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Saturday, 28 September 2019

+1] 1 - The Discipline of Computing - Previous Questions Chapter wise

                          PLUS ONE COMPUTER SCIENCE

            First Year Computer Science Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                               Chapter  1  The Discipline of Computing

1. Who is known as the father of Modern Computer Science?

 a) Alan Turing

b) John Von Neumann

c) Charles Babbage

 d) Ada Lovelace


2. Match the following:

a) First Generation Computer                    i) Microprocessor

 b) Second Generation Computer               (ii) Vacuum Tube

c) Third Generation Computer                   (iii) Transistor

 d) Fourth Generation Computer                (iv) Integrated Circuit

Ans. a---ii



 3. Compare any three features of five generations of computers.

4. Order the following technologies according to different generations of computers (First to Fifth Generation)

 a) Transistor

b) Vacuum tube

c) Artificial intelligence

d) Microprocessor

     Ans. b,a,d,c

 5. Following are some facts related to the evolution of computers: (Usage of transistors, Introduction to Very Large Scale Integration Circuit, Construction of ENIAC) Categorise these under respective generations and briefly explain each.

6. Which is the first automatic electro mechanical computer?

a) Pascaline

b) Abacus

c) Mark I

 d) Analytical Engine

7. Find the correct match for each item in column A and column B.

     A                                                B

  a) Abacus                          i) Preprogrammed

 b) Pascaline                     ii) Computing Machine

c) Jacquard’s Looms          iii) Punched cards

d) Mark I                            iv) Counting frame

    Ans.a--- iv


 8. Write the number represented by the following Abacus.

 9. Briefly write the major changes in the technology during the different generations of computers.

  • 1940 – 1956: First Generation – Vacuum Tubes. These early computers used vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. ...
  • 1956 – 1963: Second Generation – Transistors. ...
  • 1964 – 1971: Third Generation – Integrated Circuits. ...
  • 1972 – 2010: Fourth Generation – Microprocessors.
  • Present and yet to come -Artificial intelligence
      Vacuum tube Transistors Microprocessor

Image result for generations of computer 

Thursday, 26 September 2019

+1].10 - IT Applications - Solved Questions from text book


                                                Chapter 10. IT Applications

                  (+1. Computer Application  Questions and answers from text book)

1Name the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for delivering           government services to the citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner.

    Ans. e-Governance.

 2. Define the term e-Governance.

    e-Governance is the application of ICT for delivering Government services to citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner.

3. "e-Governance facilitates interaction between different stakeholders in governance". Say whether the statement is True or False.

   Ans. True

 4. Give an example for an e-Governance website.

       Examples of e-Government - can be various services offered for citizens or businesses or between PA institutions, such as: e-procurement, filling tax returns, renew ID, passport or driving licence etc

 5. What is KSWAN?

       Kerala  State Wide Area Network(KSWAN) :  It is the backbone of the State Information Infrastructure(SII). It extended to all Districts, Blocks and Panchayaths.

6. The system of financial exchange between buyers and sellers in an online environment is known as __________.

      Ans.   e-Commerce

 7. Define e-Business.

     e-Business is the sharing of business information , maintaining business relationships and conducting business transactions by means ICT applications.

 8. Define e-Banking.

     e- Banking is the automatic delivery of banking services directly to customers through electronic channels like internet.

9. Check whether the following statement is true or false. " e-Business is an extension of e-Commerce".

       Ans True

10. Real-time exchange of text messages between two or more persons over Internet is termed _________.

   Ans. Online chat

 11. Pick the odd one out:

(a) e-Book reader

 (b) e-Text

 (c) television channels

(d) e-business

    Ans. d

12. Define e-Text.

       Textual information available in electronic format is called e-Text. This text can be read and interacted with an electronic device like computer, e-Book reader, etc. e-Text can be converted to various formats to our liking using softwares. e-Text can be automatically read aloud with the help of a computer or an e-Text reader device. This is quite helpful for visually challenged people

13. Give an example for an e-Learning tool.

         youtube,google docs,

14. Name an electronic device using which we can easily read e-Text.

      Ans.  e -book reader

 15. Write the full forms of BPO and KPO.

      Ans.     Business Process Outsourcing  and  Knowledge Process Outsourcing 

16. Name any two e-Learning tools.

       Ans. e-text,e-content

17. List out different types of interactions in e-Governance.

  a). Government to Government (G2G) : It is the sharing of data/ information among government agencies, department or organizations.

b). Government to Citizen (G2C): It create interface between the government and citizen to increase the availability and accessibility of public services. Its primary purpose is to make the Government citizen – friendly.

c). Government  to Business: It is used to aid the business community to interact with the Government . Its objectives are to cut red-tapism, save time and cost and create more transparent business environment.

d). Government to Employee:   The Government policies and guidelines for implementing various government programs are made available to employees as orders and circulars. Employees salary and personal details are also managed through it.

18. Differentiate between BPO and KPO.

          The process of hiring a third party service provider  to do the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions. It may also involve transferring of employees and asset from one firm to another.  It increases the efficiency in services and saves cost.
Eg. Costumer care service.

      Knowledge and information related work is carried out by different company or subsidiary within the organization. It includes data search, data integration , market search etc.

