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Thursday, 29 August 2019

+1] 4. Getting Started With C++/Introduction to C++ Programming - Previous Questions chapter wise


            First Year Computer Application(Commerce) Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                         Chapter  4. Getting Started With  C++(For CA)

                                          Chapter 5 Introduction to C++ programming (for CS)

1.  Which header file is responsible for cout and cin objects ? 


2.  C++ uses the ..........  language processor for translation. 

      Ans. IDE

3.  .. …..  ..are tokens that never change their values while execution takes place.

     Ans. Constants/ Literals

4.  IDE stands for  … …. …. … … 

    Ans. Integrated Development Environment

5.  Identify and classify the different tokens in the following C++ statement.  Age = 18;

Ans:  age : identifier      =:  operator    18 : Literal    ; : Punctuator 

6. Explain the rules for naming identifiers
  • Identifier is an arbitrary long sequence of letters, digits and underscores( _ )
  • The first character must be a letter or underscore ( _ ).
  • White space and special characters are not allowed. 
  •  Keywords cannot be used as identifiers. 
  •  Upper and lower case letters are treated differently, i.e. C++ is case sensitive

7. The following are invalid identifiers in C++. Write a reason for each

  a) Id#

 b) void

c) 2ab

 d) avg hgt

8.  Define tokens in C++. List ant four types of tokens

         The term ‘token’ in the C++ language is similar to the term ‘word’ in natural languages. Tokens are the fundamental building blocks of the program. They are also known as lexical units. C++ has five types of tokens as listed below:

 1. Keywords 2. Identifiers 3. Literals 4. Punctuators 5. Operators

9. a). What is a token in C++ ?     

   b). Distinguish between keywords and identifiers

Ans. The term ‘token’ in the C++ language is similar to the term ‘word’ in natural languages. Tokens are the fundamental building blocks of the program.

b.  Identifiers are the user-defined words that are used to name different program elements such as memory locations, statements, functions, objects, classes etc. The identifiers of memory locations are called variables. The identifiers assigned to statements are called labels. The identifiers used to refer a set of statements are called function names.

      The words (tokens) that convey a specific meaning to the language compiler are called keywords. These are also known as reserved words as they are reserved by the language for special purposes and cannot be redefined for any other purposes. The set of 48 keywords

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

+1] 4. Getting Started with C++ / Introduction in C++Programming - Solved Questions from text book.

                     PLUS ONE 

                                     Chapter 4 Getting Started with C++ (for CA)

                                    Chapter 5.   Introduction in C++Programming (for CS)

                  (+1. Computer Application  Questions and answers from text book)

1. What are the different types of characters in C++ character set?

   (i)  Letters : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o                               p q  r s t u v w x y z

(ii) Digits : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(iii) Special characters : + - * / ^ \ ( ) [ ] { } = < > . ’ “ $ , ; : % ! & ? _ (underscore) # @

(iv) White spaces : Space bar (Blank space), Horizontal Tab (à), Carriage Return (↵ ) , Newline,                   Form  feed

(v) Other characters : C++ can process any of the 256 ASCII characters as data or as literals

 2. What is meant by escape sequences?

          C++ language has certain non-graphic character constants, which cannot be typed directly from the keyboard. For example, there is no way to express the Carriage Return or Enter key, Tab key and Backspace key. These non-graphic symbols can be represented by using escape sequences, which consists of a backslash (\) followed by one or more characters.

 3. Who developed C++?

         Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++

 4. What is meant by tokens? Name the tokens available in C++.

          The term ‘token’ in the C++ language is similar to the term ‘word’ in natural languages. Tokens are the fundamental building blocks of the program. They are also known as lexical units. C++ has five types of tokens as listed below:

 1. Keywords

 2. Identifiers

3. Literals

4. Punctuators

 5. Operators

 5. What is a character constant in C++ ?

        When we refer a single character enclosed in single quotes that never changes its value during the program run, we call it a character literal or character constant. Note that x without single quote is an identifier whereas ‘x’ is a character constant. The value of a single character constant is the ASCII value of the character.

 6. How are non-graphic characters represented in C++? Give an example.

         C++ language has certain non-graphic character constants, which cannot be typed directly from the keyboard. For example, there is no way to express the Carriage Return or Enter key, Tab key and Backspace key. These non-graphic symbols can be represented by using escape sequences, which consists of a backslash (\) followed by one or more characters. It should be noted that even though escape sequences contain more than one character enclosed in single quotes, it uses only one corresponding ASCII code to represent it. That is why they are treated as character constants.

Example  \n - New line,\b - Back space

7. Why are the characters \ (slash), ' (single quote), " (double quote) and ? (question mark) typed using escape sequences?

           These characters can be typed from the keyboard but when used without escape sequence, they carry a special meaning and have a special purpose. However, if these are to be displayed or printed as it is, then escape sequences should be used. Examples of some valid character constants are: 's', 'S', '$', '\n', '+', '9'.

8. Which escape sequences represent newline character and null character?

      Ans. \n and \0

9. An escape sequence represents ______ characters.

10. Which of the following are valid character/string constants in C++?






" "


 '\ \'

Ans. Character constant: 'c'  'anu'  '\ \'  'main's'

         String constant   :  "anu"

   11. What is a floating point constant? What are the different ways to represent a floating point constant?

          Floating point literals, also known as real constants are numbers having fractional parts. These can be written in one of the two forms called fractional form or exponential form. A real constant in fractional form consists of signed or unsigned digits including a decimal point between digits. The rules for writing a real constant in fractional form are given below:

• A real constant in fractional form must have at least one digit and a decimal point.

 • It may also have either + (plus) or – (minus) sign preceding it.

• A real constant with no sign is assumed to be positive.

   A real constant in exponential form consists of two parts: mantissa and exponent. For instance, 5.8 can be written as 0.58×101 = 0.58E1 where mantissa part is 0.58 (the part appearing before E) and exponential part is 1 (the part appearing after E).

 12. What are string-literals in C++? What is the difference between character constants and string literals?

        String constant is a set of characters enclosed inside double quotes. ... The basic difference between string and character is that character constant can only be represented as a single entity whereas string constant is an array of characters with a null character at the end of the string.

      Examples of  character constant 'a'  '\ \'  'b' 'C'

       Examples of string constant  "'anu" " "

13. What is the extension of C++ program file used for running?

        Ans  .cpp

14. Find out the invalid identifiers among the following. Give reason for their invalidity

a) Principal amount

b) Continue

 c) Area

d) Date-of-join

e) 9B

 Principal amount : Blank space are not allowed

Date-of-join : Identifier is an arbitrary long sequence of letters, digits and underscores( _ ).

