
Wednesday 14 August 2019

+2]11. Trends and Issues in ICT - Solved Questions from text book

(+2 Computer Application / Computer Science , 
Text book Questions and Answers)

 Chapter  11 ( Computer Application) : Trends And Issues In ICT.
Chapter 12 ( Computer Science ) : ICT and Society.

1. SIM is

a. Subscriber Identity Module

b. Subscriber Identity Mobile

c. Subscription Identification Module

d. Subscription Identification Mobile

 Ans : a

 2. What is a GPS?

       The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite based navigation system that is used to locate a geographical position anywhere on earth, using its longitude and latitude. GPS is designed and operated by the U.S. Department of Defence and it consists of satellites, control and monitoring stations, and receivers. Vehicle navigation systems will direct the driver to his or her destination through the best route

 3. The protocol used to send SMS messages is ____

  Ans. Signalling  system No.7 (SS7)

4. Name the technology used to send multimedia content using mobile phones.

  Ans. MMS( Multimedia messaging service) 

5. What are the functions of a mobile operating system?

      A mobile OS manages the hardware, multimedia functions, Internet connectivity, etc. in a mobile device. It is the software platform on which other programs, called application programs, run. Popular mobile operating systems are Android from Google, iOS from Apple, BlackBerry OS from BlackBerry and Windows Phone from Microsoft.

6.  Creation of the mind is known as ________.

    Ans.  Intellectual Property Right

7. Expand WIPO.

     World Intellectual Property Organization

8. Intellectual property rights are categorised into ________ and ________.

   Ans. industrial property and copyright. 

9. Patents are exclusive rights given to ________.

10. ________ is a sign used to recognise a product or service.

   Ans. Trademark

 11. What is industrial design?

        An industrial design refers to the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of an article. A design may consist of three-dimensional features such as the shape, surface of an article or two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or colour. An industrial design right protects the visual design of objects that are not purely functional. Industrial designs are applied to a wide variety of industrial products and handicrafts like medical instruments, watches, jewellery, vehicles, textile designs, etc.

12. What is the importance of geographical indicators?

       Geographical indications are signs used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that place of origin. Agricultural products typically have qualities that derive from their place of production and are influenced by factors like climate and soil. Place of origin may be a village or town, a region or a country. Some of the popular products with geographical indications related to Kerala are Aranmula Kannadi and Palakkadan Matta Rice.

13. What do you mean by cyberspace?

     Cyber space is a virtual environment created by computer systems connected to the Internet. It is the term used to refer to a simulated world, where we can do many things at one place.Cyberspace is an unreal world in which communication over computer networks occurs. It is an information superhighway where individuals gather information, interact, exchange ideas, provide social support, conduct business, play games, engage in discussions and so on.

 14. Criminal activity using computer, mobile phone and Internet is termed as __________.

    Ans. Cyber Crimes

15. What is cyber crime against a person?

     The popularity of broadband Internet increased the dependence of Internet for daily activities. This increased the risk of online crimes. An act of a person in cyberspace that causes physical or mental trouble to an individual is referred as cyber crime. Harassment, assuming someone’s identity, impersonation and violation of privacy are some examples of cyber crimes.

16. Cyber terrorism is a type of cyber crime against __________.

  Ans. Government 

17. Stealing one's information such as username and password is

     Ans. Identity theft

18. The year in which IT Act came into existence in India is _________.

    May 2000

 19. What is the purpose of IT Act?

         The acts aim to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication. IT Act allows using alternatives to paper based communication and facilitates electronic filing of documents with government agencies. It gives legal acceptance for electronic communication. It also addresses offenses and disputes in the cyberspace and provides justice to victims of cyber crimes.

20. What do you mean by cyber forensics?

       Forensics is the process of using scientific knowledge for identifying, collecting, preserving, analyzing and presenting evidence to the courts. Cyber forensics can be defined as the discipline that combines elements of law and computer science to collect and analyze data from computer systems, networks, communication systems and storage devices in a way that is admissible as evidence in a court of law. The goal of computer forensics is to analyse data in a way that preserves the integrity of the evidence collected so that it can be used effectively in a legal case.