 19. What are the advantages of e-Governance?

  i).  Leads to automation of government services.
ii). Strengthen Democracy
iii). More transparency  in the functioning
iv). Increase the responsibility of government departments
v). Saves unnecessary visit to government offices

 20. What are the duties of Akshaya?

         Akshaya centres were initially launched in the year 2002 in the Malappuram district in Kerala. Its intention was to impart e-Literacy to the citizens. Akshaya was conceived as a landmark ICT project by the Kerala State Information Technology Mission (KSITM) to bridge the digital divide and to bring the benefits of ICT to the entire population of the State. The services include e-grantz, e-filing, e-district, e-ticketing, submitting online application for ration card and electoral ID, Aadhaar enrolment, Aadhaar based services, insurance and banking services.

 21. Write down the function of Call centres.

          A call centre( also called service centre, sales centre, contact centre etc..)  is a telephone service facility set up to handle a large number of incoming and outgoing calls for supporting various responsibilities of  an organization.

 22. What are the major challenges faced in the implementation of e-Learning ?

      Face to face contact between students and teachers is not possible.

     • Proper interaction among teachers and students are often limited due to the lack of infrastructural facilities.

• Equipment and technology (computer and high speed Internet) requirement restrict adoption of e-Learning.

• Learners who require constant motivation may not be serviced adequately.

• Hands-on practicals in real laboratory scenario is also a constraint in e-Learning

 23. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of implementing e-Business?

         It overcomes geographical limitations. If you have a physical store, you are limited by the geographical area where you can provide service. But with e-Commerce, this limitation can be overcome.

 • e-Business reduces the operational cost. An e-Commerce merchant does not need a prominent physical location; it reduces the operational cost. A portion of money thus saved can be passed on to the customers in the form of discounts.

• It minimises travel time and cost. Sometimes customers have to travel long distances to reach their preferred store. e-Business allows them to visit the same store virtually.

• It remains open all the time. e-Business application services are always open (24×7). From the merchant's point of view, it increases the number of service requests they receive. From the customer's point of view an 'always open' store is more convenient.

• We can locate the product quicker from a wider range of choices. On an e-Business website the consumers can have a wider range of choices of a product from various sellers. Customers can quickly locate their preferences from the given product lists. Some websites remember customer preferences and shopping lists to facilitate repeat purchase. The features like product characteristics and price comparisons are the other attractions of e-Business applications.

 24. Explain any three IT enabled services in detail.

          Teleconferencing is a meeting or conference held between two or more parties in remote locations by use of  IT infra structure and services.

Video conferencing is a type of teleconferencing  in  which  the video of the parties involved in the conference is also included.  A video camera and microphone  and communication system is needed.
  Both Teleconferencing and video conferencing   will save time and  travel expense.

   A call centre( also called service centre, sales centre, contact centre etc..)  is a telephone service facility set up to handle a large number of incoming and outgoing calls for supporting various responsibilities of  an organization.

25. Discuss in detail various uses of IT in health care field.

      a) Medical equipments:  Most of the modern medical equipments like scanners , computer guided equipments, hand held equipment like sugar level monitors etc uses micro processors.

b). Electronic Medical Record(EMR):   Now patients medical records are stored in  digital format. It is economic, environmental friendly and can easily transfer to personal and institutions.

c). Telemedicine: It is used to share  observations and prescriptions with experts  in the medical field . Here distance is not a limitation. It reduces time and cost. Wireless transmission helps medical personnel and hospitals to keep in touch in emergency.

d). Research and development:  Today, drugs meant for specific purposes can be design and developed with use of advanced computers. It reduces much time and cost for developing them.

 26. What is Common Service Centre (CSC)? List some of the services offered through CSC.

         Common Service Centre(CSC): It is the front end delivery point of the government. It offers web enabled government services to rural areas. It helps to pay bills, generating certificates , submitting online applications, e-ticket  etc..  eg. Akshaya

 Other services that could be offered through CSC are listed below:

 • Agriculture services

• Education and training services

• Health services

 • Rural banking and insurance services

• Entertainment services

• Commercial services

+1]10 - IT Applications - Previous Questions chapter wise

                          PLUS ONE COMPUTER APPLICATION

            First Year Computer Application(Commerce) Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                               Chapter  10. IT Applications


 1. In ICT, BPO stands for .. …. …. … …. 

    Ans. Business Process Outsourcing

 2. Which of the following not an e-business website? 

a). www.amazon.com 


 c). www.keralartc.com 

d). www.irtc.com 

Ans. b

3. Application of ICT for delivering Government services to citizens in a convenient efficient and transparent manner is called ……… 

     Ans. E-Governance

4. Explain any three e-learning tools. 

   e-Text: Textual information available in electronic format is called e-Text. This text can be read and interacted with an electronic device like computer, e-Book reader, etc. e-Text can be converted to various formats to our liking using softwares. e-Text can be automatically read aloud with the help of a computer or an e-Text reader device. This is quite helpful for visually challenged people.

 Online chat: It is a real-time exchange of text messages between two or more persons over the Internet. In the virtual class environment, online chatting is used to discuss the topics with teachers and other students. Chatting can be performed even with a low speed Internet connection. Video chatting facility is also available. It however requires fairly high speed Internet connection and supporting devices such as web camera and speakers.