9B :  First character must be a letter or under_score.

 15. A label in C++ is ________.

 a) Keyword b) Identifier c) Operator d) Function

   Ans. b

 16. The following tokens are taken from a C++ program. Fill up the given table by placing them at the proper places

 ( int, cin, %, do, =, "break", 25.7, digit)

 ans.   Keywords       Identifiers         Literals            Operators

            int                  digit                     "Break"                   %

            cin                                                25.7                       =


17. Write down the rules governing identifiers.

      Identifier is an arbitrary long sequence of letters, digits and underscores( _ ).

      • The first character must be a letter or underscore ( _ ).

      • White space and special characters are not allowed.

     • Keywords cannot be used as identifiers.

       • Upper and lower case letters are treated differently,

  i.e. C++ is case sensitive. Examples for some valid identifiers are Count, Sumof2numbers, _
_1stRank, Main, Average_Height, FOR

 18. Distinguish between identifiers and keywords.

         We usually assign names to places, people, objects, etc. in our day to day life, to identify them from one another. In C++ we use identifiers for this purpose. Identifiers are the user-defined words that are used to name different program elements such as memory locations, statements, functions, objects, classes etc. The identifiers of memory locations are called variables. The identifiers assigned to statements are called labels. The identifiers used to refer a set of statements are called function names

      The words (tokens) that convey a specific meaning to the language compiler are called keywords. These are also known as reserved words as they are reserved by the language for special purposes and cannot be redefined for any other purposes.

19. How are integer constants represented in C++? Explain with examples.

          Consider the numbers 1776, 707, -273. They are integer constants that identify integer decimal values. The tokens constituted only by digits are called integer literals and they are whole numbers without fractional part. The following are the characteristics of integer literals:

• An integer constant must have at least one digit and must not contain any decimal point.

 • It may contain either + or – sign as the first character, which indicates whether the number is positive or negative.

  •  number with no sign is treated as positive. 

    • No other characters are allowed.

   Example 70,714,-314 etc

20. Briefly describe different types of tokens.

       Tokens are the fundamental building blocks of the program. They are also known as lexical units. C++ has five types of tokens as listed below:

1. Keywords 2. Identifiers 3. Literals 4. Punctuators 5. Operators


            The words (tokens) that convey a specific meaning to the language compiler are called keywords. These are also known as reserved words as they are reserved by the language for special purposes and cannot be redefined for any other purposes.

 Examples do,for,while,int,float,break etc


                Identifiers are the user-defined words that are used to name different program elements such as memory locations, statements, functions, objects, classes etc. The identifiers of memory locations are called variables. The identifiers assigned to statements are called labels. The identifiers used to refer a set of statements are called function names. While constructing identifiers certain rules are to be strictly followed for their validity in the program.

The rules are as follows:

 • Identifier is an arbitrary long sequence of letters, digits and underscores( _ ).

 • The first character must be a letter or underscore ( _ ).

 • White space and special characters are not allowed.

 • Keywords cannot be used as identifiers.

• Upper and lower case letters are treated differently, i.e. C++ is case sensitive.

 Examples for some valid identifiers are Count, Sumof2numbers, _1stRank, Main, Average_Height, FOR


             Literals can be divided into four types as follows:

1. Integer literals

2. Floating point literals

3. Character literals

4. String literals

     Integer literals: Consider the numbers 1776, 707, -273. They are integer constants that identify integer decimal values. The tokens constituted only by digits are called integer literals and they are whole numbers without fractional part

      Floating point literals, also known as real constants are numbers having fractional parts. These can be written in one of the two forms called fractional form or exponential form.

 Example 314.42,52.0 etc

        When we want to store the letter code for gender usually we use ’f’ or ‘F’ for Female and ‘m’ or ‘M’ for Male. Similarly, we may use the letter ‘y’ or ‘Y’ to indicate Yes and the letter ‘n’ or ‘N’ to indicate No. These are single characters. When we refer a single character enclosed in single quotes that never changes its value during the program run, we call it a character literal or character constant.

examples '\n' 'a' 'Z' etc

     String constant is a set of characters enclosed inside double quotes.

     Examples "anu"    " "  etc

       In languages like English, Malayalam, etc. punctuation marks are used for grammatical perfection of sentences. Consider the statement: Who developed C++? Here ‘?’ is the punctuation mark that tells that the statement is a question. Similarly at the end of each sentence we put a full stop (.). In the same way C++ also has some special symbols that have syntactic or semantic meaning to the compiler. These are called punctuators. Examples are: # ; ‘ “ ( ) [ ] { }


      When we have to add 5 and 3, we express it as 5 + 3. Here + is an operator that represents the addition operation. Similarly, C++ has a rich collection of operators. An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler about a specific operation. They are the tokens that trigger some kind of operation. The operator is applied on a set of data called operands. C++ provides different types of operators like arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment, conditional, etc.

 21. Explain different types of literals with examples.

             Literals can be divided into four types as follows:

1. Integer literals

2. Floating point literals

3. Character literals

4. String literals

     Integer literals: Consider the numbers 1776, 707, -273. They are integer constants that identify integer decimal values. The tokens constituted only by digits are called integer literals and they are whole numbers without fractional part

      Floating point literals, also known as real constants are numbers having fractional parts. These can be written in one of the two forms called fractional form or exponential form.

 Example 314.42,52.0 etc

        When we want to store the letter code for gender usually we use ’f’ or ‘F’ for Female and ‘m’ or ‘M’ for Male. Similarly, we may use the letter ‘y’ or ‘Y’ to indicate Yes and the letter ‘n’ or ‘N’ to indicate No. These are single characters. When we refer a single character enclosed in single quotes that never changes its value during the program run, we call it a character literal or character constant.

examples '\n' 'a' 'Z' etc

     String constant is a set of characters enclosed inside double quotes.

        Examples "anu " "  "amount" "break"

 22. Briefly describe the Geany IDE and its important features.

          There are many compilers available like GCC, Borland C++, Turbo C++, Microsoft C++ (Visual C++), Unix AT & T C++, etc. Out of these, GCC is a free software available with Linux operating system. GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collection and is one of the popular C++ compilers which works with ISO C++ standard. GCC versions are available for Windows platforms also. Geany is a cross-platform IDE that works with GCC for writing, compiling and executing C++ programs.

