          Java script and VB script.

13.  What do you mean by container tag in HTML?Give examples.
        Tags that require opening tag as well as closing tag are known as container tags .

Eg. <HTML>

14. a)  Name the tag used to create HyperLink.

      b) Write HTML code to show the page "Address.HTML" by clicking on the text "Address".

Ans. a) <a> tag
     b) To illustrate <ADDRESS> tag

<TITLE> Address tag </TITLE> 
<BODY Bgcolor= "#DDA0DD">

The contact details of the "SCERT" is the following:
 <ADDRESS> State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT),<BR> 
 PIN: 695012, KERALA.<BR> 
Tel : 0471 - 2341883

15.  Name the two attributes of the following tags.

a)< HTML>

b) <FONT>


Ans. a) The main attributes of the tag are Dir and Lang.

        b) 1. Color : This attribute sets the text colour 
           2. Face : This attribute specifies the font style. 
          c)  1.Behaviour : This specifies the type of scrolling of the marquee. Values: scroll, slide, alternate.etc. 
               2. Scrolldelay : This specifies time delay between each jump.