 21. _________ is the excessive enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge

 Ans. Infomania

22. Explain generations in mobile communication?

        The mobile phone was introduced in the year 1946. In the initial stage, growth in mobile communication was very slow. With the increase in the number of users, accommodating them within the limited available frequency spectrum became a major problem. To solve this problem, the concept of cellular communication was evolved.The cellular concept was developed in the 1960’s at Bell Laboratories.

a. First Generation networks
 First Generation (1G) networks refer to the first generation of wireless telephone technology (mobile telecommunications) developed around 1980. 1G mobile phones were based on the analog system and provided basic voice facility only.

b. Second Generation networks
 Second Generation (2G) networks follow the digital system for communication. This improved the audio quality in transmission. In 2G networks, phone conversations are digitally encrypted.These networks provided far greater mobile phone coverage. 2G networks also introduced data services for mobile. Picture messages and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS ) were introduced. The two popular standards introduced by 2G systems are Global System for Mobiles (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).

c. Third Generation networks
The Third Generation (3G) wireless network technology provides high data transfer rates for handheld devices. The high data transfer rates allow 3G networks to offer multimedia services combining voice and data. 3G is also referred to as wireless broadband as it has the facility to send and receive large amounts of data using a mobile phone. The access part in 3G networks uses WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access). It requires upgrading the base stations (mobile towers) and mobile phones. Besides, the base stations need to be close to each other.

d. Fourth Generation networks
 A Fourth Geneartion (4G) system, also called Long Term Evolution (L.T.E.), provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access to mobile devices. 4G networks offer very high speeds and provides excellent performance for bandwidth intensive applications such as high quality streaming video. One of the key requirements for 4G is a wireless IP-based access system. The access part in 4G networks uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA). 4G provides good quality images and videos than TV.

e. Fifth Generation networks
 Fifth Geneartion (5G) is the next step in the evolution of mobile communication. It will offer faster, more number of connections, more energy-efficient and costeffective data communication than its predecessors. 5G will be a key component that will help to realise the vision of unlimited access to information and sharing of data anywhere and anytime. 5G will also provide wireless connectivity for a wide range of new applications in wearable devices, smart homes, traffic safety/control, industry applications, etc. By 2020, it is thought that 5,000 crore to 1,00,000 crore devices will be connected to the Internet.

23. What is mobile computing?

       Mobile computing is a technology that has computing capability and can transmit/ receive data while in motion. Mobile computing requires portable computing devices like laptops, tablets, smart phones, etc., wireless communication networks and connectivity to the Internet. The demand for mobile computing started the growth and development of mobile communication technology.

24. Compare GSM and CDMA standards.

          Global System for Mobiles (GSM) is a globally accepted standard for digital cellular communication. It is a digital, circuit-switched network for voice telephony. The frequency band for GSM is 900 MHz to 1800 MHz. GSM follows a uniform international standard that made it possible to use a mobile device around the world. The network is identified using the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). Users can select a handset of their choice. GSM is the most successful family of cellular standards.

       In Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system, several transmitters can send information simultaneously over a single communication channel. CDMA provides wider coverage than GSM and provides better reception even in low signal strength conditions. The voice quality in CDMA is better than GSM. It has a signal with wider bandwidth and increased resistance to interference. CDMA technology provides better security to the mobile network when compared to GSM.

25. Write short notes on SMS.

         Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service in mobile communication systems that allows exchanging short text messages. SMS is the most widely used data application by mobile phone users. The GSM standard allows to send a message containing upto 160 characters. When a message is sent, it reaches a Short Message Service Center (SMSC), which provides a ‘store and forward’ mechanism. SMSC attempts to send messages to the recipients. If a recipient is not reachable, the SMSC waits and then retries later. Some SMSC’s also provide a ‘forward and forget’ option where transmission is tried only once and if it fails, the message is not sent again. SMS messages are exchanged using the protocol called Signalling System.

