
Thursday 26 September 2019

+1] 8 - Computer Networks - Previous Questions Chapter wise

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            First Year Computer Application(Commerce) Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                         Chapter  8 (11 for CS)  Computer Networks

1.  A device that regenerates the incoming signals and retransmit them to their destination is called ….. …..

 Ans. Repeater

2.  In communication system the term source refers to …….. …

Ans. Sender

3. If all devices are connected to a central switch/hub, the topology is known as… … ..

Ans. Star

4. "Client-server architecture is an example of centralized software management." Justify.

       Client-server architecture is an example for centralised software management. When software is loaded on the server and shared among the clients, changes made to the software in the server will reflect in the clients also. So there is no need to spend time and energy for installing updates and tracking files independently on the clients.

5. Which among the following communication technologies is the slowest?

 a) Bluetooth

b) Wi-Fi

c) Wi-MAX

d) Satellite link

  Ans. Bluetooth

6.  Choose a data terminal equipment (DTE) from the following options.

a) Bridge

b) Modem

 c) Router

d) Gateway

Ans. Modem

7.  A … … is a computer peripheral that allow you to connect and communicate with other computer via telephone lines.

Ans. Modem

8. Find the odd one from the following.

 a). DOS

b). DSL

c). ISDL

d). FTTH

9. What is the importance of TCP / IP protocol in computer networks?

       TCP/IP: Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol used to interconnect network devices on local network and internet. When data is send from one device to another, the data is broken in to small packets by TCP and send through transmission medium. Delivery of each of these packets to the right destination is done by IP. When the packets are received by the receiving computer, TCP checks packets for error and assemble in to original message.

10.  Write any two advantages of Network.

        Data communication is possible : Computer network helps user to communicate with any other user of the network through its services like e-mail chatting etc..

        Resource Sharing: The sharing of available hardware and software resources ( like programs, printers , hard disk etc..)in a computer network is called resource sharing

11. What are the advantages of Wi-Fi network?

       Data transmission speed is up to 54 Mbps
     Wi-Fi can connect more number of devices simultaneously

12. List any four advantages of forming computer networks.

       Data communication is possible : Computer network helps user to communicate with any other user of the network through its services like e-mail chatting etc..

    Resource Sharing: The sharing of available hardware and software resources ( like programs, printers , hard disk etc..)in a computer network is called resource sharing.

   Reliability: A file can have copies in different computers . So breaking down of one system does not cause data loss.

   Scalability: Computing and storage capacity can be increased or decreased easily by adding/removing computer or storage devises to the network..

 13. Differentiate between HUB and SWITCH.

            Hub: Hub is used in wired network to connect devices of the same network. It transmit data to all the devises connected to it. Only the device to which data is assigned is responds to it. Large network traffic due to this reduces its bandwidth.

        Switch: Switch can be considered as an intelligent hub. It store addresses of all the device connected to it. Switch read the destination address of the data from the packet and send data to the particular destination device only. So network traffic can be reduced.

 14. Explain the following terms in computer networking

    a). Node

    b). Bandwidth

     c). Noise

        Ans. a)  Node: Any device that is directly connected to a computer network is called a node

                 b)    Bandwidth: it is the amount of data transfer through a communication medium in a                              unit time.

                 c)    Noise: It is the unwanted electrical or electromagnetic energy that lowers the quality                           of the data signals.

15. How is a WAN differ from a LAN?

             WAN   can span a geographically wide area like 1000 or more kilometers and may include many small networks. It may use transmission media like microwave. The largest WAN in the world is internet. In LAN  Networking of communication devices within a limited area like a building , room or a campus. It can setup using wired media(UTP/STP cable) or wireless media( infrared, radio waves etc) and can cover up to a few kilometers.
16. Identify the name given to the physical arrangement of computers in a network?

     Explain two types with block diagrams.

17.  Compare ring topology and mesh topology

            Ring Topology: All node computers are connected to a circular cable. All data is passing through this cable.

 Advantages: i). No signal amplification required because each node do this.

                      ii). Requires less cable, so cost effective

 Disadvantages: i). If a node fails, entire network will fail.

                          ii). Addition of nodes is difficult.

        Mesh Topology: In this Topology each node is connected to other nodes. So there is more than               one path between two nodes. So failure of one node may not affect the data communication.

          Advantages: i). If one workstation or a path fails, it does not affect the whole network.

         Disadvantages: i). Requires more cables so very expensive.

                                   ii). Very complex and difficult to manage.

18.  Communication media is generally divided into two – wired and wireless media.

 a) Give an example for wireless medium.

 b) Compare the characteristics of three types of wired media.

        Ans. a). WI-FI,WI-MAX,Satellite link

                b). Twisted pair cable:
        Unshielded Twisted pair cable(UTP)

     Characteristics: Low cost, thin and flexible, ease of installation and carries data up to a length of 100m.

    Shielded Twisted pair cable(STP)

  Characteristics: protection from electromagnetic noise, difficult to install and expensive.

    b). Coaxial cables:

        Characteristics: Expensive high band width, less flexible, difficult to install and carries data up to a length of 500m.

  c) Optical fibre:

        Characteristics: High bandwidth, carries data over a long distance, expensive but effective and difficult to install.

19.  Consider that your teacher is planning to connect the computers in the computer lab of your school to form network.

 a) He has a switch and a hub to connect these computers. Which one would you prefer? Why?

 b) Name a topology that you will suggest for this network. Give reasons for your suggestion.

     Ans. Hub.

             Bus topology.There is a main cable called bus from the server to which every node computers are connected by short drop cables. A small device called terminator is attached at the end of the bus. When a data signal reaches the terminator at the end, it is absorbed and the bus is free to carry new signal.

 20. Computer network has an important in the modern communication.

 a). What is data communication?

 b). Explain any two guided media?

 c). List any four data communication devices.

    Ans. a) Data communication is the exchange of digital data between any two devices through a                       transmission medium.

             b). Guided Media: Here data is transmitted through some physical media such as metal wire or optical cable.

 1. Twisted Pair cables: There are two types of twisted pair cables

a). Unshielded twisted pair(UTP): It is commonly used It is cheap and flexible. It consists of two insulated conductors twisted together to avoid noise. Characteristics: Low cost, thin and flexible, ease of installation and carries data up to a length of 100m.

 b). Shielded Twisted pair(STP): Here the twisted pair itself is shielded again. Characteristics: protection from electromagnetic noise, difficult to install and expensive.

 2. Coaxial cables: It has an inner central metallic core surrounded by an insulating sheath. It is then surrounded with a conducting outer cover and is again covered with a protecting insulation . Characteristics: Expensive high band width, less flexible, difficult to install and carries data up to a length of 500m.

           c). a). Network Interface Card(NIC): It enables a computer to connect a network and communicate. It can breaks up data into small units, translate the protocols , send and receive data. It may be wired(Ethernet) or wireless(Wi-Fi).

            b). Hub: Hub is used in wired network to connect devices of the same network. It transmit data to all the devises connected to it. Only the device to which data is assigned is responds to it. Large network traffic due to this reduces its bandwidth.

           c). Switch: Switch can be considered as an intelligent hub. It store addresses of all the device connected to it. Switch read the destination address of the data from the packet and send data to the particular destination device only. So network traffic can be reduced.

           d). Repeater: They are used to receive the incoming signal , amplify it to their original strength and retransmit it