Opening the edit window

 The edit window of Geany IDE can be opend from the Applications menu of Ubuntu Linux by proceeding as follows:

 Applications----> Programming-------> Geany

 To open a new file, choose File menu, then select New option or click New button on the toolbar.

    Saving the program

 Once a file is opened, enter the C++ program and save it with a suitable file name with extension .cpp. GCC being a collection of compilers, the extension decides which compiler is to be selected for the compilation of the code. Therefore we have to specify the extension without fail. If we give the file name before typing the program, GCC provides different colours automatically to distinguish the types of tokens used in the program. It also uses indentation to identify the level of statements in the source code.To save the program, choose File menu and select Save option or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S. Alternatively the file can be saved by clicking the Save button in the toolbar.

Compiling and linking the program

The next step is to compile the program and modify it, if errors are detected. For this, choose Build menu and select Compile option.Alternatively, we can use the Compile button . If there are some errors, those errors will be displayed in the compiler status window at the bottom, otherwise the message Compilation finished successfully will be displayed.

Running/Executing the program

 Running the program is the process by which a computer carries out the instructions of a computer program. To run the program, choose Build menu and select Execute option. The program can also be executed by pressing the function key F5. The output will be displayed in a new window

Closing the IDE

 Once we have executed the program and desired output is obtained, it can be closed by selecting Close option from File menu or by clicking the X symbol in the active tab or in the title bar of the IDE. For writing another program, a new file can be opened by the New option from the File menu or by clicking the New button in the tool bar. The key combination Ctrl+N can also be used for the same. After developing program, we can come out of Geany IDE by choosing File menu and selecting Quit option. The same can be achieved by clicking the Close button of the IDE window or by using the key combination Ctrl+Q

+1]3. Principles Of Programming And Problem Solving - Previous Questions chapter wise

               PLUS ONE 

            First Year Computer Application(Commerce) Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                         Chapter  3(4 for CS) Principles Of Programming And Problem Solving

1.  Fill the blank 

     Source Code ---- ……….. …. …… Object Code

  Ans. Translation

2. The process of converting source code into object code is called………

     Ans. Translation

3.  In a flowchart, the terminal symbol(ellipse) is used to indicate … .. and …..

      Ans. Start and Stop

4.  .  ..  … is the step by step procedure to solve problem.

      Ans. Algorithm

5.  Observe the following statements.

     a)Internal documentation consists of procedure for installing and using the program.

      b)Flowchart are pictorial representation of algorithms.

 Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.

i)Statement a) is correct

 ii)Statement b) is correct

 iii)Both statements are correct

iv)Both statements are incorrect.

Ans. i.

6.  Which of the following is not a part of program documentation?

   a). Writing comments in the source code.

   b). Detecting and correcting errors.

   c). preparation of system Manual. 

   d). Preparation of user manual.

Ans. b

7. While writing a C++ program, a student forgot to put semicolon at the end of the declaration                 statement .What type of error can he expect during compilation?

   Ans. Syntax Error.

8.  Write short notes on the following :

          a). Coding
          b). Debugging

           Ans.a. writing of actual program  in computer language.

                   b. Finding and correcting of errors in the program .

9. What are the characteristics of an algorithm?

     a). It will begin with instructions to accept inputs.
     b). Uses variables to refer data.
     c). Each instructions should be precise and clear.
     d). Instructions should be simple.
     e). The total time taken to carry out all steps should be finite.
     f). After performing the instructions, the desired output must be obtained

10.  Briefly explain different phases in programming.

         a). Problem Identification : To identify the data involved in processing, its types, formula to be                used, activities involve and the output to be obtained.

        b). Preparing of Algorithms and flowchart: to develop a step by step procedure for problem                       solving.

        c). Coding:   writing of actual program  in computer language.

        d) Translation:  Conversion of high level language program to machine language.

        e). Debugging :  Finding and correcting of errors in the program

        f). Execution and testing : Running of the program and testing for correctness.

       g). Documentation: It will help to understand the program  for proper usage and modification.

                   Two types of documentations.
     1) Internal documentation : Adding comments in program code etc..
     2) External Documentation: Writing manuals about the program for user help.

11. Write an algorithm to find the sum and average of 3 numbers.

     Step 1 : Start

    Step 2 :  Get the input of three real numbers and store in a,b,c

    Step 3: calculate sum <- a + b + c

    Step 4: calculate avg <- sum / 3

     Step 5: print sum and avg.

     Step 6 : Stop

12. Draw a flowchart to find the sum and average of even numbers between 1 and 99.

13.  Write a short note on the importance of internal documentation.

        A computerised system cannot be considered to be complete until it is properly documented. In fact documentation is an on-going process that starts in the problem study phase of the system and continues till its implementation and operation. We can write comments in the source code as part of documentation. It is known as internal documentation. It helps the debugging process as well as program modification at a later stage.

14.  Draw any six flow chart symbols and specify their standardized meanings.

   Image result for flowchart symbols

 15.  Explain the different types of errors that may occur in a program

           l there are two types of errors that occur in a program - syntax errors and logical errors. Syntax errors result when the rules or syntax of the programming language are not followed. Such program errors typically involve incorrect punctuation, incorrect word sequence, undefined term, or illegal use of terms or constructs. Almost all language processors detect syntax errors when the program is given for translation. They print error messages that include the line number of the statement having errors and give hints about the nature of the error.

         The second type of error, named logical error, is due to improper planning of the program's logic. The language processor successfully translates the source code into machine code if there are no syntax errors. During the execution of the program, computer actually follows the program instructions and gives the output as per the instructions. But the output may not be correct. This is known as logical error. When a logical error occurs, all you know is that the computer is not giving the correct output. The computers do not tell us what is wrong. It should be identified by the programmer or user. In order to determine whether or not there is a logical error, the program must be tested.

16.  Explain two types of documentation  in programming. 

            The second type of error, named logical error, is due to improper planning of the program's logic. The language processor successfully translates the source code into machine code if there are no syntax errors. During the execution of the program, computer actually follows the program instructions and gives the output as per the instructions. But the output may not be correct. This is known as logical error. When a logical error occurs, all you know is that the computer is not giving the correct output. The computers do not tell us what is wrong. It should be identified by the programmer or user. In order to determine whether or not there is a logical error, the program must be tested.

             Another version of documentation is the preparation of system manual and user manual. These are hard copy documents that contain functioning of the system, its requirements etc. and the procedure for installing and using the programs. While developing software for various applications, these manuals are mandatory. This kind of documentation is known as external documentation.

17.  Errors may occur in two stages of programming.        

  a) Name these two stages. Explain the nature of errors in these stages.   

    b) The process of correcting these errors is known as .......