26. Differentiate GPRS and EDGE?

       GPRS is a packet oriented mobile data service on GSM. When compared to conventional GSM, users of GPRS benefited from shorter access time and higher data rates. GPRS allows billing based on volume of data transferred. Although GPRS is a ‘data only’ technology, it helps to improve GSM’s voice quality.
 EDGE is a digital mobile phone technology that allows improved data transmission rates for GSM. EDGE is a superset to GPRS and can function on any network with GPRS deployed on it. It provides nearly three times faster speeds than the GPRS system. Both the phone and the network must support EDGE, otherwise the phone will revert automatically to GPRS.

 27. _________ is a standard way to send and receive message with multimedia content using mobile phone.

Ans. Multimedia messaging service

28. Expand GPS?

      Ans. Global Positioning System

29. What is a smart card? How is it useful?

         A smart card is a plastic card embedded with a computer chip / memory that stores and transacts data. The advantages of using smart cards is that it is secure (data is protected), intelligent (it can store and process data) and that it is convenient (it is easy to carry). That is why business firms and other organisations use smart cards for authentication and storing data.

30. Explain the features of Android OS.

      The Android OS consists of a kernel based on Linux kernel. Android uses Linux kernel as it has a powerful memory and process management system, permissions-based security structure and open source nature. An Application Framework for developers to build applications using the Android Software Development Kit is available in Android. Android Software Development Kit can be used to develop applications like Google Maps, Facebook, etc. that run on Android.

31. What is cyberspace?

            Cyberspace is an unreal world in which communication over computer networks occurs. It is an information superhighway where individuals gather information, interact, exchange ideas, provide social support, conduct business, play games, engage in discussions and so on.Cyberspace is a space where social interactions dominate. Some people consider cyberspace as an uncontrolled and unregulated electronic space where anyone is free to do anything as they wish and express themselves freely. Such acts of people affect badly or influence negatively many others. Hence, when an individual works on the Internet, they have to follow some rules and ethics which are beneficial to all users.

32. Why is cyberspace called a virtual world?

        Cyber space is a virtual environment created by computer systems connected to the Internet. It is the term used to refer to a simulated world, where we can do many things at one place.

33. Phishing is an example of _________.

   Ans. Cyber Crimes.

34. Explain different categories of cyber crimes in detail

         Cyber crimes can be basically divided into 3 major categories: They are cyber crimes against individuals, against property and against government.

A. Cyber crimes against individuals

 The popularity of broadband Internet increased the dependence of Internet for daily activities. This increased the risk of online crimes. An act of a person in cyberspace that causes physical or mental trouble to an individual is referred as cyber crime. Harassment, assuming someone’s identity, impersonation and violation of privacy are some examples of cyber crimes.

 i. Identity theft: Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person's identifying information, like their name, credit card number, etc. without their permission to commit fraud or other crimes. It is a form of stealing a person's identity, by which someone pretends to be someone else, to gain access to resources like bank account, social media accounts, etc. This is done with the intention of transferring money from the victim's bank account, payments for purchases, defaming the person through social media, etc. This is done with the intention of obtaining credit from financial institutions or gaining benefits in that persons name.

ii. Harassment: Posting humiliating comments focusing on gender, race, religion, nationality at specific individuals in chat rooms, social media, e-mail, etc. is harassment. The use of vulgar or indecent language, threatening any illegal or immoral act through a computer or a computer network is considered as harassment. The use of the Internet, to harass someone is called cyber stalking. We might have read about statements from celebrities that the facebook accounts in their names are fake. This is because such accounts may contain pictures or posts with defaming content. These profiles might be created using the photographs and personal information of the celebrity by people with criminal intentions. There are people who defame others by sending humiliating e-mails, facebook posts, etc. All these amount to harassment.

iii. Impersonation and cheating: Impersonation is an act of pretending to be another person for the purpose of harming the victim. There are people who utilise the anonymity of the Internet to commit impersonation online. Sometimes we may receive e-mails seeking help for transferring large amounts of money from a distant country to India. Usually, the sender states that this money is in the form of an asset (land, gold, etc.) that is to be sold. To dispose the asset and complete the legal formalities, the sender requires some amount of money. The mail requests us to share a portion of the expenses and offers us up to 50% of the value of the asset. After receiving the cheque or money order, the sender tells that due to some complications more money is required. In this way the victim may lose large amounts. We often receive similar mails with a different story. Mailing scams like this are examples of Internet fraud/cheating.

