
Friday 23 August 2019

+1] 2. Components Of The Computer System - Previous questions chapter wise


          First Year Computer Application or Computer Science Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                         Chapter  2.(3 for CS)Components Of The Computer System

1. Write the full form of HDMI 

  Ans.  High Definition Multimedia Interface   

2. The process of converting source code into object code is called ….. ……. 

 Ans. Compilation

3.  Write an example of an operating system that is a free and open source software

1) Linux kernel. The Linux kernel is a prominent example of free and open source software. ...
2) GNU Utilities and Compilers. ...
3) Ubuntu. ...
4) BSD Operating Systems. ...

4.  .. …… is a software used for removing worms and trojans 

Ans. Anti-virus

5. “Central Processing Unit(CPU) is the brain of the computer”.What is the role of   Control Unit(CU) in the CPU

           The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the "brain" of the computer. It executes instructions (from software) and tells other components what to do. ... The Control Unit deciphers and carries out instructions.

6.USB stands for--------------

Ans. Universal Serial Bus

7. “ e-Waste is one of the major problems which we are facing all over the world”.  Justify the  statement

      Yes. The reason often comes down to their packaging. There is definitely a false sense of security when it comes to our electronics being non-hazardous when they become waste. Part of the problem is the packaging of the devices. Their sleek and appealing exteriors make it hard to see them as waste.

8.  Which one of the following CPU register hold the address of the next instruction to be  executed by the processor. 

  a). Accumulator  

  b). Instruction Register(IR) 

 c). Memory address register  

 d). program Counter(PC) 

Ans. d

9. Which one of the following is used to connect a projector to a computer?

 a) USB port 

 b) PS/2 port 

c) Parallel port 

 d) VGA port 

Ans. d

10. Differentiate between a compiler and an interpreter. 

          Compiler is also a language processor that translates a program written in high level language into machine language. It scans the entire program in a single run. If there is any error in the program, the compiler provides a list of error messages along with the line number at the end of the compilation. If there are no syntax errors, the compiler will generate an object file. Translation using compiler is called compilation. After translation compilers are not required in memory to run the program. The programming languages that have a compiler are C, C++, Pascal, etc

              Interpreter is another kind of language processor that converts a HLL program into machine language line by line. If there is an error in one line, it reports and the execution of the program is terminated. It will continue the translation only after correcting the error. BASIC is an interpreted language.

11.  Compare  RAM  and ROM 

          RAM                                                                                                        ROM

1. It is faster than ROM                                                                        It is a slower memory
2 It stores the operating system, application                              It stores the program required to boot       programs and data when                                                           the    the computer  initially
    Computer is functioning                                                                                             
3. It allows reading and writing.                                                    Usually allows reading only.
4.  It is volatile, i.e. its contents are lost
       when the device is powered off.                                             It is non-volatile

12.  Consider that NSS volunteers of your school have taken up a campaign to educate  your friends in other schools to reduce e-Waste.

a). Write four captions(methods) for     the campaign through which students can reduce the volume of e-waste produced

b). Explain e-Waste disposal methods

c).  Define the term, green - computing. How can you implement green –computing

  Ans. a). Reuse: It refers to second-hand use or usage after the equipment has been upgraded or modified.
 b). Recycling of e-Waste: Recycling is the process of making or manufacturing new       products from a product that has originally served its purpose.
 c). Refuse : Use alternatives if there is or buy only it is necessary. 
d). Incineration: It is a controlled and complete combustion process in which the waste  is burned in specially designed incinerators at a high temperature 
e). Land filling: It is one of the most widely used, but not recommended methods for disposal of e-Waste.

c). Green computing is the designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of computers and associated components efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment.   To make computer green,

  a). Green design: Designing energy-efficient and eco-friendly computers, servers, printers, projectors and other digital devices.
 b). Green manufacturing: Minimising waste during the manufacturing of computers and other components 
   c). Green use: Minimising the electricity consumption of computers and peripheral devices and using them in an eco-friendly manner. Minimise  printing and maximize the use of soft copy
 d). Green disposal: Reconstructing or recycling unwanted electronic equipment.

13.  Arrange the following memory storage devices on the base of their speed in  ascending order. 

       a). Hard Disk b). Cache c). RAM d). Registers 

 Ans.     c). RAM
            a). Hard Disk

             b). Cache

             d). Registers

14.  Differentiate or define the terms software and hardware in a computer system.  Give one example for each.

        Hardware is the tangible and visible parts of a computer.
        Eg.  Processor, Mother board  etc

     Software is a set of programs that help us to use the computer system  or  electronic  devices               efficiently.             
     Eg.  Operating System, Antivirus etc.

15.  What do you mean by utility software? List any four types of utility software  with their use

     Utility software is a set of programs which help users in system maintenance tasks  and in performing tasks of routine nature. 

 Some examples are,

 a). Compression tools: Large files can be compressed so that they take less  storage area. hese compressed files can be decompressed into its original  form when needed.                 
 Eg. Winzip, 7zip etc.

  b). Disk defragmenter: Disk defragmenter is a program that rearranges files on a   computer hard disk.
 c). Backup software: Backup means duplicating the disk information as a  protection from loss.

d). Antivirus software: Antivirus software is a utility program that scans the   computer  system for viruses and removes them.