   Ans. a) Debugging , Execution and Testing  are the stages  of programming.Syntax errors ,Logical errors and Run-time errors are the errors in these stages.

         Syntax errors result when the rules or syntax of the programming language are not followed. Such program errors typically involve incorrect punctuation, incorrect word sequence, undefined term, or illegal use of terms or constructs. Almost all language processors detect syntax errors when the program is given for translation.
       The second type of error, named logical error, is due to improper planning of the program's logic. The language processor successfully translates the source code into machine code if there are no syntax errors. During the execution of the program, computer actually follows the program instructions and gives the output as per the instructions. But the output may not be correct. This is known as logical error.

         For example consider an instruction A= B/C. This statement causes interruption in execution if the value of C happens to be zero. In such a situation, the error messages may be displayed by the error-handling function of the language. These errors are known as Run-time error. These errors can be rectified by providing instructions for checking the validity of the data before it gets processed by the subsequent instructions in the program.

    b)    Debugging. 

18. .An algorithm is a finite sequence of instruction to solve a problem.

a)What are the characteristics of algorithm ?      

b)Pictorial representation of algorithm is called .....................

Ans. a)  a). It will begin with instructions to accept inputs.
             b). Uses variables to refer data.
              c). Each instructions should be precise and clear.
              d). Instructions should be simple.
               e). The total time taken to carry out all steps should be finite.
               f). After performing the instructions, the desired output must be obtained.

         b)   Flowchart 

19. Write an algorithm And Flowchart to find and display fist 100 natural numbers.
            Refer text book  page no.99       

+1]3.Principles Of Programming And Problem Solving - Solved Questions from text book


  Chapter 3. (4 for CS)   Principles Of  Programming And Problem Solving

                  (+1. Computer Application  Questions and answers from text book)

1. What is an algorithm?

        In computer terminology an algorithm may be defined as a finite sequence of instructions to solve a problem. It is a step-by-step procedure to solve a problem, where each step represents a specific task to be carried out. However, in order to qualify as an algorithm.

2. Pictorial representation of algorithm is known as ______.

      Ans. Flowchart

3. Which flow chart symbol is always used in pair?

    Ans. connector

4. Which flow chart symbol has one entry flow and two exit flows?

   Ans. Decision  box.(Rhombus)

 5. Program written in HLL is known as ________.

    Ans.  Source code

 6. What is debugging?

         Debugging is the stage where programming errors are discovered and corrected. As long as computers are programmed by human beings, the programs will be subject to errors. Programming errors are known as 'bugs' and the process of detecting and correcting these errors is called debugging

 7. What is an object code?

       Now we have a program fully constituted by machine language instructions. This version of the source code is known as object code and it will be usually stored in a file by the compiler itself.

8. What is the role of a computer in problem solving?

      Computer can carry out tasks efficiently and accurately  if we give correct instructions. Computer is an obedient servant without any common sense.  So the computer can be used to solve problems by giving step by step instruction to solve it.

 9. What is the use of connector in a flow chart?

         When a flowchart becomes bigger, the flow lines start crisscrossing at many places causing confusion and reducing comprehension of the flowchart. Moreover, when the flowchart becomes too long to fit into a single page the use of flow lines becomes impossible. Whenever a flowchart becomes complex and the number and direction of flow lines is confusing or it spreads over more than one page, a pair of connector symbols can be used to join the flow lines that are broken. This symbol represents an "entry from", or an "exit to" another part of the flowchart.

 10. What do you mean by logical errors in a program?

      Two types of errors that occur in a program - syntax errors and logical errors

      Logical errors is due to improper planning of the program's logic. The language processor successfully translates the source code into machine code if there are no syntax errors. During the execution of the program, computer actually follows the program instructions and gives the output as per the instructions. But the output may not be correct. This is known as logical error. When a logical error occurs, all you know is that the computer is not giving the correct output. The computers do not tell us what is wrong. It should be identified by the programmer or user. In order to determine whether or not there is a logical error, the program must be tested. So, let us move on to the next stage of programming.

11. What are the limitations of a flow chart?

      a). Very time consuming to draw .
        b). Changing in logic is difficult.

       c). No standard about amount of details including .

12. What is the need of documentation for a program?

         A computerised system cannot be considered to be complete until it is properly documented. In fact documentation is an on-going process that starts in the problem study phase of the system and continues till its implementation and operation. We can write comments in the source code as part of documentation. It is known as internal documentation. It helps the debugging process as well as program modification at a later stage.Another version of documentation is the preparation of system manual and user manual. These are hard copy documents that contain functioning of the system, its requirements etc. and the procedure for installing and using the programs. While developing software for various applications, these manuals are mandatory. This kind of documentation is known as external documentation.

13. What is a computer program? How do algorithms help to write programs?

       A finite sequence of instructions to solve a problem written in a computer language.

Algorithm is a finite sequence of instructions to solve a problem. It is a step by step procedure to solve a problem. It may contain input, processing , conditions and  output statements. It follow the logical flow of the program. So writing of program is easy with the help of flowchart.

14. Write an algorithm to find the sum and average of 3 numbers.

    Step 1 : Start   

    Step 2 :  Get the input of three real numbers and store in a,b,c

    Step 3: calculate sum <- a + b + c

    Step 4: calculate avg <- sum / 3

     Step 5: print sum and avg.

     Step 6 : Stop

15. Draw a flowchart to display the first 10 natural numbers.

      Same as first 100 natural numbers.Condition N<=100 instead of N<=10.       

16. What are the characteristics of an algorithm?

     a). It will begin with instructions to accept inputs.
     b). Uses variables to refer data.
    c). Each instructions should be precise and clear.
    d). Instructions should be simple.
    e). The total time taken to carry out all steps should be finite.
    f). After performing the instructions, the desired output must be obtained

17. What are the advantages of using a flowchart?

       a). Better communication: By using symbols, it is easy to convey ideas to other  programmers.

     b). Effective analysis:  Because it clearly specifies the flow of steps in the program.

    c). Effective synthesis:  Program can be divided into small modules and its solution  can represent separately and can finally placed together.
   d). Efficient Coding:   The flow chart act as a road map through which the programmer can develop program with out omission of important steps .

18. Briefly explain different phases in programming.

         a). Problem Identification : To identify the data involved in processing, its types, formula to be                used, activities involve and the output to be obtained.

        b). Preparing of Algorithms and flowchart: to develop a step by step procedure for problem                       solving.

        c). Coding:   writing of actual program  in computer language.

        d) Translation:  Conversion of high level language program to machine language.

        e). Debugging :  Finding and correcting of errors in the program

        f). Execution and testing : Running of the program and testing for correctness.

       g). Documentation: It will help to understand the program  for proper usage and modification.

