
Thursday 26 September 2019

+1].10 - IT Applications - Solved Questions from text book


                                                Chapter 10. IT Applications

                  (+1. Computer Application  Questions and answers from text book)

1Name the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for delivering           government services to the citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner.

    Ans. e-Governance.

 2. Define the term e-Governance.

    e-Governance is the application of ICT for delivering Government services to citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner.

3. "e-Governance facilitates interaction between different stakeholders in governance". Say whether the statement is True or False.

   Ans. True

 4. Give an example for an e-Governance website.

       Examples of e-Government - can be various services offered for citizens or businesses or between PA institutions, such as: e-procurement, filling tax returns, renew ID, passport or driving licence etc

 5. What is KSWAN?

       Kerala  State Wide Area Network(KSWAN) :  It is the backbone of the State Information Infrastructure(SII). It extended to all Districts, Blocks and Panchayaths.

6. The system of financial exchange between buyers and sellers in an online environment is known as __________.

      Ans.   e-Commerce

 7. Define e-Business.

     e-Business is the sharing of business information , maintaining business relationships and conducting business transactions by means ICT applications.

 8. Define e-Banking.

     e- Banking is the automatic delivery of banking services directly to customers through electronic channels like internet.

9. Check whether the following statement is true or false. " e-Business is an extension of e-Commerce".

       Ans True

10. Real-time exchange of text messages between two or more persons over Internet is termed _________.

   Ans. Online chat

 11. Pick the odd one out:

(a) e-Book reader

 (b) e-Text

 (c) television channels

(d) e-business

    Ans. d

12. Define e-Text.

       Textual information available in electronic format is called e-Text. This text can be read and interacted with an electronic device like computer, e-Book reader, etc. e-Text can be converted to various formats to our liking using softwares. e-Text can be automatically read aloud with the help of a computer or an e-Text reader device. This is quite helpful for visually challenged people

13. Give an example for an e-Learning tool.

         youtube,google docs,

14. Name an electronic device using which we can easily read e-Text.

      Ans.  e -book reader

 15. Write the full forms of BPO and KPO.

      Ans.     Business Process Outsourcing  and  Knowledge Process Outsourcing 

16. Name any two e-Learning tools.

       Ans. e-text,e-content

17. List out different types of interactions in e-Governance.

  a). Government to Government (G2G) : It is the sharing of data/ information among government agencies, department or organizations.

b). Government to Citizen (G2C): It create interface between the government and citizen to increase the availability and accessibility of public services. Its primary purpose is to make the Government citizen – friendly.

c). Government  to Business: It is used to aid the business community to interact with the Government . Its objectives are to cut red-tapism, save time and cost and create more transparent business environment.

d). Government to Employee:   The Government policies and guidelines for implementing various government programs are made available to employees as orders and circulars. Employees salary and personal details are also managed through it.

18. Differentiate between BPO and KPO.

          The process of hiring a third party service provider  to do the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions. It may also involve transferring of employees and asset from one firm to another.  It increases the efficiency in services and saves cost.
Eg. Costumer care service.

      Knowledge and information related work is carried out by different company or subsidiary within the organization. It includes data search, data integration , market search etc.

 19. What are the advantages of e-Governance?

  i).  Leads to automation of government services.
ii). Strengthen Democracy
iii). More transparency  in the functioning
iv). Increase the responsibility of government departments
v). Saves unnecessary visit to government offices

 20. What are the duties of Akshaya?

         Akshaya centres were initially launched in the year 2002 in the Malappuram district in Kerala. Its intention was to impart e-Literacy to the citizens. Akshaya was conceived as a landmark ICT project by the Kerala State Information Technology Mission (KSITM) to bridge the digital divide and to bring the benefits of ICT to the entire population of the State. The services include e-grantz, e-filing, e-district, e-ticketing, submitting online application for ration card and electoral ID, Aadhaar enrolment, Aadhaar based services, insurance and banking services.

 21. Write down the function of Call centres.

          A call centre( also called service centre, sales centre, contact centre etc..)  is a telephone service facility set up to handle a large number of incoming and outgoing calls for supporting various responsibilities of  an organization.

 22. What are the major challenges faced in the implementation of e-Learning ?

      Face to face contact between students and teachers is not possible.

     • Proper interaction among teachers and students are often limited due to the lack of infrastructural facilities.

• Equipment and technology (computer and high speed Internet) requirement restrict adoption of e-Learning.

• Learners who require constant motivation may not be serviced adequately.

• Hands-on practicals in real laboratory scenario is also a constraint in e-Learning

 23. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of implementing e-Business?

         It overcomes geographical limitations. If you have a physical store, you are limited by the geographical area where you can provide service. But with e-Commerce, this limitation can be overcome.

 • e-Business reduces the operational cost. An e-Commerce merchant does not need a prominent physical location; it reduces the operational cost. A portion of money thus saved can be passed on to the customers in the form of discounts.

• It minimises travel time and cost. Sometimes customers have to travel long distances to reach their preferred store. e-Business allows them to visit the same store virtually.

• It remains open all the time. e-Business application services are always open (24×7). From the merchant's point of view, it increases the number of service requests they receive. From the customer's point of view an 'always open' store is more convenient.

• We can locate the product quicker from a wider range of choices. On an e-Business website the consumers can have a wider range of choices of a product from various sellers. Customers can quickly locate their preferences from the given product lists. Some websites remember customer preferences and shopping lists to facilitate repeat purchase. The features like product characteristics and price comparisons are the other attractions of e-Business applications.

 24. Explain any three IT enabled services in detail.

          Teleconferencing is a meeting or conference held between two or more parties in remote locations by use of  IT infra structure and services.

Video conferencing is a type of teleconferencing  in  which  the video of the parties involved in the conference is also included.  A video camera and microphone  and communication system is needed.
  Both Teleconferencing and video conferencing   will save time and  travel expense.

   A call centre( also called service centre, sales centre, contact centre etc..)  is a telephone service facility set up to handle a large number of incoming and outgoing calls for supporting various responsibilities of  an organization.

25. Discuss in detail various uses of IT in health care field.

      a) Medical equipments:  Most of the modern medical equipments like scanners , computer guided equipments, hand held equipment like sugar level monitors etc uses micro processors.

b). Electronic Medical Record(EMR):   Now patients medical records are stored in  digital format. It is economic, environmental friendly and can easily transfer to personal and institutions.

c). Telemedicine: It is used to share  observations and prescriptions with experts  in the medical field . Here distance is not a limitation. It reduces time and cost. Wireless transmission helps medical personnel and hospitals to keep in touch in emergency.

d). Research and development:  Today, drugs meant for specific purposes can be design and developed with use of advanced computers. It reduces much time and cost for developing them.

 26. What is Common Service Centre (CSC)? List some of the services offered through CSC.

         Common Service Centre(CSC): It is the front end delivery point of the government. It offers web enabled government services to rural areas. It helps to pay bills, generating certificates , submitting online applications, e-ticket  etc..  eg. Akshaya

 Other services that could be offered through CSC are listed below:

 • Agriculture services

• Education and training services

• Health services

 • Rural banking and insurance services

• Entertainment services

• Commercial services