Educational TV channels: There are many telecasting/webcasting channels which are dedicated for the e-Learning purpose. These channels broadcast recorded classes on various subjects, interviews with experts, lab experiments, etc. Some of these channels can be watched in the Internet also. Dooradarshan’s ‘VYAS’ and Kerala Government’s ‘VICTERS’ channel are examples of educational television channels.

 5. Explain any three e-Business services. 

6. Remya has got a job at a call centre. What is a call centre? What type of job does a call centre provide? 

     A call centre( also called service centre, sales centre, contact centre etc..) is a telephone service facility set up to handle a large number of incoming and outgoing calls for supporting various responsibilities of an organization.

A call centre (British English) or call center (American English) is a centralised office used for receiving or transmitting a large volume of enquiries by telephone.
 7. The system used for financial exchange between buyers and sellers in an online Business is……… 

a) electronic business online

 b) electronic payment system 

c) business process outsourcing

 d) online payment system 

Ans. d

8. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of implementing e-business. 

1. Easy to Set Up: It is easy to set up an electronic business. You can set up an online business even by sitting at home if you have the required software, a device, and the internet.
2. Cheaper than Traditional Business: Electronic business is much cheaper than traditional business. The cost taken to set up an e-business is much higher than the cost required to set up a traditional business. Also, the transaction cost is effectively less.
3. No Geographical Boundaries: There are no geographical boundaries for e-business. Anyone can order anything from anywhere at any time. This is one of the benefits of e-business.
4. Government Subsidies: Online businesses get benefits from the government as the government is trying to promote digitalization.
5. Flexible Business Hours: Since the internet is always available. E-business breaks down the time barriers that location-based businesses encounter. As long as someone has an Internet connection, you may be able to reach and sell your product or service to these visitors to your business website.


 1. Lack of Personal Touch: E-business lacks the personal touch. One cannot touch or feel the product. So it is difficult for the consumers to check the quality of a product. Also, the human touch is missing as well. In the traditional model, we have contact with the salesperson. This lends it a touch of humanity and credibility. It also builds trust with the customer. An e-Business model will always miss out on such attributes.
2. Delivery Time: The delivery of the products takes time. In traditional business, you get the product as soon as you buy it. But that doesn’t happen in online business. This lag time often discourages customers. However, e-businesses are trying to resolve such issues by promising very limited delivery times. For example, Amazon now assures one-day delivery. This is an improvement but does not resolve the issue completely
3. Security Issues: There are a lot of people who scam through online business. Also, it is easier for hackers to get your financial details. It has a few security and integrity issues. This also causes distrust among potential customers.
9. Define e-Governance. Write any four advantages of e-Governance.

      e-Governance is the application of ICT for delivering Government services to citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner.

  a). Government to Government (G2G) : It is the sharing of data/ information among government agencies, department or organizations.

 b). Government to Citizen (G2C): It create interface between the government and citizen to increase the availability and accessibility of public services. Its primary purpose is to make the Government citizen – friendly.

 c). Government to Business: It is used to aid the business community to interact with the Government . Its objectives are to cut red-tapism, save time and cost and create more transparent business environment.

d). Government to Employee: The Government policies and guidelines for implementing various government programs are made available to employees as orders and circulars. Employees salary and personal details are also managed through it.

10. a). Expand the term ICT. 

       b). Briefly explain the advantages of implementing e-commerce. 

     Ans. a) Information and communications technology

         b) a). It overcomes the geographical limitations of business

              b). It minimize the operational cost, travel time etc.

              c). It remains open all the time.

              d). We can find a product quickly from a wide range of choices

 11.Almost all services and business are available online now.

 a) Name the system that facilitates money transaction between buyers and sellers in such cases.

 b) Explain the infrastructure of e-Governance 

      Ans. a) E- Commerce

                b) Infrastructure for E-government

+1] 9 - Internet - Solved Questions from text book


                                                Chapter 9. Internet(Chapter 12 - Internet And Mobile Computing for CS)

                  +1. Computer Application  /  +1 Computer Science 
(Questions and answers from text book)

1. ARPANET stands for _____________.

    Ans. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

 2. Who proposed the idea of www?

     Ans.  Tim Berners Lee

 3. The protocol for Internet communication is _____________.


 4. What do you mean by an ‘always on’ connection?

          The term broadband refers to a broad range of technologies that helps us to connect to the Internet at a higher data rate (speed). Wired broadband connections are ‘always on’ connections that do not need to be dialled and connected. Broadband connections use a broadband modem  and allow us to use the telephone even while using the Internet

5. A short distance wireless Internet access method is _____________.

6. Give an example for an e-mail address.


 7. Which of the following is not a search engine? 

(a) Google

 (b) Bing 

(c) Facebook

 (d) Ask

  Ans. c

 8. Name the protocol used for e-mail transmission across Internet.

    SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

9. What is a blog?

        A blog (web log) is a discussion or informational website consisting of entries or posts displayed in the reverse chronological order i.e., the most recent post appears first. Some blogs provide comments on a particular subject; others function as personal online diaries and some others as online brand advertising for a particular individual or company. Initially blogs were created by a single user only. But now there are multiauthor blogs that are professionally edited. Blogger.com and Wordpress.com are popular sites that offer blogging facility.