                   Two types of documentations.
     1) Internal documentation : Adding comments in program code etc..
     2) External Documentation: Writing manuals about the program for user help.

Image result for flowchart symbols

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Solved Question and Answers from Textbook & previous Question papers .
For  +1 & +2 

Friday, 23 August 2019

+1] 2. Components Of The Computer System - Previous questions chapter wise


          First Year Computer Application or Computer Science Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                         Chapter  2.(3 for CS)Components Of The Computer System

1. Write the full form of HDMI 

  Ans.  High Definition Multimedia Interface   

2. The process of converting source code into object code is called ….. ……. 

 Ans. Compilation

3.  Write an example of an operating system that is a free and open source software

1) Linux kernel. The Linux kernel is a prominent example of free and open source software. ...
2) GNU Utilities and Compilers. ...
3) Ubuntu. ...
4) BSD Operating Systems. ...

4.  .. …… is a software used for removing worms and trojans 

Ans. Anti-virus

5. “Central Processing Unit(CPU) is the brain of the computer”.What is the role of   Control Unit(CU) in the CPU

           The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the "brain" of the computer. It executes instructions (from software) and tells other components what to do. ... The Control Unit deciphers and carries out instructions.

6.USB stands for--------------

Ans. Universal Serial Bus

7. “ e-Waste is one of the major problems which we are facing all over the world”.  Justify the  statement

      Yes. The reason often comes down to their packaging. There is definitely a false sense of security when it comes to our electronics being non-hazardous when they become waste. Part of the problem is the packaging of the devices. Their sleek and appealing exteriors make it hard to see them as waste.

8.  Which one of the following CPU register hold the address of the next instruction to be  executed by the processor. 

  a). Accumulator  

  b). Instruction Register(IR) 

 c). Memory address register  

 d). program Counter(PC) 

Ans. d

9. Which one of the following is used to connect a projector to a computer?

 a) USB port 

 b) PS/2 port 

c) Parallel port 

 d) VGA port 

Ans. d

10. Differentiate between a compiler and an interpreter. 

          Compiler is also a language processor that translates a program written in high level language into machine language. It scans the entire program in a single run. If there is any error in the program, the compiler provides a list of error messages along with the line number at the end of the compilation. If there are no syntax errors, the compiler will generate an object file. Translation using compiler is called compilation. After translation compilers are not required in memory to run the program. The programming languages that have a compiler are C, C++, Pascal, etc

              Interpreter is another kind of language processor that converts a HLL program into machine language line by line. If there is an error in one line, it reports and the execution of the program is terminated. It will continue the translation only after correcting the error. BASIC is an interpreted language.

11.  Compare  RAM  and ROM 

          RAM                                                                                                        ROM

1. It is faster than ROM                                                                        It is a slower memory
2 It stores the operating system, application                              It stores the program required to boot       programs and data when                                                           the    the computer  initially
    Computer is functioning                                                                                             
3. It allows reading and writing.                                                    Usually allows reading only.
4.  It is volatile, i.e. its contents are lost
       when the device is powered off.                                             It is non-volatile

12.  Consider that NSS volunteers of your school have taken up a campaign to educate  your friends in other schools to reduce e-Waste.

a). Write four captions(methods) for     the campaign through which students can reduce the volume of e-waste produced

b). Explain e-Waste disposal methods

c).  Define the term, green - computing. How can you implement green –computing

  Ans. a). Reuse: It refers to second-hand use or usage after the equipment has been upgraded or modified.
 b). Recycling of e-Waste: Recycling is the process of making or manufacturing new       products from a product that has originally served its purpose.
 c). Refuse : Use alternatives if there is or buy only it is necessary. 
d). Incineration: It is a controlled and complete combustion process in which the waste  is burned in specially designed incinerators at a high temperature 
e). Land filling: It is one of the most widely used, but not recommended methods for disposal of e-Waste.

c). Green computing is the designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of computers and associated components efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment.   To make computer green,

  a). Green design: Designing energy-efficient and eco-friendly computers, servers, printers, projectors and other digital devices.
 b). Green manufacturing: Minimising waste during the manufacturing of computers and other components 
   c). Green use: Minimising the electricity consumption of computers and peripheral devices and using them in an eco-friendly manner. Minimise  printing and maximize the use of soft copy
 d). Green disposal: Reconstructing or recycling unwanted electronic equipment.

13.  Arrange the following memory storage devices on the base of their speed in  ascending order. 

       a). Hard Disk b). Cache c). RAM d). Registers 

 Ans.     c). RAM
            a). Hard Disk

             b). Cache

             d). Registers

14.  Differentiate or define the terms software and hardware in a computer system.  Give one example for each.

        Hardware is the tangible and visible parts of a computer.
        Eg.  Processor, Mother board  etc

     Software is a set of programs that help us to use the computer system  or  electronic  devices               efficiently.             
     Eg.  Operating System, Antivirus etc.

15.  What do you mean by utility software? List any four types of utility software  with their use

     Utility software is a set of programs which help users in system maintenance tasks  and in performing tasks of routine nature. 

 Some examples are,

 a). Compression tools: Large files can be compressed so that they take less  storage area. hese compressed files can be decompressed into its original  form when needed.                 
 Eg. Winzip, 7zip etc.

  b). Disk defragmenter: Disk defragmenter is a program that rearranges files on a   computer hard disk.
 c). Backup software: Backup means duplicating the disk information as a  protection from loss.

d). Antivirus software: Antivirus software is a utility program that scans the   computer  system for viruses and removes them.

