
Thursday 26 September 2019

+1] 9 - Internet - Previous Questions Chapter wise


            First Year Computer Application(Commerce) / +1 Computer Science 
Previous Questions Chapter wise ..

                                               Chapter  9. Internet(Chapter 12  Internet an Mobile Computing for CS)

1. Which one of the following is not a web browser? 

a). Mozilla Firefox

 b). Google 

c). Internet explorer

 d). Opera 


 2. Which one of the following statement is not true about e-mail

 a). e-mail is environment friendly as it is not using paper

 b). e-mail provide provision to attach audio, video and graphics 

 c). e-mail will not spread any kind of viruses

 d).e-mail can be used to send same messages to many recipients simultaneously.

Ans. c

 3. Pick the odd one out.

 a) Virus 

b) Trojan horse

 c) Wikis

 d) Worm 

      Ans. c

 4. HTTP stands for … … .. … 

   Ans. Hyper text transfer protocol

 5. .. … .. is a software used for removing worms and Trojans. 

    Ans. Anti-virus

 6. Who introduced the term WWW? 

    Ans. Tim Berners Lee 

 7. Give an example of search engine 

  •       Google.
  •        Bing.
  •      Yahoo.
  •      Baidu.
  •      Wolframalpha.
  •      DuckDuckGo.

 8. Consider the relation given below Social network : Which among the following share a similar relationship as the above? 

 a) micro blog : 

 b) social blog : 

 c) content community :

 d) internet forum : 

9. The small text files used by browsers to remember e-mail id, user name, etc. are known as .......... 

 10. List the hardware and software requirements for connecting computer to internet.

         A minimum of 20 GB of available space on the hard disk. Internet Connection Broadband (high-speed) Internet connection with a speed of 4 Mbps or higher. Keyboard and a Microsoft Mouse or some other compatible pointing device. Sound card.

11. Write any two drawbacks in using social media?

  • Lacks Emotional Connection. ...
  • Gives People a License to be Hurtful. ...
  • Decreases Face-to-Face Communication Skills. ...
  • Conveys Inauthentic Expression of Feelings. ..

 12. URL string consists of protocol,domain name and file name. Write the name of a URL and mark these three parts in it. 

  • Transfer Protocol: this element of a URL can take on many forms which represent the protocol for how data from a webpage will be transferred to a browser or client. Examples include http, https, and ftp. Most ordinary websites use http or https, and any vital information should be transferred via https. Common transfer protocols include:
    httpHypertext transfer protocol
    httpsHTTP Secure protocol
    ftpFile Transfer Protocol
  • Domain Name: also known as website name or host name, the domain name element of a URL is often three parts: www (optional), second level name (eg algosome in, and top level name(.com, .org, .edu, .net). The domain name is an instruction: telling your browser where to go to download the requested webpage. The 'www' portion is optional, and in many cases one can load a website with or without the www and receive the same content. This is not always the case however: in many cases using one may redirect a browser to the other format (eg redirects to The top level domain often defines the type of website, some of the more regulated names include:
    .eduacademic/educational site, typically a college or university.
    .govA website owned and operated by the government.
    .orgAn organization
  • Port: The port is often omitted from a URL, and when omitted assumed to be port 80. When present the port occurs after the domain name, delimited from the domain name by a colon (for example, A port is a communication point through which two computers communicate, the designation in the context of a URL defines which port to access on a website host.
  • File name: the file name element of a URL is everything after the domain name, but before the file name ending (below). This is typically (though not always) just a path to a file located on the web server.
  • File Format: often .html, but in many other cases can be .php, .cgi, .html. The file format often (but not always) depicts how the web server provides the content. For example, a .php ending is indicative that the webpage is being served by a php 'engine' - a scripting language which facilitates 'dynamic' webpages (pages which are physically one file but present different information depending upon given options). Common formats include:
    .htmlHypertext markup language
    .phpPHP hypertext processor
    .cgiCommon Gateway Interface
    .jpg/jpegjpg (pronounced 'jpeg') is an image file format, perhaps the most common on the internet today.
  • Query String: optional, the query string portion of a URL defines values sent to a website such that the website feeds the correct information. The query string is found after the first question mark in the URL, and is represented by key/value pairs separated by an ampersand (&). Query strings are used to send dynamic content - content which is created by the same file on the server but provides different content based upon parameters in the query string.
  • Fragment: A fragment is defined as a number sign followed by a name. The fragment instructs a browser where to focus its attention, often by scrolling to the desired component. As an example, append '#webpage-fragment' to the end of this URL and a browser will scroll down to this section.
  • Hidden values: although not physically part of a URL, browsers can send information to a web server - worth noting as they can be important players in internet navigation. These pieces of information include the browser name and version as well as 'cookies' - files downloaded previously from a website used to customize appearance (for instance, login information, shopping cart items, etc...).
 13. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Every resource in internet has a unique URL. Classify the following URL on the basis of, 8 

 a). Network protocol 

b). Domain name 

c). File Name 

  Ans. a) http


            c) index.html8

 14. Mr. Prasanth has bought a new laptop. He wants to take an Internet connection. 

 a) Explain him various types of broadband connectivity available in the market.

 b) Suggest a web browser for him. 