10. Name two services over Internet.

        a)   World wide Web(WWW):It is a system of interlinked hyper text document accessed via internet. It is a huge client-server system with millions of clients and servers.  Each server maintain a collection of documents that can access using a URL. WWW works by establishing hyper text links between documents anywhere in the internet. 
    b).    Search engines: search engines websites are special programs to help people  to find information available on WWW. It searches WWW for possible key words by using programs like crawler/spider or robots and make indexes of web pages containing that keywords and saved in its server. When a user search with a key word, the search engine software searches its server and show a list of URLs matching the search to the user.

11. Each document on the web is referred using ________.

12. What is a virus?

          A computer virus is a program that attaches itself to another program or file enabling it to spread from one computer to another without our knowledge and interferes with the normal operation of a computer. A virus might corrupt or delete data on our computer, replicate itself and spread to other computers or even erase everything in the hard disk. Almost all viruses are attached to executable files. A virus may exist on a computer, but it cannot infect the computer unless this malicious program is run or opened. Viruses spread when the file they are attached to, is transferred from one computer to another using a portable storage media (USB drives, portable hard disks, etc.), file sharing, or through e-mail attachments.Viruses have become a huge problem on the Internet and have caused damage worth billions.

 13. What do you mean by phishing?

             Phishing is a type of identity theft that occurs online. Phishing is an attempt to acquire information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by posing as the original website, mostly that of banks and other financial institutions. Phishing websites have URLs and home pages similar to their original ones. The act of creating such a misleading website is called spoofing. People are persuaded to visit these spoofed websites through e-mails. Users are tempted to type their usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. in these web pages and lose them to these websites. These frauds use this information to steal money. Phishing is currently the most widespread financial threat on the Internet.

 14. The small text files used by browsers to remember our email id’s, user names, etc are known as _____________ .

     Ans. Cookies

15. The act of breaking into secure networks to destroy data is called _____________ hacking.

         Ans.Black hats

 16. What is quarantine?

           The antivirus software uses virus definition files containing signatures (details) of viruses and other malware that are known. When an antivirus program scans a file and notices that the file matches a known piece of malware, the antivirus program stops the file from running, and puts it into ‘quarantine’. Quarantine is a special area for storing files probably infected with viruses. These files can later be deleted or the virus can be removed. For effective use of antivirus software, virus definitions must be updated regularly.

17. Why is the invention of HTTP and HTML considered as an important land mark in the expansion of Internet? 

18. Compare intranet and extranet.

        Intranet is considered as a private computer network similar to internet using TCP/IP for sharing resources within an organization.
If the intranet is allowed to communicate with some computers that are not part of the organization is known as Extranet. 

19. Write short notes on

 a. Mobile broadband

 b. Wi-MAX

          1). Mobile Broadband: It used in mobile devices like mobile phone, tablets etc in
which modem is built in or USB dongle is used. It allows freedom to use internet
on move. It uses cellular network to data transfer. Its speed increases with
generations like 2G, 3G, and 4G.

2).Wi-MAX:Worldwide interoperability for MicrowaveAccess combines  the benefits of
wireless and  broadband.  It has a bandwidth up to 70 Mbps to a range of 45 KM. 

 20. Explain the terms web browser and web browsing.

         A web browser is a software application for accessing information on the World Wide Web. ... He then recruited Nicola Pellow to write the Line Mode Browser, which displayed web pages on dumb ... The menu has different types of settings.

21. Compare blogs and microblogs.

           Social Blogs: Blog(Web Log) is a discussion or informational website contains entries /posts in reverse chronological order. It may be comments about a subject , personnel diaries, advertisement etc..
       Microblogs:It allows the user to exchange short sentences, individual images or video links. It offers a communication mode that is spontaneous and can influence public opinion.
Eg. Twitter 

 22. What are wikis?

        :Wikies allow people to add content or edit existing information in a web page to form a community document.

23. Your neighbour Ravi purchased a new PC for his personal use. Mention the components required to connect this PC to Internet.

 24. What are the advantages of using broadband connection over a dial-up connection?

25. XYZ engineering college has advertised that its campus is Wi-Fi enabled. What is Wi-Fi? How is  the Wi-Fi facility implemented in the campus?

        It is short distance (up to 100M) data transmission  method using Wi Fi router or wireless network access point(Hot spot). It is less  secure than wired connection.
 26. Madhu needs to prepare a presentation. For this, he uses www.google.com to search for information. How does google display information when he types ‘Phishing’ in the search box and clicks search button? 

27. Manoj’s e-mail id is manoj@gmail.com. He sends an e-mail to Joseph whose e-mail id is joseph@yahoo.com. How is the mail sent from Manoj’s computer to Joseph’s computer? 

28. How does a Trojan horse affect a computer?

          It is appear to be a useful program but once it is installed , it will do damages to the computer like deleting or altering files. It may also make path(back door) in computer through which    illegal users can access personnel information from computer through network.  Trojan can’t self-replicate. 

 29. Explain a few threats that affect a computer network.

      a). Firewall: Firewall is a system of computer hardware and software that provides security to the computers in an organization. It controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic and deny malicious data from entering in to the computer.

b). Antivirus Scanners: Antivirus tools scans files and programs for known malware like viruses and remove them or store them in quarantine area to preventing them from execution.

   c). Cookies: Cookies are small text files created when we browse a website. It may remember our username, password etc..so hackers can use them for their malicious purpose. They use cookies as spyware to keep track our activities in system. So cookies should be frequently removed.