16. Explain any five commonly used secondary or (auxilliary) memory devices.

         Different categories of storage devices are magnetic, optical and semiconductor memory.

     i. Magnetic storage devices Magnetic storage devices use plastic tape or metal/plastic disks coated with   Magnetic materials. Data is recorded magnetically in these devices. Eg.  1.    Floppy Disk, 2.    Hard Disk, 3. Magnetic Tape
a). Floppy Disk: It is made up of plastic coated with magnetic material. Its capacity is 1.44 MB.
A floppy drive is used to read the data from a floppy disk. Data will lose when it kept inside a magnetic field or other chemicals, because it coated with magnetic substances.
b). Magnetic Tape:  It can store huge volume of data and cheap. Data is stored in thin tape coated with magnetic material. It is a sequential access medium.
c). Hard Disk: It contains a group of metallic disks, coated with magnetic material in a dust proof case. Each plate has read write head. It has huge capacity from 10 GB to 4 or more  TB. The recordable surface of a disk is divided into number or invisible concentric circles called Tracks. Each track again divided into pie shaped segments called sectors.
ii. Optical storage devices Optical disk is a data storage medium which uses low-powered laser beam to read from and write data into it. It consists of an aluminum foil sandwiched between two circular plastic disks. Data is written on a single continuous spiral in the form of pits and lands. They are classified into three,
a). Compact Disk (CD): It is made up of a layer of aluminum on a plastic plate. Its capacity is 700 MB. It may be CDROM or WORM (write ones read many) or CD R/W. To read and write red beam of laser light is used.
b). Digital Versatile Disc (DVD): It is faster and has more storage capacity than CD. Its capacity is from  4.7 GB to 15.9GB
c) Blue Ray DVD: Used to store High Definition videos and huge amount of data storage. It uses blue-violet LASSER beams  that allows data is packed more tightly.
iii. Semiconductor storage (Flash memory) Flash drives use EEPROM chips for data storage. They do not contain any moving parts. Flash memory is faster and durable when compared to other types of secondary memory.

a). USB flash drive A flash drive is a small external storage device, which consists of flash memory typically the size of a human thumb. USB flash drives are portable and rewritable.

b). Flash memory cards Flash memory card is another type of flash memory. They are flat and small in size.

17.  Compare Dot matrix printer, Ink jet printer, Laser printer and Thermal printer  on the basis of           their working speed, quality of printing, and expense for printing

Characters are formed by the impact of pin sets. When print head moves pins are strike on the paper. They versatile (can print both text and graphics), Print cost is low but low speed, low quality and noisy. But we can change the font settings.

Inkjet printers form the image on the page by spraying tiny droplets of ink from the print head. There is no physical contact between print head and paper. Printing speed is high. It gives high quality with colour printing and it does not produce noise. But the cost of ink cartridges makes it a costly in the long run.

Here carbon powder (toner) acts as carbon ribbon. The image to be printed is transferred to a drum using a laser beam. The toner powder sticks onto the portions traced on the drum by the laser beam. It is transferred to a paper by rolling the paper over the drum.  Printing speed is high. It gives high quality with colour printing and it does not produce noise.

  Thermal printing produces a printed image by selectively heating heat-sensitive thermal paper when it passes over the thermal print head. The coating turns black in the areas where it is heated, producing an image.

18. What are the types of memories used in computer

      Memory is a place where we can store data, instructions and results temporarily   or permanently.      Memory can be classified into two: primary memory and secondary memory.

Primary memory in a computer holds data, intermediate results and results of  ongoing jobs temporarily.  Eg. RAM. (Random Access Memory):  It refers to the main memory that microprocessor can read from and write to. Data can be stored and retrieved at random from anywhere within the RAM.

ROM is a permanent memory that can perform only read operations and its contents cannot be easily altered. ROM is non-volatile; the contents are retained even after the power is switched off.            Eg. Basic Input Output System (BIOS).   
Some modified types of ROM are,
a). PROM   - Programmable ROM which can be programmed only once.
 b).EPROM - Erasable Programmable ROM that can be erased using ultra violet radiation                      and can be programmed using special electronic circuits.
 c).EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM which can be erased and  rewritten electrically.   Eg. Pen Drive

Cache memory is a small and fast memory between the processor and RAM.  It helps to improve the speed and performance of the computer system.

Secondary memory is permanent memory. Secondary memory is much larger in size than RAM, but is slower. It stores programs and data but the processor cannot access them directly. 
  Eg. Hard Disk, CD , ROMs etc.

19. Mr.Rajmohan wants to buy a computer.He is an engineer by profession.He wants  a device to Draw which can be used to ‘draw directly on the screen.

     a)Suggest him an input device.
     b)Suggest him any four practices of green computing

Ans. a) Light pen

          b). green IT includes hardware, software, tools, strategies and practices that improve and promote environmental sustainability. Green IT benefits the environment by improving energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, using less harmful materials, the re-use and recycling is also important.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

+1]2. Components Of The Computer System - Solved Questions from text book

                                  PLUS ONE COMPUTER  SCIENCE /COMPUTER APPLICATION

 (+1. Computer Application/computer science  Questions and answers from text book)

                                     Chapter 2(3 for CS) Components Of The Computer System   



  1.  The fastest memory in a computer is ________.

         Ans. Register

    2. The storage capacity of a single layer DVD is ________.

      Ans. 4.37GB

    3. What is cache memory?

            Cache memory is a small and fast memory between the processor and RAM (main memory). Frequently accessed data, instructions, intermediate results, etc. are stored in cache memory for quick access. When the processor needs to read from or write to a location in RAM, it first checks whether a copy of that data is in the cache. If so, the processor immediately reads the cache, which is much faster than reading from RAM. Cache is more expensive than RAM, but it is worth using it in order to maximise system performance.

    4. What is the use of program counter register?

              It holds the address of the next instruction to be executed by the processor

    5. What is HDMI?

            HDMI is a type of digital connection capable of transmitting high-definition video and multi channel audio over a single cable. To do the same thing with analog cables, we need to connect several video and audio cables.

6. The environmentally responsible and eco-friendly use of computers and their resources is known as _________ .

    Ans Green IT

7. The process of making or manufacturing new products from the product that has originally served its purpose is called _______.

 Ans. Recycling

8. Compare dot matrix printers and laser printers.

                   Dot matrix printers use small electromagnetically activated pins in the print head and an inked ribbon, to produce images by impact. The most commonly used printer heads consists of 9 pins. Certain printers use 24 pins for better print quality. These printers are slow and noisy, and are not commonly used for personal use. The Dot Matrix Printers are widely used at cash counters in shops due to their low printing cost and for the reason that we get carbon copies from them.

            A laser printer produces good quality output. The image to be printed is transferred to a drum using a laser beam. The toner powder from the toner cartridge is then sprayed on the drum. The toner powder sticks onto the portions traced on the drum by the laser beam. It is transferred to a paper by rolling the paper over the drum. Through heating the powder is fused on to the paper.

 9. List any two input and output devices each.

       Input devices : Mouse,Keyboard,Scanner,Joystick,Touch screen etc

      Output devices: Visual disply unit,Printer,Monitor,Projector etc

10. Define operating system.

           Operating system is a set of programs that acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware. The primary objective of an operating system is to make the computer system convenient to use. Operating system provides an environment for user to execute programs. It also helps to use the computer hardware in an efficient manner. Operating system controls and co-ordinates the operations of a computer.