iv. Violation of privacy: Violation of privacy is the intrusion into the personal life of another, without a valid reason. This gives the person whose privacy has been invaded, the right to file a lawsuit for damages against the person/organisation that intruded. It consists of distributing private information like personal data, photography, workplace monitoring videos, etc.

v. Dissemination of obscene material: The Internet has provided a medium for the facilitation of crimes like pornography. The distribution and posting of obscene material is one of the important cyber crimes today. Pornography on Internet may take various forms. It may include hosting website containing prohibited materials, use of computers for producing obscene material, downloading obscene materials through the Internet, etc. These obscene content may misguide adolescents.

B. Cyber crimes against property

       Cyber crimes against all forms of property like credit cards, intellectual property, etc. are termed as cyber crime against property. These crimes include hacking, piracy, computer vandalism (destruction of others property), unauthorised intrusion through cyberspace, unauthorised possession of information stored in computers, etc

i. Credit card fraud: Credit card fraud involves an unauthorised usage of another person's credit card information for the purpose of payments for purchases or transferring funds from it. There are instances where the web servers of large organisations are hacked and credit card information of a large number of people is stolen by Internet thieves. They use this information to make payments or they sell this information to other fraudsters over Internet for a small price.

ii. Intellectual property theft: The infringement of IPR's come under this category. Violation of copyright, patent, trademark, etc. are intrusions against property. Recently, an Indian IT company developed a software for correcting errors in program code. One of the employees of this company copied this software in a CD and tried to sell it to a competitor for a big price. This led to huge financial and property loss to the company. This is considered as theft of intellectual property. Software piracy is also a crime under cyber law.

iii. Internet time theft: Today almost all modems/routers have wireless Internet facility. They provide sharing of Internet at homes, schools, business establishments, etc. If this is not properly secured using passwords, other people may use our Internet. The usage of the Internet time by unauthorised persons, without the permission of the person who pays for it is called Internet time theft. This leads to loss of Internet time and money. Above this, others may use our Internet account for committing crimes, for which we may also be held responsible.

C. Cyber crimes against government

       Increasing popularity of e-governance has made governments vulnerable to cyber attacks. The various governmental computer networks and websites are vulnerable to risks and threats of cyber crimes. The different categories of cyber attacks against government are cyber terrorism, website defacement and e-governance denial attack.

i. Cyber terrorism: Cyber terrorism is a cyber attack against sensitive computer networks like nuclear power plants, air traffic controls, gas line controls, telecom, etc. These types of attacks against governments are increasing globally. Cyber terrorism focuses on the use of the Internet by anti nationals to affect a nation's economic and technological infrastructure.

ii. Website defacement: This is a common cyber attack against a government. Defacement of websites includes hacking of government websites and posting derogatory comments about a government in those websites

iii. Attacks against e-governance websites: These types of attacks deny a particular online government service. This is done using a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack which we discussed in Chapter 9 of Class XI. In another case the website may be hacked and controlled by the hackers. They gain access to website administration through content management system and destroy the data. This causes huge loss to the government.

35. How do trademark and industrial design differ?

      A trademark is a distinctive sign that identifies certain goods or services produced or provided by an individual or a company. A trademark can be a name, logo, symbol, etc. that can be used to recognise a product or service. It provides protection to the owner of the trademark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services. It helps consumers to identify and purchase a product or service. A trademark must be registered. The initial term of registration is for 10 years.

      An industrial design refers to the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of an article. A design may consist of three-dimensional features such as the shape, surface of an article or two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or colour. An industrial design right protects the visual design of objects that are not purely functional. Industrial designs are applied to a wide variety of industrial products and handicrafts like medical instruments, watches, jewellery, vehicles, textile designs, etc. The registered designs of CocaCola bottle and iPhone.