 30. What is firewall?

         Firewall is a system of computer hardware and software that provides security to the computers in an organization. It controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic and deny malicious data from entering in to the computer

31. Suppose you wish to visit the website of kerala school kalolsavam, www.schoolkalolsavam.in and you have entered the URL in the address bar. Write the steps that follow until the home page is displayed. 

32. Write the disadvantages of social media. What are the different ways to avoid the disadvantages of social media?

    i). Bring people together  ii). Can plan and organize events  iii). Business promotion     
     iv).  Can express  social skills .

   a). Avoid unnecessary uploading of personal data.
  b). Setting time schedule for the usage.
  c). Think twice before you post anything in social media.
  d). Set exact privacy levels.
  e). Do not use bad languages

 33. Explain the various broadband technologies available for Internet access.

      a) Internet connectivity is based on speed of the connection and technology used. They can broadly classify in to dial up, wired broad band, and wireless broad band.

a). Dial Up connection: It uses telephone line and dial up modem connection is made

by dialing . It has a speed of 56kbps.

b). Wired Broadband connection: It is “always on” type connectivity with high band


Common types of Wired Broadband connection are,

1). Integrated Service Digital Network(ISDN): It has a transfer rate It is capable of transferring voice and digital data

 Cable Internet: It uses co-axial cables of cable TV network for data transfer. A

cable modem is used to connect cable network and computer. Its band width is about 10Mbps.

3). Digital Subscriber Line( DSL): It uses telephone line to transfer data and

voice. Commonly it uses Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line(ADSL) technology

to allow a speed up to 24 Mbps.

4). Leased Line: It is a dedicated line used to transfer data with speed up to 100


5). Fibre To The Home(FTTH): It uses optical fiber from ISP to users home. By

using light signals , it has a very high band width.

A Network Terminal Unit(NTU) is installed at homes which connect

computers through FTTH Modem.

c). Wireless Broadband connectivity:

1). Mobile Broadband: It used in mobile devices like mobile phone, tablets etc in

which modem is built in or USB dongle is used. It allows freedom to use internet

on move. It uses cellular network to data transfer. Its speed increases with

generations like 2G, 3G, and 4G.

2).Wi-MAX:Worldwide interoperability for MicrowaveAccess combines the benefits of

wireless and broadband. It has a bandwidth up to 70 Mbps to a range of 45 KM.

3). Satellite Broadband: Very Small Aperture Terminal(VSAT) dishes and transceiver

are used to communicate with satellite. A modem links the transceiver to

computer. Its speed is up to 1Gbps and is more expensive one


+1] 8 - Computer Networks - Solved Questions from text book


                                         Chapter 8  (11 for CS) Computer Networks

                (+1. Computer Application Questions and  answers from text book)     

1. Name the basic elements needed for a data communication system. 

      Ans. Message,Sender,Receiver,Medium and Protocol

2. Define resource sharing.

     The sharing of available hardware and software resources in a computer network is called resource sharing. For example, the contents of a DVD placed in a DVD drive of one computer can be read in another computer. Similarly, other hardware resources like hard disk, printer, scanner, etc. and software resources like application software, anti-virus tools, etc. can also be shared through computer networks.

 3. Name two classifications of communication channels between computers in a network. 

         Guided and unguided. In guided or wired medium, physical wires or cables are used and in unguided or wireless medium radio waves, microwaves or infrared signals are used for data transmission.

4. Name the connecter used to connect UTP/STP cable to a computer.

    Ans. RJ -45

 5. The cable media that use light to transmit data signals to very long distances is _________. 

   Ans. Optical Fibre cable

6. AM and FM radio broadcast and mobile phones make use of _________ medium for transmission. 

        Ans. Unguided medium

7. A short range communication technology that does not require line of sight between communicating devices is _________.

       Ans. Infrared waves

 8. A communication system that is very expensive, but has a large coverage area when compared to other wireless communication systems is _________.

        Ans. satellite

9. Compare hub and switch. 

          A hub is a device used in a wired network to connect computers/devices of the same network. It is a small, simple, passive and inexpensive device.Computers/devices are connected to ports of the hub using Ethernet cable. When NIC of one computer sends data packets to hub, the hub transmits the packets to all other computers connected to it. Each computer is responsible for determining its data packets.

        A switch is an intelligent device that connects several computers to form a network. It is a higher performance alternative to a hub. It looks exactly like a hub. Switches are capable of determining the destination and redirect the data only to the intended node. Switch performs this by storing the addresses of all the devices connected to it in a table. When a data packet is send by one device, the switch reads the destination address on the packet and transmits the packet to the destination device with the help of the table

10. What is the use of a repeater?

            A repeater is a device that regenerates incoming electrical, wireless or optical signals through a communication medium .
 Data transmissions through wired or wireless medium can travel only a limited distance as the quality of the signal degrades due to noise. Repeater receives incoming data signals, amplifies the signals to their original strength and retransmits them to the destination.

 11. The devices used to interconnect two networks of same type is ______.

       Ans. Router 

12. Differentiate between router and bridge.

         A router is a device that can interconnect two networks of the same type using the same protocol. It can find the optimal path for data packets to travel and reduce the amount of traffic on a network. Even though its operations are similar to a bridge, it is more intelligent. The router can check the device address and the network address and can use algorithms to find the best path for packets to reach the destination.