Ans. a) Internet connectivity is based on speed of the connection and technology used. They can broadly classify in to dial up, wired broad band, and wireless broad band.

a). Dial Up connection: It uses telephone line and dial up modem connection is made

by dialing . It has a speed of 56kbps.

b). Wired Broadband connection: It is “always on” type connectivity with high band


Common types of Wired Broadband connection are,

1). Integrated Service Digital Network(ISDN): It has a transfer rate It is capable of transferring voice and digital data

). Cable Internet: It uses co-axial cables of cable TV network for data transfer. A

cable modem is used to connect cable network and computer. Its band width is about 10Mbps.

3). Digital Subscriber Line( DSL): It uses telephone line to transfer data and

voice. Commonly it uses Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line(ADSL) technology

to allow a speed up to 24 Mbps.

4). Leased Line: It is a dedicated line used to transfer data with speed up to 100


5). Fibre To The Home(FTTH): It uses optical fiber from ISP to users home. By

using light signals , it has a very high band width.

A Network Terminal Unit(NTU) is installed at homes which connect

computers through FTTH Modem.

c). Wireless Broadband connectivity:

1). Mobile Broadband: It used in mobile devices like mobile phone, tablets etc in

which modem is built in or USB dongle is used. It allows freedom to use internet

on move. It uses cellular network to data transfer. Its speed increases with

generations like 2G, 3G, and 4G.

2).Wi-MAX:Worldwide interoperability for MicrowaveAccess combines the benefits of

wireless and broadband. It has a bandwidth up to 70 Mbps to a range of 45 KM.

3). Satellite Broadband: Very Small Aperture Terminal(VSAT) dishes and transceiver

are used to communicate with satellite. A modem links the transceiver to

computer. Its speed is up to 1Gbps and is more expensive one

b) Mozilla firefox

 15.What are the guidelines one must follow for using computers over the Internet?

           a). Use antivirus, firewall and spam blocking s/w on your PC and update them  frequently

           b).Download files only from reputed sites. 

           c).Do not respond or act on email sent from unknown sources.  

            d). Use complex passwords and change it frequently. 

           e). Do not select check boxes or click Ok buttons before reading the   contents of any agreement  

          f). Do not hide your identity to fool others.  

         g). Do not click on pop-ups and advertisements.. 

         h).Always scan your USB drive for virus  before use. 

        i). Use strong passwords.

           j). Do not force the sites to remember your passwords.

          k). Keep backup of your important files.  

 16. What is web browsing? Write the names of four web browsers. 

           To browse something to use  search engines.
1.Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer (IE) is a product from software giant Microsoft. ...
2. Google Chrome. This web browser is developed by Google and its beta version was first released on September 2, 2008 for Microsoft Windows. ...
3. Mozilla Firefox. Firefox is a new browser derived from Mozilla. ...
4. Safari. ...
5. Opera. ...
6. Konqueror. ...
7. Lynx.
 17. List bad effects if any in using social media. 

      i).Intrusion to Privacy ii).Misuse of private information iii).Addiction iv). Spread rumors.

 18. George needs to prepare for a seminar on Backwaters in Kerala 

 a) Name any search engine through which George can get information about the topic. 

 b) Explain the working behind the search engines to display the information about the seminar topic. 

     Ans. a) Google

               b)  search engines websites are special programs to help people  to find information available on WWW. It searches WWW for possible key words by using programs like crawler/spider or robots and make indexes of web pages containing that keywords and saved in its server. When a user search with a key word, the search engine software searches its server and show a list of URLs matching the search to the user.
 19. Internet offers a variety of services and they are used widely around the world. 

a) One of these services requires an address Name this service and write the reasons for the wide use of this service. 

 b) Name the service which provides a list of websites containing information about a word or a phrase. 

 Ans. a) Email service.  E-mails can access using websites like gmail, yahoo etc..or by using e-mail client softwares like Microsoft outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird etc..which allows send, receive and organize   e. mails. For this they uses either Post Office Protocol(POP) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) 

     disadvantages:      i). e-mails may carry viruses
  ii). Unwanted messages may consume a lot of space and time