
Thursday 18 July 2019

+2] 5. Web Designing Using HTML - Previous Questions Chapter wise


(+2 Computer Application / Computer Science , 
Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                           Chapter  5. Web Designing Using HTML

1.Consider the following list created using HTML.




. What will be the value of START and TYPE attribute of <OL> tag ?


(b)START=”4” TYPE=”A”

(c)START=”4” TYPE=”I”

(d)START=”D” TYPE=”I” 

Ans. a   

2.Explain the HTML tag <table> and its attributes.

<Table> tag is used to create a table in a web page. tag is used to create Table rows ,
tag is used to insert heading cells and is used to insert table data in a table.
 The attributes of tag are: 

a).BORDER - specifies the thickness of the table border. If there is no border or border value =0 then the table has no border.

 b). BORDERCOLOR -specifies the boarder color of the table.

 c). ALIGN -To align the table in the browser window. Its values are left, right and center.

 d). BGCOLR - To give background colour to the table. 

 e). CELLSPACING - Specifies the space between table cells. 

 f). CELLPADDING - Specifies the space between cell border and the content.

 g). COLS - Specifies the number of columns in the table. 

 h). WIDTH and HEIGHT- Specifies the table width and height in terms of pixel or % value.

 i). FRAME- Specifies the border line around the table.

3. Nila wanted to set the picture “sky.jpg” as the background of his web page.  Choose the tag for doing this. 

(a) <IMG SRC=”Sky.jpg” >
 (b) <BODY SRC=”sky.jpg” >

(c) <IMG BACKGROUND=”sky,jpg” >

(d) <BODY BACKGROUND =”sky.jpg” >

Ans d

4………… attribute of <frame > tag is used to prevent users from resizing      the border of a specific frame by dragging it . 

(a) Scrolling

(b) No resize

 (c) margin width

(d) margin height

Ans. b

5.Explain <OL> tag with suitable example.

1). Type: It indicate the numbering type for the list items.

 Its values are,

 I). Type=1 for default numbering scheme

 II). Type =i for small Roman Numbers

 III). Type= I for large Roman Numbers

 IV). Type=a for lower case letters

 V). Type=A for upper case letters

 2). Start: It specifies the starting number for the list items  


A. Input Devices

1. Key Board
 2. Mouse

<LI > Input Devices</LI>
<LI > KeyBoard </LI>
<LI > Mouse </LI>
<LI> Scanner </LI>

6. Write the complete HTML tag that links the text “PSC” to the website

 Ans: < A HREF = > PSC </A>

7.  Explain nesting of frameset with an example.

Inserting a frameset within another frameset is called nesting of frameset.
                                           Frame 1
                         Frame 2                     Frame 3

Eg. <Frameset rows="40,*">

       <Frame Src=Sample1.html>

        <Frameset  cols="60,*">

         <Frameset Src=Sample2.html>

          <Frameset Src=Sample3.html>



9. . ……………….. tag in HTML is used to create a drop down list.

 a) Select

 b). Option

c). Input

 d). List

Ans: a

10.  Write HTML code for the following Table

                                          No of Students
                                   Science              55
                               Commerce            60

                               Humanities           58



<H1> TABLE</H1>


<Body Bgcolor=Green>

<Table border =1 width=25>


<TD Colspan=2 Align=Center>No.of  Students</TD>


11.Explain cellspacing and cellpadding.

 Cellspacing - Specifies the space between table cells.

  Cellpadding - Specifies the space between cell border and the content.

12.Name the following tags

a) To include a button in HTML----<INPUT>

b) To partition the browser window.......<FRAMESET>

13. Write the use of the following in HTML

a) <A Href="https:/>DHSE</A>

b) <EMBED Src=song1.mp3> </EMBED>

Ans a) A Hyperlink is an element like text or image on a webpage which help us to move to another document or section of the same web page by clicking on it. <A>tag is used for it. HREF is its main attribute and its values is the URL of the document to be linked. 

b)  EMBED tag is used to add music or video to a web page. This tag includes multimedia controls in web page.

14. Name the tag and attributes needed to creating the following list in HTML
1 RAM                 




  •   RAM
Ans. a) OL tag.Attributes are type and start

         b) UL tag.Attribute is type.

15. Name the three essential tags for creating a table in HTML.Write the purpose of each tag?

 <TR> tag is used to define a row in the table.

 Its attributes are 
 Align, valign (vertical align), BgColor etc.

<TD> or <TH> tags are used to define cells in a row.<TH>  is used to define heading cells. attributes of<TD>  and <TH>tags are,

 a). ALIGN- Specifies the horizontal alignment of the cell content. Values are Left, Right, Center and Justify 

b). VALIGN- Specifies the vertical alignment of the cell content of a row. Values are Top, Middle, Baseline and Bottom

 c). BGCOLOR- Specifies the background colour for a row. 

<TD>or<TH>  tags are used to define cells in a table row,<TH>  tag is used to insert heading cells and <TD>is used to insert cell data.
 Some attributes of <TD>and<TH>  are,

 a). ALIGN- Specifies the horizontal alignment of the cell content. Values are Left, Right, Center and Justify 

 b). VALIGN- Specifies the vertical alignment of the cell content. Values are Top, Middle, Baseline and Bottom

 c). BGCOLOR- Specifies the background colour for a cell.

 d). COLSPAN- used to stretch a cell over a number of columns. Default value is 1 

 eg. (TD ColSpan=3) 

 e). ROWSPAN- used to stretch a cell over a number of Rows. Default value is 1 

 eg. (TD RowSpan=3)