36. What is copyright? How does it differ from patent?

        A copyright is a legal right given to the creators for an original work, usually for a limited period of time. Copyright applies to a wide range of creative, intellectual or artistic forms of works which include books, music, painting, sculpture, films, advertisement and computer software. This covers rights for reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation and translation of the work.

     A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention. It provides protection for the invention to the owner of the patent. The protection is granted for a limited period. Patent protection means that the invention cannot be commercially made, used, distributed or sold without the patent owner's consent. A patent owner has the right to decide who may - or may not - use the patented invention for the period in which the invention is protected.

37. Explain the exclusive right given to the owner by IPR?

 Intellectual Property Rights are legal rights, which result from intellectual activity in industrial, scientific, literary & artistic fields. Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.Intellectual property is divided into two types industrial property and copyrig

38. What do you meant by infringement?

        “Infringement” is a legal term for an act that means breaking a law.The unauthorised use of intellectual property such as patent,copyrights and trademarks are called as intellectual property infringement.It is the use or selling a patented invention without permission from the patent holder.Trademark infringement occurs when one company uses a trade mark identical to a trademark owned by another company.Copyright infringement is reproducing,distributing,displaying or adapting a work without permission from the copyright holder.It is often called piracy.Software piracy is illegal copying,distribution and use of software.Music piracy is the copying and distribution of a piece of music without permission of the composer.

39. Why is a cyber law important?

      Cyber laws refers to legal and regulatory aspect of internet.They are the rules that governs the use of computer and internet. The Information Technology Act 2000,regulates the use of computers,computer networks,data and information in electronic format.The act provides legal support for transactions carried out by electronic methods.It gives legal acceptance for electronic communication.It describes the offenses and disputes in cyberspace and provides justice to victims of cyber crime.The act aims to provide legal infrastructure for e-commerce in India.The act was amended in 2008.The sections 65-74 of the Act deals with cyber crimes.

 40. “Infomania has became a psychological problem”. Write your opinion.

      Infomania is the excessive enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge. This may result in neglecting the more important things like duties, family, etc. We may see people browsing for information during dinner. It is now treated as a psychological problem. Constantly checking e-mails, social networking sites, online news, etc. are the symptoms of infomania. Many people do this to keep themselves up to date with the fear of being out of the group. Studies prove that people addicted to infomania lose concentration and sleep. Excessive use of technology reduces intelligence. Some people give high priority to respond to incoming messages through mail and social media. These people may skip or interrupt their important family or professional engagements to answer an e-mail or a social media post.

41. What do you mean by big data in business? Explain big data analytics.

   Big data analytics is the process of examining large data sets containing a variety of data types -- i.e., big data -- to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other useful business information. Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. The analytical findings can lead to more effective marketing, new revenue opportunities, better customer service, improved operational efficiency, competitive advantages over rival organizations and other business benefits. The primary goal of big data analytics is to help companies make more informed business decisions.

 24. What do you mean by business logistics?

           Business logistics is the management of flow of goods(resources) in a business between point of orgin and point of consumption to meet customer requirements.The resources may include products,food etc.The objective of business logistics is to ensure availability of right products in right quantity and condition at right place and time.
It includes

 a)Purchase of materials from supliers.
b)Transportation of materials.
 c)Movement of finished goods to customers.

 The complexity of logistics can be reduced by using hardware and software.RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) technology is used to identify and track objects in logistics.It consists of a RFID tag and reader.The tag contains a microchip for storing data and for sending and receiving data.Tag can be either active(battery powered) or passive(powered by reader).RFID tags are used in supermarkets,payments in tool booths,animal census etc.The use of RFID in business helps to track the movement of products.This helps to maximise on time delivery,improve customer service etc.

25. How does RFID improve the way business is done?

      RFID gives transportation and logistics operations increased visibility into product movement and business processes. It increases efficiency by providing real-time data that gives up-to-date information about the products. RFID based business logistic softwares help to lower the operating costs, increase productivity in the distribution centers, maximize on-time deliveries and improve customer service and satisfaction.