        A bridge is a device used to segmentise a network. An existing network can be split into different segments and can be interconnected using a bridge. This reduces the amount of traffic on a network. When a data packet reaches the bridge, it inspects the incoming packet’s address and finds out to which side of the bridge it is addressed (to nodes on the same side or the other side). Only those packets addressed to the nodes on the other side, will be allowed to pass the bridge. Others will be discarded. The packet that passes the bridge will be broadcast to all nodes on the other side and is only accepted by the intended destination node.

 13. A device that can interconnect two different networks having different protocols is ______.

      Ans. Gateway

 14. An electronic device used for communication between computers through telephone lines is ______.

        Ans. Modem

15. In bus topology, when the signal reaches the end of the bus, ______absorbs the signal and removes it from the bus.

     Ans. Terminator

 16. In which topology is every node connected to other nodes?

            Ans. Mesh

 17. Categorise and classify the different types of networks given below.

 ATM network, Cable television network, Network within the school, Network at home using bluetooth,Telephone network, Railway network.

 18. What is PAN?

           Personal Area Network (PAN) is a network of communicating devices (computer, mobile, tablet, printer, etc.) in the proximity of an individual. It can cover an area of a radius with few meters

 19. The transmission media which carry information in the form of light signals is called __________. 

a. Coaxial 

b. Twisted 

c. WiFi 

d. Optical Fiber 

         Ans. d

20. Different networks with different protocols are connected by a device called _____. 

a. Router

 b. Bridge

 c. Switch 

d. Gateway

        Ans. d

 21. In which topology, the failure of any one computer will affect the network operation?

        Ans. Ring

 22. To transmit signals from multiple devices through a single communication channel simultaneously, we use _____ device.

 a. Modem 

b. Switch

 c. Router 

d. Multiplexer

    Ans. d

 23. Satellite links are generally used for 

a. PANs

 b. LANs

 c. MANs 

d. All of the above


24. Define bandwidth.

       A range of frequencies within a given band, in particular that used for transmitting a signal.

 25. Switch and Hub are two devices associated with networking. Differentiate them. 

         Refer Qs 9

26. What is an IP address? Give an example of IP address. 

         It is a unique 4 part numeric address assigned to each node on a network for unique identification of them. . It is normally expressed in “dotted decimal Number” Eg.

 There are two types of IP addresses IPV4: A 32 bit address which can identify only  4 billion devices in the net. IPV6: A 128 bit address which can  identify 4x4x4 billion devices in the net. 

27. What is TCP/IP? What is its importance? 

        Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol used to interconnect network devices on local network and internet. When data is send from one device to another, the data is broken in to small packets by TCP and send through transmission medium. Delivery of each of these packets to the right destination is done by IP. When the packets are received by the receiving computer, TCP checks packets for error and assemble in to original message. 

28. What is Bluetooth?

           Its frequency range from 2.402 GHz  to 2.480     GHz. It is a short distance communication ( approx  10m). It    is uses in cell phones, wireless keyboard etc.. 
29. Explain the need for establishing computer networks.

30. What are the uses of computer networks?

        By networking individual computers,

 1. Data communication is possible . Computer network helps user to communicate with any other user of the network through its services like e-mail chatting etc..

 2. Resource Sharing: The sharing of available hardware and software resources ( like programs, printers , hard disk etc..)in a computer network is called resource sharing. 

 3. Reliability: A file can have copies in different computers . So breaking down of one system does not cause data loss. 

4. Scalability: Computing and storage  capacity can be increased or decreased easily by adding/removing computer or storage devises to the network..

 5. Price –Performance ratio: Sharing of hardware and software instead of purchasing saves a lot of money. 

 31. What is the limitation of microwave transmission? How is it eliminated? 

       Micro waves have a frequency range of 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) to 300 GHz. Microwaves travel in straight lines and cannot penetrate any solid object. Therefore, high towers are built and microwave antennas are fixed on their top for long distance microwave communication. As these waves travel in straight lines the antennas used for transmitting and receiving messages have to be aligned with each other. The distance between two microwave towers depends on many factors including frequency of the waves being used and heights of the towers.

32. Briefly describe the characteristics of Wi-Fi.

        Line of sight between communicating devices is not required 

      • Data transmission speed is up to 54 Mbps 

         • Wi-Fi can connect more number of devices simultaneously

          • Used for communication upto 375 ft (114 m)

33. An International School is planning to connect all computers, spread over distance of 45 meters. Suggest an economical cable type having high-speed data transfer, which can be used to connect these computers.


 33. Suppose that you are the administrator of network lab in one Institution. Your manager directed you to replace 10 Mbps switch by 10 Mbps Ethernet hub for better service. Will you agree with this decision? Justify your answer. 

34. You need to transfer a biodata file stored in your computer to your friend’s computer that is 10 kms away using telephone network 

a. Name the device used for this at both ends.

          Ans Modem

 b. Explain how the file is send and received inside the device, once a connection between two computers is established. 

35. When is a repeater used in a computer network? 

       A network device used to regenerate or replicate a signal. Repeaters are used in transmission systems to regenerate analog or digital signals distorted by transmission loss. Analog repeaters frequently can only amplify the signal while digital repeaters can reconstruct a signal to near its original quality.