16. Explain any five commonly used secondary or (auxilliary) memory devices.

         Different categories of storage devices are magnetic, optical and semiconductor memory.

     i. Magnetic storage devices Magnetic storage devices use plastic tape or metal/plastic disks coated with   Magnetic materials. Data is recorded magnetically in these devices. Eg.  1.    Floppy Disk, 2.    Hard Disk, 3. Magnetic Tape
a). Floppy Disk: It is made up of plastic coated with magnetic material. Its capacity is 1.44 MB.
A floppy drive is used to read the data from a floppy disk. Data will lose when it kept inside a magnetic field or other chemicals, because it coated with magnetic substances.
b). Magnetic Tape:  It can store huge volume of data and cheap. Data is stored in thin tape coated with magnetic material. It is a sequential access medium.
c). Hard Disk: It contains a group of metallic disks, coated with magnetic material in a dust proof case. Each plate has read write head. It has huge capacity from 10 GB to 4 or more  TB. The recordable surface of a disk is divided into number or invisible concentric circles called Tracks. Each track again divided into pie shaped segments called sectors.
ii. Optical storage devices Optical disk is a data storage medium which uses low-powered laser beam to read from and write data into it. It consists of an aluminum foil sandwiched between two circular plastic disks. Data is written on a single continuous spiral in the form of pits and lands. They are classified into three,
a). Compact Disk (CD): It is made up of a layer of aluminum on a plastic plate. Its capacity is 700 MB. It may be CDROM or WORM (write ones read many) or CD R/W. To read and write red beam of laser light is used.
b). Digital Versatile Disc (DVD): It is faster and has more storage capacity than CD. Its capacity is from  4.7 GB to 15.9GB
c) Blue Ray DVD: Used to store High Definition videos and huge amount of data storage. It uses blue-violet LASSER beams  that allows data is packed more tightly.
iii. Semiconductor storage (Flash memory) Flash drives use EEPROM chips for data storage. They do not contain any moving parts. Flash memory is faster and durable when compared to other types of secondary memory.

a). USB flash drive A flash drive is a small external storage device, which consists of flash memory typically the size of a human thumb. USB flash drives are portable and rewritable.

b). Flash memory cards Flash memory card is another type of flash memory. They are flat and small in size.

17.  Compare Dot matrix printer, Ink jet printer, Laser printer and Thermal printer  on the basis of           their working speed, quality of printing, and expense for printing

Characters are formed by the impact of pin sets. When print head moves pins are strike on the paper. They versatile (can print both text and graphics), Print cost is low but low speed, low quality and noisy. But we can change the font settings.

Inkjet printers form the image on the page by spraying tiny droplets of ink from the print head. There is no physical contact between print head and paper. Printing speed is high. It gives high quality with colour printing and it does not produce noise. But the cost of ink cartridges makes it a costly in the long run.

Here carbon powder (toner) acts as carbon ribbon. The image to be printed is transferred to a drum using a laser beam. The toner powder sticks onto the portions traced on the drum by the laser beam. It is transferred to a paper by rolling the paper over the drum.  Printing speed is high. It gives high quality with colour printing and it does not produce noise.

  Thermal printing produces a printed image by selectively heating heat-sensitive thermal paper when it passes over the thermal print head. The coating turns black in the areas where it is heated, producing an image.

18. What are the types of memories used in computer

      Memory is a place where we can store data, instructions and results temporarily   or permanently.      Memory can be classified into two: primary memory and secondary memory.

Primary memory in a computer holds data, intermediate results and results of  ongoing jobs temporarily.  Eg. RAM. (Random Access Memory):  It refers to the main memory that microprocessor can read from and write to. Data can be stored and retrieved at random from anywhere within the RAM.

ROM is a permanent memory that can perform only read operations and its contents cannot be easily altered. ROM is non-volatile; the contents are retained even after the power is switched off.            Eg. Basic Input Output System (BIOS).   
Some modified types of ROM are,
a). PROM   - Programmable ROM which can be programmed only once.
 b).EPROM - Erasable Programmable ROM that can be erased using ultra violet radiation                      and can be programmed using special electronic circuits.
 c).EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM which can be erased and  rewritten electrically.   Eg. Pen Drive

Cache memory is a small and fast memory between the processor and RAM.  It helps to improve the speed and performance of the computer system.

Secondary memory is permanent memory. Secondary memory is much larger in size than RAM, but is slower. It stores programs and data but the processor cannot access them directly. 
  Eg. Hard Disk, CD , ROMs etc.

19. Mr.Rajmohan wants to buy a computer.He is an engineer by profession.He wants  a device to Draw which can be used to ‘draw directly on the screen.

     a)Suggest him an input device.
     b)Suggest him any four practices of green computing

Ans. a) Light pen

          b). green IT includes hardware, software, tools, strategies and practices that improve and promote environmental sustainability. Green IT benefits the environment by improving energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, using less harmful materials, the re-use and recycling is also important.