
Wednesday 31 July 2019

+2] 7. Web Hosting - Previous Questions Chapter wise


        (+2 Computer Application / Computer Science , 
Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

Chapter  7. Web Hosting

1. Identify the odd one :

(a) Word Press

 (b) File Zilla

 (c) Joomla

 (d) Drupal   

Ans b     

 2. What type of hosting package is suitable for a multinational online shopping site? Mention any two advantages of the package.

3. What is the need of registering a domain name for a website ?Explain the  procedure of domain name registration.

Domain names are used to identify a web site on the internet.Most web hosting companies offer domain registeration facility.The domain name chosen must be unique.It can be done using the website which checks domain name with ICANN( Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ) database.When a user inputs the domain name the web page will be displayed using DNS server.The domain name is connected with IP address of the web server using Address record(‘A’ record).The ‘A record’ can be modified by logging into the control panel of the domain.The A record is used to store IP address of web server connected to a domain name. WHOIS is a public database which helps to find out information about a specific domain name.WHOIS database contains name,addres,telephone number and e-mail address of who owns the domain(Registrant).

4. What is SFTP ?

Now a days SSH FTP(SFTP) protocol is used to send user name and password in an encrypted form.It uses SSH protocol.Once the client is authenticated the client canupload files.Some of the popular FTP clients are File Zilla,Cute FTP,Smart FTP ..etc.                                              

 5. ……… provide an easy way to design and manage attractive websites.

a), Free Hosting 

b). CMS

 c). WHOIS

  d). FTP


6. Compare shared hosting and VPS

Shared hosting:-It is the common type of web hostingIt is called shared because many websites reside on one web server connected to the Internet.They share resources(RAM,CPU etc).Shared hosting is not suitable for wesites with high bandwidth,large storage space etc.It is not suitable for small sites with less traffic.Shared servers are cheaper and easy to use.Updates and security issues are handled by the hosting company.The main dis-advantage of shared hosting is that other sites will slow down if any one of the site has heavy traffic as bandwidth is shared by many sites.    

Virtual Private Server:-A virtual Private Server(VPS) is a physical server that is virtually partitioned into several servers.Each VPS works like a dedicated server and has its own operating system,software etc.Each VPS works as an independent server.The user of VPS can install and configure any type of softwares.VPS is also called virtual dedicated server (VDS).This type of hosting is suitable for websites that requires more features at less expense.Some popular virtualization softwares are Vmware,Free VPS,Virtualbox,Microsoft Hyper-V etc.

7. What type of hosting will you use to support a government website ?Give its advantages .

 Dedicated hosting use to support a goverment website.The advantage of dedicated web hosting is that servers are hosted in data center which has internet connection,uninterrupted power supply etc.

8. Explain three types of web hosting

  a)Shared hosting:-It is the common type of web hostingIt is called shared because many websites reside on one web server connected to the Internet.They share resources(RAM,CPU etc).Shared hosting is not suitable for wesites with high bandwidth,large storage space etc.It is not suitable for small sites with less traffic.Shared servers are cheaper and easy to use.Updates and security issues are handled by the hosting company.The main dis-advantage of shared hosting is that other sites will slow down if any one of the site has heavy traffic as bandwidth is shared by many sites.

 b)Dedicated hosting:-In dedicated hosting a web site uses(lease) an entire server and its resources.The web server is not shared with other servers.It is mostly used by websites that receive a large volume of traffic.The web sites of large organizations,government  departments etc use dedicated web hosting.The advantage of dedicated web hosting is that servers are hosted in data center which has internet connection,uninterrupted power supply etc.

c)Virtual Private Server:-A virtual Private Server(VPS) is a physical server that is virtually partitioned into several servers.Each VPS works like a dedicated server and has its own operating system,software etc.Each VPS works as an independent server.The user of VPS can install and configure any type of softwares.VPS is also called virtual dedicated server (VDS).This type of hosting is suitable for websites that requires more features at less expense.Some popular virtualization softwares are Vmware,Free VPS,Virtualbox,Microsoft Hyper-V etc.

9.Define web hosting

       The process of storing web pages on a server is called web hosting.The companies that provide web hosting services are called web hosts.Hosting allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web.They own and manage web servers.Servers offer uninterrupted connectivity,software packages for databases etc..

10. Write a short note on  free hosting

      Free hosting provides web hosting free of charge.They often displays advertisements in websites to meet the expenses.They often allows only limited support.

Disadvantages of free web hosting are

 1) The free hosting plans do not provide the separate domain name. Instead, they only offer the sub domain upon their own domain name.
 2) There is no customer support.
 3) Limited Bandwidth and Speed HSSLIVE

11. Write the type of  web hosting that is most suitable

    a)  For hosting  a school website with database

    b)  For hosting a website for a firm

     c) For creating a blog to share pictures and posts

      d) For creating a low cost personal websites with unique domain name

Ans c