36. Compare infrared and Bluetooth transmission. 

        Infrared waves have a frequency range of 300 GHz to 400 THz. These waves are used for short range communication (approx. 5 m) in a variety of wireless communications, monitoring and control applications. Home entertainment remote control devices, cordless mouse and intrusion detectors are some of the devices that utilise infrared communication.

    Bluetooth technology uses radio waves in the frequency range of 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz. This technology is used for short range communication (approx. 10 m) in a variety of devices for wireless communication. Cell phones, laptops, mouse, keyboard, tablets, head sets, cameras etc. are some of the devices that utilise bluetooth communication.

37. Identify and explain the device used for connecting a computer to a telephone network.

 38. Briefly explain LAN topologies.

        LAN is a network of computing and communicating devices in a room, building, or campus. It can cover an area of radius with a few meters to a few Kilometers. A networked office building, school or home usually contains a single LAN, though sometimes one building can contain a few small LANs (Like some schools have independent LANs in each computer lab) .Occasionally a LAN can span a group of nearby buildings. In addition to operating in a limited space, a LAN is owned, controlled and managed by a single person or an organisation. LAN can be set up using wired media (UTP cables, coaxial cables, etc.) or wireless media (infrared, radio waves, etc.). If a LAN is setup using unguided media, it is known as WLAN (Wireless LAN).

 39. Briefly describe TCP/IP protocol.

    Refer Qs 27

 40. What is a MAC address? What is the difference between a MAC address and an IP address? 

             Media access control Address is universal, unique and permanent address ( 12 digit hexadecimal number) assigned to each NIC by its manufacturer.  Its first half contains the ID of the manufacturer and second half is the serial number of the particular adapter. MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS 

          IP address is a unique 4 part numeric address assigned to each node on a network for unique identification of them. . It is normally expressed in “dotted decimal Number” Eg. 

41. How are computer networks classified, based on size? 

          Computer networks are typically classified by scale, ranging from small, personal networks to global wide-area networks and the Internet itself.

42. Compare different LAN topologies.

           Topology is the way in which computers are physically interconnected to form  a network. Common types of topologies are, 

         a).  Bus Topology:  There is a main cable called bus from the server  to which every node computers are connected by short drop cables. A small device called terminator is attached at the end of the bus. When a data signal reaches the terminator at the end, it is absorbed and the bus is free to carry new signal. 
 i). Easy to install       

ii). Less cable is needed. So less expensive     

  iii). Failure of node does not affect the network.               


  i). Fault detection is difficult.    

  ii). Failure of cable, server or terminator will affect entire network. 

      b). Ring Topology: All node computers are connected to a circular cable. All             data is passing through this cable. 


i). No signal amplification required because each node do  this.      

ii). Requires less cable, so cost effective          


 i). If a node fails, entire network will fail.       

  ii). Addition of nodes is difficult.     

  c). Star Topology: In star topology there is server at its centre and all  other  work stations are connected to it through separate   connections.  All messages are passed through the  server.  When a message goes from one computer to another , it is  first send to the server , which  then retransmit the message to the destination computer. 


   i). If one workstation fails, it does not affect the whole  network.        

 ii). Easy to install    

 iii). It easy to expand    

 iv).Easy to find faults and  remove workstations.      


  i). Requires more cables than Bus topology  

  ii). If the central device fails it affect entire net work         

 d).Mesh Topology: In this Topology each node is connected to other nodes.   So there is more than one path between two nodes. So failure of  one node may not affect the data communication. 


i). If one workstation or a path  fails, it does not  affect the whole network.                 


 i). Requires more cables so very expensive.    

ii). Very complex and difficult to manage. 

43. Explain various types of guided communication channels.

        Guided Media: Here data is transmitted through some physical media  such as metal wire or optical cable. 1. Twisted Pair cables: There are two types of twisted pair cables 

a). Unshielded twisted pair(UTP): It is commonly used  It is cheap and   flexible. It consists of two insulated conductors twisted together to avoid noise. Characteristics: Low cost, thin and flexible, ease of installation and carries data  up to a length of 100m. 

b). Shielded Twisted pair(STP): Here the twisted pair itself is shielded again. Characteristics: protection from electromagnetic noise, difficult to install and expensive. 

2. Coaxial cables: It has an inner central metallic core surrounded by an insulating sheath. It is then surrounded with a conducting outer cover and is again covered with a protecting insulation .  Characteristics: Expensive high band width, less flexible, difficult to install and carries data  up to a length of 500m. 

3. Optical Fiber : Optical fiber use light instead of electrical signals. They are made of glass fibers covered by a cladding both are in perfect thickness and in different refractive indices. Then it is covered by a plastic jacket.  LED or Laser Diode is used to convert electrical signal in to light signal(modulation). Laser is expensive but can used for long distance transmission.  Characteristics: High bandwidth, carries data over a long distance, expensive but effective and difficult to install. 

 44. Compare different unguided media.

         Unguided media: Here data transmission takes place through space or air.  Electromagnetic waves are used for it. 

1. Radio Waves:    Its frequency range from 3 KHz  to 3 GHz. It can used for short distance and long distance communication. These waves can easy to generate and can penetrate through most of the objects. So it can be used in indoors and outdoors.