 11. Give two examples for OS.

           DOS, Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, etc

12. A program in execution is called ______.

       Ans. Process

 13. Mention any two functions of OS

      i. Process management

 By the term process we mean a program in execution. The process management module of an operating system takes care of the allocation and de-allocation of processes and scheduling of various system resources to the different requesting processes.

 ii. Memory management

 Memory management is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary memory. It keeps track of each and every memory location to ensure whether it is allocated to some process or free. It calculates how much memory is to be allocated to each process and allocates it. It de-allocates memory if it is not needed further.

14. Name the software that translates assembly language program into machine language program.

      Ans.  Assembler

 15. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter.

              Compiler is also a language processor that translates a program written in high level language into machine language. It scans the entire program in a single run. If there is any error in the program, the compiler provides a list of error messages along with the line number at the end of the compilation. If there are no syntax errors, the compiler will generate an object file. Translation using compiler is called compilation. After translation compilers are not required in memory to run the program. The programming languages that have a compiler are C, C++, Pascal, etc

              Interpreter is another kind of language processor that converts a HLL program into machine language line by line. If there is an error in one line, it reports and the execution of the program is terminated. It will continue the translation only after correcting the error. BASIC is an interpreted language.

 16. DBMS stands for _________.

        Ans. Database Management System

17. Give two examples for customized software.

 Ans. Payroll system and Inventory system

18. Duplicating disk information is called _________.

       Ans. Backup software

19. An example of free and open source software is ______.

   Ans. Mozilla firefox

 20. The software that give users a chance to try it before buying is _____.

     Ans. Shareware

21. What do you mean by free and open source software?What are the four freedoms which make up free and open source software?

 Free and open source software gives the user the freedom to use, copy, distribute, examine, change and improve the software. Nowadays free and open source software is widely used throughout the world because of adaptable functionality, less overall costs, vendor independency, adherence to open standards, interoperability and security. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) defines the four freedoms for free and open source software:

 Freedom 0 - The freedom to run program for any purpose.

Freedom 1 - The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs. Access to source code should be provided.

Freedom 2 - The freedom to distribute copies of the software.

 Freedom 3 - The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

 22. An example of proprietary software is _________.

       Ans. Microsoft windows operating system

 23. Give two examples of humanware.

         Ans. System Administrators,Computer engineers.

 24. What are the components of a digital computer?

           Processor,Motherboard,Peripherals and ports, and  Hard disk

25. Write the main functions of central processing unit.

       The central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is a piece of hardware that carries out the instructions of a computer program. It performs the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of a computer system.

          Image result for image of cpu download

26. What are the different types of main memory?

                   Memory can be classified into two: primary memory and secondary memory.
Primary memory holds data, intermediate results and results of ongoing jobs temporarily. Secondary memory on the other hand holds data and information permanently.

27. What is the advantage of EEPROM over EPROM?

         EPROM - Erasable Programmable ROM that can be erased using ultra violet radiation and can be programmed using special electronic circuits.  EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM which can be erased and rewritten electrically

 27. When do we use ROM?

             ROM is a permanent memory that can perform only read operations and its contents cannot be easily altered. ROM is non-volatile; the contents are retained even after the power is switched off. ROM is used in most computers to hold a small, special piece of 'boot up' program known as Basic Input Output System (BIOS).This software runs when the computer is switched on or 'boots up'. It checks the computer's hardware and then loads the operating system.

28. What is an input device? List few commonly used input devices.

       An input device is used to feed data into a computer. It is also defined as a device that provides communication between the user and the computer.

Light pen
Graphic Tablet
Touch screen
Touch pad
Digital camera
Smartcard reader

29. What do you mean by an output device? List few commonly used output devices.

          Output devices are devices that print/display output from a computer. Outputs generated by the output devices may be hardcopy output or softcopy output. Hardcopy outputs are permanent outputs which can be used at a later date or when required. They produce a permanent record on paper. The common output devices that produce hardcopy outputs are printers and plotters.

Audio output device

30. What is a storage device? List few commonly used storage devices.

        Secondary memory is much larger in size than RAM, but is slower. It stores programs and data but the processor cannot access them directly. Secondary memory is also used for transferring data or programs from one computer to another. It also acts as a backup.
The major categories of storage devices are magnetic, optical and semiconductor memory.

Magnetic: Magnetic tapes,hard disk

                  Image result for hard disk images

Optical : CD,DVD,Blue ray DVD

         Image result for cd images download

Semiconductor: USB Flash drive,Flash memory cards

                           Image result for flash memory card images

31. What is the role of ALU?

           The accumulator is a part of the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). This register is used to store data to perform arithmetic and logical operation. The result of an operation is stored in the accumulator.

32. What is a control unit?

             The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs the operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic and logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor.

33 What are registers? Write and explain any two of them.

         CPU Registers are used to retrieve and store data at an extreme speed when manipulations are done by the CPU on a temporary basis.

 Some Important CPU Registers are,
 1. MAR (Memory Address Register):- To store the address of the memory location where data is to be stored/retrieved.
 2. MBR (Memory Buffer Register)   :- It holds the data, either to be written to or read from the memory by the processor

 34. Differentiate Hard copy and Soft copy.

                A hard copy a printed digital document file on paper, whereas soft copy is an unprinted electronicdocument file that exists in any digital form like in personal computers, pen drives, DVD's, in the form of word file, pdf file or wordpad file. ... Hard copy is aprinted document. A Physical item (that you can touch).

 35. What is e-Waste?

         e-Waste refers to electronic products nearing the end of their "useful life"        .  Electronic waste may be defined as discarded computers, office electronic           equipment, entertainment devices, mobile phones, television sets and    refrigerators.  e-Waste contains some toxic substances such as mercury, lead, cadmium, brominated flame retardants, etc.  CRTs have a relatively high concentration of lead and phosphors. The toxic materials can cause cancer, reproductive disorders and many other health problems, if not properly managed.

 36. What is operating system?

            It acts as an interface between the user and the hardware. It is a set of programs that control, co-ordinate the operations of a computer and help to make efficient use of resources ie. Software and hardware.. It has the following functions.
Process management, Memory management, File management, Security and Command interpretation.
 Example: MS Windows XP, Vista, 7, Linux, DOS

37. What is a language processor?

       Language processors  used to translate the assembly or high level language programs or instructions in to equivalent machine language instruction. They are classified in to three. They are  1) Assembler 2) Compiler and 3) Interpreter.
Assembler:   It converts assembly language codes into Machine language codes. 
Compiler:   It translates all lines of high level language program at a time in to its                 equivalent machine code. The language like C++ .
Interpreter:    It translates high level language program in line by line in to its equivalent  machine code. So it need less memory than compiler. The language like BASIC uses interpreter.

38. Mention the categories of computer languages.

        Machine language :-The language, which uses binary digits, is called machine language.    Writing    a program in machine language is very difficult.

       Assembly language: Assembly language is an intermediate-level programming language. Assembly languages use mnemonics. Mnemonic is a symbolic name given to an operation.eg ADD, SUB   

       High Level Languages (HLL): These are like English languages and are simpler to understand than the assembly language or machine language.  Eg. C++, VB etc.

39. What is disk defragmenter?
            Disk defragmenter is a program that rearranges files on   a  computer hard disk.

40. What is proprietary software?

              Proprietary software is a computer program is property of the developer/publisher and can not copy , change or distribute without permission.
Eg. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, MS Office etc.

41. Briefly explain any three input devices.

           a). Keyboard: It is used to inputting alphabets, numbers and other characters. etc. characters. Keyboard detects the key pressed and generates the corresponding ASCII code which can be recognized by the computer. Usually it consists of 101 to 105 keys It has a keyboard layout called the QWERTY design. QWERTY gets its name from the first six letters across in the upper left- hand corner of the keyboard.

b). Mouse: It is a pointing device to point and select objects from the screen and also draws pictures. There are various types of mouses  like                         
  1. Serial and parallel mouse,  2. Optical mouse  3. Wireless Mouse

c.)Optical Character Reader (OCR):An OCR is a device that can read characters printed with a predefined font. Characters scanned with optical scanner. Scanned image converted to ASCII code and compare with original. It is faster input method with fewer errors. But only limited characters are used. For proper reading high quality printing is needed.

42. Compare CRT with LED monitor.

                    Image result for CRT and LED MONITORS IMAGES

            The Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor resembles television sets of the past. Two types of CRT monitors are available, monochrome and color. A monochrome monitor displays characters and images in a single colour on a dark background.

            LED monitors use LED directly behind the liquid crystal display (LCD) in order to light up the screen. This technique is very effective and gives each area of the screen its own light, which can be on or off. LED screens can produce massive contrast ratio making the difference between the lights and the blacks appear almost perfect. This technology is expensive. The advantage of using LED is better color quality, clarity, wider viewing angle, faster refresh rates and power savings

43. Differentiate RAM and ROM.

        RAM                                                                                                        ROM

1. It is faster than ROM                                                                        It is a slower memory
2 It stores the operating system, application                              It stores the program required to boot       programs and data when                                                           the    the computer  initially
    Computer is functioning                                                                                               
3. It allows reading and writing.                                                    Usually allows reading only.
4.  It is volatile, i.e. its contents are lost
       when the device is powered off.                                             It is non-volatile

 44. List and explain e-Waste disposal methods.

                              Image result for ewaste images
       a). Reuse: It refers to second-hand use or usage after the equipment has been upgraded or modified.
 b). Recycling of e-Waste: Recycling is the process of making or manufacturing new  products from a product that has originally served its purpose.
c). Refuse : Use alternatives if there is or buy only it is necessary.
d). Incineration: It is a controlled and complete combustion process in which the waste       is burned in specially designed incinerators at a high temperature
 e). Land filling: It is one of the most widely used, but not recommended methods for disposal of e-Waste

 45. Enumerate the steps that can be taken for the implementation of green computing philosophy.

    Green computing is the designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of computers and associated components efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment.   To make computer green,

a). Green design: Designing energy-efficient and eco-friendly computers, servers, printers, projectors and other digital devices.
b). Green manufacturing: Minimising waste during the manufacturing of computers and other components.
 c). Green use: Minimising the electricity consumption of computers and peripheral devices and using them in an eco-friendly manner. Minimise  printing and maximize the use of soft copy.
 d). Green disposal: Reconstructing or recycling unwanted electronic equipment.

 46. What do you mean by customized software? Give examples.

          Software that is made for an individual or business that performs tasks specific to their needs is called custom software. For example, if you had a home business, you may hire someone to create a custom software program to help print and view invoices. Canned Software, Software terms.

            Image result for What do you mean by customized software? Give examples.

47. Distinguish between low level and high level languages.

         Low level language is Machine language. The language, which uses binary digits, is called machine language. Writing a program in machine language is very difficult.

       High level languages  are like English languages and are simpler to understand than the assembly language or machine language.  Eg. C++, VB etc.

 48. Describe the use of electronic spreadsheets.

                                     Image result for electronic spreadsheet images

         A spreadsheet is a software application that enables a user to save, sort and manage data in an arranged form of rows and columns. A spreadsheet stores data in a tabular format as an electronic document. An electronic spreadsheet is based on and is similar to the paper-based accounting worksheet.

49. What is utility software? Give two examples.

       Utility software is a set of programs which help users in system maintenance tasks         and in performing tasks of routine nature. 
 Some examples are,

 a). Compression tools: Large files can be compressed so that they take less  storage area. hese compressed files can be decompressed into its original  form when needed.               
  Eg. Winzip, 7zip etc.
 b). Disk defragmenter: Disk defragmenter is a program that rearranges files on a  computer hard disk.

50. Categorise the software given below into operating system, application packages and utility programs. Linux, Tally, WinZip, MS-Word, Windows, MS-Excel

Operating system: Windows,Linux
 Aplication softwares: MS-Excel,MS-Word
Utility softwares: Tally,WinZip

51. Differentiate between freeware and shareware.

     Freeware                                                                               Shareware

1.software which is made available for use free
of charge for an unlimited period.                                           commercial software that is distributed                                                                                                     on a trial basis.
2. Chance to try before purchasing All the
 features are free.                                                                  All features are not available.

3.  Freeware programs can be                                                Shareware may or may not be                          distributed free of cost.                                                          distributed freely                                                                                                                                                                                                  .     52. What do you mean by humanware? Give any two examples.

Humanware or liveware refers to humans who use computer. It was used in computer industry as early as 1966 to refer to computer users, often in humorous contexts by analogy with software and hardware. It refers to programmers, systems analysts, operating staff and other personnel working in a computer system.


     System Administrators : Database Administrators Upkeep, configuration and reliable operation of computer systems; especially multi-user computers such as servers.

Computer Engineers : Design either the hardware or software of a computer system.