  Characteristics of Radio Waves transmission 

 a). Not a line of sight transmission 

 b). Inexpensive than wired media 

 c). Can penetrate through most objects

  d). It can affected by electrical equipments like motor  

  Different types of radio transmissions are,

  I). Bluetooth: Its frequency range from 2.402 GHz  to 2.480     GHz. It is a short distance communication ( approx  10m). It    is uses in cell phones, wireless keyboard etc..   


  i). Not a line of sight communication  

  ii). Can connect up to 8 devices  

  iii). Slow transfer rate(up to 1Mbps) 

    II). Wi-Fi: Its frequency range from 2.4 GHz  to 5 GHz.         


 i) . Not a line of sight communication.   

  ii). Data transfer speed is up to 54Mbps  

   iii). Can connect more devices at a time.    

 Iv). Range up to 114m    

  III). Wi-Max: Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access  .It combines the benefits of wireless and broadband. Its  frequency range from 2 GHz to 11 GHz.      


   i). Hundreds of users can connect at a time

  ii). Range up to 45 Km

  iii). Transmission speed up to 70Mbps

  iv). High cost of installation and power consumption.              

    IV). Satellite Link:   These are like repeaters but can cover a  large foot area due to its position 36000KM above earth.  Geostationary satellites are used for this. Its transponders                         receive the sending signal from earth(uplink) (frequency 1.6   GHz-30GHz), strengthen them and slightly change its  frequency  to avoid mixing with the up linking signal and                                   retransmit it to earth(downlink) (frequency 1.5  GHz-20GHz),. The ground station can receive or even the    end user can receive it.

 Characteristics of satellite transmission

 i). satellite cover a large are of the earth.

 ii). Requires permission and license

 iii). Expensive 

2. Microwaves: It use in line of sight method of propagation. These waves can’t travel along the surface of earth. So taller antennas and transceivers uses to receive the wave and strengthen and retransmit.. Eg. Mobile communication.


1.  Inexpensive than wired media 

 2. Transmission is in straight line

 3. Easy communication over difficult areas  

3. Infrared Waves:     Its frequency range from 300 GHz  to 400 THz. It is a short distance communication ( approx  5m) Eg. remote control device 


 1. A line of sight transmission.  

2. Only two device can communicate

 3. Short distance communication

 45. Define the term protocol. Briefly describe any two communication protocols.

       It is the special set of rules to be followed in a network when devices in the network communicates. Each protocol specifies rules for formatting data, compressing data, error checking making connections and making sure that the data packets reach its destination. 

a). TCP/IP:  Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol used to interconnect network devices on local network and internet. When data is send from one device to another, the data is broken in to small packets by TCP and send through transmission medium. Delivery of each of these packets to the right destination is done by IP. When the packets are received by the receiving computer, TCP checks packets for error and assemble in to original message. 

 b) HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a standard protocol for transferring request from client side to receive response from the server side. The HTTP client (Browser) sends a  request to the HTTP server (Web server) and server responds with HTTP responds. HTTP  is medium independent and stateless( Server and client are aware each other only during a request or response). 
 46. Briefly describe the various communication devices used in computer networks.

      Data communication devices act as interface between computer and the communication channel. They are used to transmit, receive , amplify and route the signals across the communication media. 

a). Network Interface Card(NIC): It enables a computer to connect a network and communicate. It can breaks up data into small units, translate the protocols , send and receive data. It may be wired(Ethernet) or wireless(Wi-Fi).

 b). Hub: Hub is used in wired network to connect devices of the same network. It transmit data to all the devises connected to it. Only the device to which data is assigned is responds to it. Large network traffic due to this reduces its bandwidth.

 c). Switch: Switch can be considered as an intelligent hub. It store addresses of all the device connected to it. Switch read the destination address of the data from the packet and send data to the particular destination device only. So network traffic can be reduced. 

d). Repeater: They are used to receive the incoming signal , amplify it to their original strength and retransmit it.

 e). Bridge: It is used to interconnect different segments of an existing network. Only those packet addressed  to a node on a  particular segment allowed to pass the bridge and transmitted to all the nodes in the segment. 

f). Router: It can interconnect two networks of the same type using the same protocol. It can find the best path for data packets to travel and can reduce the amount of traffic  in the network. 

 g). Gateway: It can interconnect two different networks using the different protocols. It can translate one protocols to other  and can understand the address structure  used in different networks.  

 47. Which is/are communication channel(s) suitable in each of the following situations? 

   a. Setting up a LAN.

   b. Transfer of data from a laptop to a mobile phone.

   c. Transfer of data from one mobile phone to another.

   d. Creating a remote control that can control multiple devices in a home.

   e. Very fast communication between two offices in two different countries. 

  f. Communication in a hilly area.

  g. Communication within a city and its vicinity where cost of cabling is too high

48.   Distinguish between router and gateway. 

           A router is a device that can interconnect two networks of the same type using the same protocol. It can find the optimal path for data packets to travel and reduce the amount of traffic on a network. Even though its operations are similar to a bridge, it is more intelligent. The router can check the device address and the network address and can use algorithms to find the best path for packets to reach the destination.

        A gateway is a device that can interconnect two different networks having different protocols . It can translate one protocol to another protocol. It is a network point that acts as an entrance to another network. Its operations are similar to that of a router. It can check the device address and the network address and can use algorithms to find the best path for packets to reach the destination. Further, while interconnecting two networks with different protocols, there must be some mutual understanding between the networks. A gateway is capable of understanding the address structure used in different networks and seamlessly translate the data packet between these networks.